Din sökning på "*" gav 533192 sökträffar
Lasermannen (Per-Olof Zetterberg)
Historien – livets dubbla läromästare
Om historiska lärprocesser i teoretisk bemärkelse samt en diskussion av Max Manus status i norsk historiekultur.
Efficient Conversion of Lignocellulose Hydrolysates- Yeast Tolerance and Redox Metabolism
The fermentation of lignocellulose hydrolysates by Saccharomyces cerevisiae for ethanol production was investigated. An important problem for the successful conversion of these hydrolysates is that they often are inhibitory. The physiological effect of the furan inhibitors 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) and furfural were therefore studied, and based on the results novel strains were constructed. A
Vetenskapsnyheten som framgångssaga. Forskningen i journalistikens gråzon
Not available.
Kontextualisering av metallhantverk på landsbygden - arkeometallurgi och landskapsstudiemetodik
The research project "Exclusive metalworking in rural settings" was instigated in 2013 with funding from Berit Wallenbergs foundation. The projects objective is to survey sites housing remains of multimetal craftsmanship of the late Iron Age and medieval periods outside urban contexts. This article aims to contextualize preliminary results from the project by evaluating its chosen source material
Power swing damping in Iceland based on phasor measurements
Phasor measurement signals are used as only input to a wide-area power system stabilizer to increase interarea mode damping of the Icelandic system. Modal analysis and time simulations of a detailed model show that frequency difference as PSS input gives a damping improvement that is robust to drastic changes in system topology. Field data from phasor measurement units indicate high signal quality
Att höra till de äldre på väntelistan för njurtransplantation. Situkulturella, biokulturella och sociokulturella aspekter på åldrande
Electrophysiological properties of parallel fiber synapses in vivo
In vitro studies have revealed intriguing properties of parallel fiber synaptic transmisson. Most notably, these synapses have been shown to induce highly variable synaptic responses, have a pronounced paired pulse facilitation and to induce later, variable synaptic responses in their target neurons. In the present study, whole cell recordings from stellate cells and basket cells were made to eval
Observations of atmospheric scintillation
Not available
No title
A Dipole Model for High Energy QCD
Popular Abstract in English This thesis considers a model of high energy particle collisions. The model is based on the so called BFKL formalism which is valid only at low x, that is collisions at very high energies, such as at the LHC. The intial state of the incoming particles are simulated by colour dipoles in transverse space evolved through rapidity. With this approach, all fluctuations are dThis thesis considers a model of high energy particle collisions. The model is based on the so called BFKL formalism which is valid only at low x, that is collisions at very high energies, such as at the LHC. The intial state of the incoming particles are simulated by colour dipoles in transverse space evolved through rapidity. With this approach, all fluctuations are dynamically described, allowi
A Comparative Assessment of Wind Turbine Innovation and Diffusion Policies. A Comparative Assessment of Wind Turbine Innovation and Diffusion Policies. Historical Case Studies of Energy Technology Innovation in: Chapter 24, The Global Energy Assessment
Sockenbeskrivningar från Gästrikland 1790-1791 tillkomna på anmodan av landshövdingen F.A.U.Cronstedt utgivna av Nils-Arvid Bringéus.
Ecology of zooplankton communities: climate, dormancy, and benthic-pelagic coupling
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur påverkas djurplanktonsamhällen av klimatförändringar och vilken betydelse har vilostadier? Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning av “Ecology of zooplankton communities: climate, dormancy and benthic-pelagic coupling”, doktorsavhandling i Limnologi vid Ekologiska institutionen, Lunds Universitet, 2003. Djurplankton är sjöars motsvarighet till betande kossor och de mikThis thesis describes how influences, such as top down and bottom up forces, shape zooplankton communities in shallow lakes. I have also extended the traditional food-web theory by investigating the effects of climate on total biomass, taxonomic composition, and temporal properties of zooplankton communities. A field experiment showed that the total biomass of both phytoplankton and zooplankton in
Studies of molecular systems with multiconfigurational methods
Research in theoretical chemistry is aimed at finding computational algorithms that produce as accurate results as possible, for as large molecules as possible, with a minimum of computational effort and to apply these methods to molecular systems of chemical interest. The most accurate theoretical methods, often referred to as ab initio methods, are derived from the fundamental laws of physics an
Att helga vilodagen – eller dramat i Ölmevalla. En svensk-dansk studie av helgdagslagstiftningen
Minnet av Mirjam - från Talmud till feministisk judendom
En genomgång av hur den bibliska gestalten Mirjam presenterats i rabbinsk litteratur och hur den senare använts och tolkats inom modern feministisk judendom.