

Din sökning på "*" gav 526466 sökträffar

Failure of responsive regulation? : Pharmaceutical marketing, corporate impression management and off-label promotion of enzalutamide in Europe

“Responsive regulation” has been proposed to offset pharmaceutical industry illicit behaviour in areas such as drug marketing based on self- regulation backed up with threats of government sanctions. We explore the efficacy of responsive regulation by tracing recent investigations by the UK pharmaceutical industry self-regulatory authority into the firm Astellas’s illicit promotion of a top-sellin

The importance of biomechanical restoration for total hip arthroplasty

Höftprotesoperationer har blivit ett säkert och mycket framgångsrikt kirurgiskt ingrepp och lever upp till mycket av de förväntningar som patienterna har. Förbättring av material, protesdesign och kirurgiska tekniker har förlängt protesöverlevnaden påtagligt. Emellertid är icke optimal protesplacering och felaktigt val av komponentstorlekar känt för att öka risken för biomekaniska problem och ökatTotal hip arthroplasty (THA) has become a safe and very successful surgical intervention. A vast majority of patients get their expectations met. Improvement of materials, implant designs, and surgical techniques, have extended prosthetic survival. However, inferior placement and sizing of a hip prosthesis are known to increase the risk of mechanical failure, wear, and early loosening as well as p

Situerad flerspråkighet : Exemplet Caroline Bergvalls Drift

Den flerspråkiga texten bör studeras och förstås som en situerad händelse. Det är utgångspunkten i denna artikel, som med Caroline Bergvall och hennes ensembles framförande av Drift i norra Italien i september 2018 – och hennes bok med samma namn från 2014 – som exempel undersöker hur och ifall Roman Jakobsons kommunikationsmodell från 1958 kan bidra till en djupare förståelse av verket. Genom att

Plågsamt aktuell läsning

Recension av nyöversättningen av Harper Lees To kill a mockingbird.Title in web version: Harper Lees ”Att döda en härmtrast” är plågsamt aktuellReviewed work: Att döda en härmtrast / Harper Lee, ISBN 9789100168186.

Multinational companies’ roles in start-up incubation ecosystems: The case of Microsoft Innovation Centers in Brazil

This chapter analyses the roles and activities of multinational companies (MNCs) in an entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) and local start-up incubation. Drawing from literature regarding EEs and incubation policy, we present an example of a type of intervention under-theorized to date: incubation efforts stemming from MNCs rather than government or universities. Presenting the case of Microsoft Innova

Variation in microbial biomass and community composition based on long-term fertilization regimes in paddy soil profiles

Fertilization is a common approach to increase or sustain soil fertility, but its impact on microbial biomass and community structure remains controversial, particularly in paddy soils. In this study, we investigated the effect of different long-term fertilization strategies, beginning in 1986, namely no fertilization, mineral fertilization, mineral fertilization combined with rice straw or chicke

Factors Associated with High Weight Gain and Obesity Duration : The Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) Study

Aim: To identify factors associated with high weight gain and obesity duration in a representative sample of Norwegian women. Methods: 66,618 Norwegian women aged 34-70 years at baseline were included in the analysis. Baseline and follow-up questionnaires completed in 1991-2011 provided information on height, weight as well as sociodemographic, lifestyle and reproductive factors. We assessed the a

Avocado production and local trade in the southern highlands of Tanzania : A case of an emerging trade commodity from horticulture

Avocado crop in Tanzania is sparingly investigated regardless of being an important fruit commodity. This study was undertaken to explore the yield and the value chain of this crop in the country. Data were collected mainly by face-to-face interviews with 275 avocado farmers, 231 avocado traders and 16 key informants. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and one-way analysis of variance were us

Personal and environmental drivers of resident participation in urban public woodland management – A longitudinal study

Woodlands are a core component of urban green infrastructure in terms of both ecosystem service provision and areal cover, with particular relevance and potential for engaging citizens in co-management approaches. Despite widespread agreement on the importance of user participation, there is still a lack of comprehensive knowledge on the underlying drivers. Extending existing knowledge is importan

The impact of resident participation on urban woodland quality-a case study of Sletten, Denmark

Despite the potential of urban woodlands for recreational use and participatory management, citizens' perception of urban woodland quality, as well as the impact of citizens' co-management on urban woodland quality, have not been thoroughly studied to date. The present study investigated how residents in Holstebro, Denmark define urban woodland quality in their neighborhood named Sletten and how t

User participation in urban green spaces - For the people or the parks?

The provision and administration of high quality urban public green spaces intertwines issues of planning, design, management and maintenance with governance. The benefits of such spaces are often tied to social justice, public health and recreation, biodiversity and helping cities to deal with climate change. International policies and changes in public administration have encouraged user partici

Population dynamics of the butterfly Pyrgus armoricanus after translocation beyond its northern range margin

Translocation experiments can be used to study the factors limiting species' distributions and to infer potential drivers of successful colonisation during range shifts. To study the expansion dynamics of the butterfly Pyrgus armoricanus in southern Sweden and to find out whether its distribution was limited by climate, translocation experiments were carried out within and 50–60 km beyond its natu

Methylation patterns and chromatin accessibility in neuroendocrine lung cancer

Lung cancer is the worldwide leading cause of death from cancer. Epigenetic modifications such as methylation and changes in chromatin accessibility are major gene regulatory mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis and cellular lineage commitment. We aimed to characterize these processes in the context of neuroendocrine (NE) lung cancer. Illumina 450K DNA methylation data were collected for 1407 lung

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, phenylacetaldehyde, CAS Registry Number 122-78-1.

The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. The material (phenylacetaldehyde) was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data show that phenylacetaldehyde is not genotoxic and provide a calculated margi

In-situ concrete frameworks in multifamily buildings : Modelling and simulation of construction methods and activities

In Sweden and elsewhere in the world the construction industry has encountered criticism due to its lower productivity gains in comparison to other industries. This is why continual improvement of processes and forms of cooperation are important, as is utilisation of technologies giving greater efficiencies. The focus in Sweden has mainly been on the construction of multifamily buildings, both bec