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The Joy of Writing – Peer Learning in Written Narrative Intervention.
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Tema: Ledord. Ortopedi. Reumatologi. Förord
Book Review : In search of organizational acrobats
Pathways that govern hematopoietic stem cell fate
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) compose a rare population of undifferentiated cells, residing in the bone marrow of adult individuals, ensuring life-long maintenance and replenishment of the blood system. This fantastic achievement is possible owing to two special characteristics of the HSCs: their ability to make copies of themselves (self-renew), and their capacity to differentiate to all lineag
Structure and dynamics of complex materials in the water-poor regime
Kolhydratsystem så som alkylglycosider, cellulosa och cyklodextrin är miljövänliga förnybara material som används inom många områden i dagens samhälle; som bärare av aktiva substanser i läkemedelstabletter, matsmältningsfiber, papper, kosmetika och hygienartiklar för att nämna några. De är fasta substanser uppbyggda av molekyler ordnade i en viss struktur. Med tiden, och eventuell yttre påverkan, In the solid state, molecules are normally ordered in a specific structure. With time, and as a result of influence from the surroundings, solid materials can change their molecular and/or crystal structure and, as a consequence, obtain completely different properties. Water is particularly important in this respect. Adsorption of minuscule amounts of water from the atmosphere may have huge effect
An epic battle. The struggle over the Swedish Iliad
Pancakes and peas – on apparent disagreement and (null) light verbs in Swedish*
The servo problem for piecewise linear systems
The servo problem for a wide class of nonlinear system is considered.A quantitative bound on system trajectories is derived. For piecewise linearsystems the bound is shown to be computable in terms of linear matrixinequalities.
Optical and electrical properties of SiGe heterostructures
[abstract missing]
Exact Analysis of Divergent Inventory System with Time-Based Shipment Consolidation and Compound Poission Demand
Nätet blir ett verktyg för social kontroll
Liksom i vår köttsliga värld kräver nätets identitetsskapande processer att vi vågar vara öppna och utforskande, i ett försök att forma det som blir våra jag. Visst, det går fel ibland. Men ansvaret får aldrig läggas på den som drabbats, utan måste läggas rätt. Ibland är det på förövaren, men än oftare på destruktiva strukturer som vi ständigt lever bland.
Entreprenörskap och företagsetablering
Resultatrapport 1995
Matthew Buckingham at Murray Guy
Social Movements and Non-Traditional Security in Southeast Asia
This paper study the concepts of social movements and non-traditional security, followed with the analysis of state regimes reaction in dealing such non-traditional challenges, utilizing the case study of Thailand, Malaysia and Burma. This paper end with a conclusion and hope to yield for a potential significant both empirically and theoretically to the understanding and bridging the studies of so
Svenskt eller danskt? Kulturella variationer i tanke och handling.
Conclusiveness resolves the conflict between quality of evidence and imprecision in GRADE
ObjectivesThe objective of our article is to show how “quality of evidence” and “imprecision,” as they are defined in Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) articles, may lead to confusion. We focus only on the context of systematic reviews.Study Design and SettingWe analyze, with the aid of standard probabilistic and statistical concepts, the concepts of qualitThe objective of our article is to show how “quality of evidence” and “imprecision,” as they are defined in Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) articles, may lead to confusion. We focus only on the context of systematic reviews.
Cascades of green: A review of ecosystem-based adaptation in urban areas
Climate change impacts increase pressure on challenges to sustainability and the developmental needs of cities. Conventional, “hard” adaptation measures are often associated with high costs, inflexibility and conflicting interests related to the dense urban fabric, and ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) has emerged as a potentially cost-efficient, comprehensive, and multifunctional approach. This pa