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Rörelseorganens funktionsstörningar - klinik och sjukgymnastik.
MASTER – Managing Speeds of Traffic on European Rods. Final Report.
The content of the European research project MAnaging Speeds of Traffic on European Roads (MASTER) is presented. Speed management is described as a two-step process where target speeds for different kinds of roads are determined first, and then various measures and tools are applied in order to adopt such speed. Current practice and main problems in speed management are described. The various impa
Kärnkompetens - specialisering eller diversifiering
The hotel check-in as a rite of incorporation: Enchantments of inclusion and exclusion
Introduction The hotel check-in is usually treated as a facilitating service as it is often assumed only to facilitate the use of the core service i.e. the lodging. In addition the check-in is a highly standardized process, which is repeatedly performed every day. Being only one part of the front office’s duties executed at the reception desk, it is usually given scant attention from management. L
Sven-Erik Bäck i dialog med texten
Entrepreneuial regions in a Conservative World. How History Influences Economic Development
Interactions between Amylose, Native Potato, Hydrophobically Modified Potato and High Amylopectin Potato Starches
The behaviour of different starches and their mixtures was investigated using several analysis techniques, i.e. small-deformation oscillatory measurements (rheological measurements), differential scanning calo-rimetry (DSC), light microscopy, and UV spectrophotometry (turbidi-metry). Potato, waxy maize and barley starches were mixed two and two in different ratios and at different water contents (
Joint 2D-pilot-symbol-assisted-modulation and decision-directed frequency synchronization schemes for coherent OFDM
A new frequency offset tracking approach for OFDM has been addressed. Two-dimensional pilot-symbol assisted modulation (2D-PSAM) is employed in coherent OFDM for channel estimation and it is based on inserting known symbols spread out through the 2D time-frequency grid. We show that these scattered symbols can also be employed to perform frequency synchronization. Maximum likelihood estimation has
Kommunerna och vindkraften.
Skåne, den farliga halvön. Historia, identitet och ideologi 1865-2000
Scania, the dangerous peninsula. History, identity and ideology 1865 to 2000 This dissertation deals with the organized written history of Scania 1865 to 2000 and the intersection of history, identity and ideology. Under what circumstances were the history produced and circulated? What was its significance for identity and ideology alike? The theoretical and analytical inspiration is drawn from P
En introduktion till Intranätboken
Asymptotically Good LDPC Convolutional Codes with AWGN Channel Thresholds Close to the Shannon Limit
In this paper, we perform an iterative decoding threshold analysis of LDPC block code ensembles formed by terminating (J,K)-regular and irregular AR4JA-based LDPC convolutional codes. These ensembles have minimum distance growing linearly with block length and their thresholds approach the Shannon limit as the termination factor tends to infinity. Results are presented for various ensembles and te
The Dependent Economy. Lesotho and the Southern African Customs Union
Tillväxtpolitik som alternativ till tillväxt
Generationsmålet - kontroverser kring klimat och konsumtion
Det svenska miljöpolitiska generationsmålet går ut på att ”till nästa generation lämna över ett samhälle där de stora miljöproblemen är lösta, utan att orsaka ökade miljö- och hälsoproblem utanför Sveriges gränser”. Det är ett ambitiöst mål med tanke på de enorma, ännu olösta, miljöproblem som mänskligheten står inför: klimatförändringar, miljögifter, biologisk utarmning. Målet antogs ursprunglig
Så har det moderna samhället gjort tron till syndabock
Samuel Taylor Coleridges "Kubla Kahn. Or, a Vision in a Dream": Fragmentets suggestionskraft/Visionsdikten som återgivning och skapelse
Environmental analysis of a building with reused building materials
In order to reduce the environmental impacts within the building sector, recycling of building materials is on the increase. Projects are carried out on several levels and are often well analysed regarding the economic consequences; however, the actual environmental effects are rarely studied. This paper presents a study of the environmental impacts due to a building from 1997 with a large proport