

Din sökning på "*" gav 533213 sökträffar

Size effects in shear force design of concrete beams

Shear failures in reinforced concrete beams are complex problems that depend on many different mechanisms, such as aggregate interlock and dowel effect. This makes the prediction of shear failures difficult as they are not strictly tied to the material and depend on other factors including the size of the beam. In particular the height of the concrete cross section plays a role in the amount of sh

Åtgärder mot kusterosion i Skåne, samt en fallstudie av erosionsskydden i Löderup, Ystad kommun

Sammanfattning: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas för att hantera problematik med kusterosion i Skåne. Målet är att fastställa vilka alternativ som finns vid val av erosionsskydd och hur de olika typerna fungerar. För att uppfylla syftet genomfördes en litteraturstudie av böcker, artiklar och elektroniska källor. Denna kompletterades med fältstudier vid Löderup sAbstract: The aim of this study is to investigate which measures that can be used to handle coastal erosion in Scania, southern Sweden. The purpose is to determine which alternatives that exist when choosing between different kinds of coastal protection and how these methods work. A literature review, including books, articles and electronic sources, was conducted. This was complemented with a fie

A Room for Water

Floods are the most frequent hazard that affects around 2.3 billion people each year. This natural disaster can occur in every continent and human activity has been contributing to the increasing adverse impacts of flood events. This urban design proposal explores the possibilities of creating a sustainable area that can work alongside floods. The projects site is located in Morelia, Mexico. The

Representing the Western Balkans, Post-war Understandings : A discourse analysis of contemporary representations of Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia in UK press media

During the war in Bosnia in the 1990s, and the Wars of Yugoslav Succession more widely, ‘balkanist’ views, which hold the people of the Balkans as backwards and violent, were widespread in debates in the UK. Using theories of ‘balkanism’ as developed by scholars such as Maria Todorova, Andrew Hammond, and Lene Hansen this thesis explores how the countries heavily involved in the Bosnian War–Serbi

Kvinnors egna berättelser om fattigdom : En kvalitativ studie av tre skönlitterära böcker om att vara kvinna och fattig i Sverige

Sweden is generally associated as a good example of a welfare state, but research shows that both relative poverty and economic inequality are increasing. People who have once been in poverty are likely to fall back. Amongst the poor population, women are the dominating group and are more likely to be poor than men. Poverty is a direct consequence of discrimination between women and men, which ind

Kritisk granskning av Scrum: Situationer där det är problematiskt att arbeta med Scrum

Intresset för agil projektledning är väldigt stort idag och en av de mest spridda och använda arbetsmetoderna är Scrum. Vi undersöker om organisationer beaktar de situationer där Scrum lämpar sig mindre att använda. I undersökningen studeras Snowden och Boones (2007) ramverk där de presenterar kontext- och domänspecifika situationer för projektledning. Vidare undersöker vi vilka icke kontext- och

Cyklisters framkomlighet på dagens cykelöverfarter

Rapporten handlar om cykelpassage och cykelöverfart. Vid årsskiftet mellan 2013 och 2014 har betydelsen av begreppet cykelöverfart ändrats. Det som tidigare var känt bland allmänheten och framförallt cyklister som cykelöverfart har ändrat betydelse. De som tidigare varit cykelöverfarter fungerar numera som cykelpassager och nya cykelöverfarter har införts i all större utsträckning. Vid de nya cyke

Den synliggjorda blicken

In this essay, I explore the concept the male gaze in a feminist theological perspective with a curtain focus on the body of women. The essay seek to answer the question how the female can be liberated from the male gaze and take control of her own body. The aim is to contribute to a body theology that encourages the woman's embodiment. The essay analyzes Lisa Isherwood's work The Fat Jesu

From naive pluripotent stem cells to neuron progenitors: A study of the central gene regulatory networks in human

Parkinson's disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases, and stem cell therapy can be used to reduce patient's symptoms. In this therapy, dopamine producing neurons are transplanted into the patient's brain, after being derived from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). To understand current protocols for this process and to find new ones, it is necessary to understand the ge

Psychological safety som prediktor för psykisk belastning och tecken på psykisk ohälsa: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie på räddningstjänstpersonal

Studiens huvudsakliga syfte var att undersöka hur väl psychological safety i arbetslaget hos brandmän och styrkeledare statistiskt kan predicera upplevda krav, kontroll, stöd och stress på arbetet samt symptom på utmattningssyndrom. Studien ämnade även undersöka förekomst av psychological safety, stress, symptom på utmattning och iso-spänt arbete i urvalspopulationen samt huruvida demografiska fråThe study aimed to examine how well psychological safety in teams of firefighters could predict perceived demands, control, support and stress at work as well as symptoms of exhaustion. The study further examined the prevalence of psychological safety, stress, symptom of exhaustion and iso-strained work and whether demographical data predicts prevalence of psychological safety. The design was cros

Clashing views of the world and its’ impact on conflicts: A study on identities and narratives on Northern Ireland

In the aftermath of Brexit, the clashing narratives and identities have once again flared up on Northern Ireland. When in doubt about the future, an exploration into the past might be of use in order to avoid a continued conflict. This study will thus aim to research the identities and narratives put forth by the republican and the unionist/loyalist sides during the conflict on Northern Ireland. T

Ett digitalt nyhetsflöde att lita på : en enkätundersökning av svenska ungdomars nyhetsvanor och förtroende

The aim of this thesis is to explore how young Swedes’ news habits and trust in the news media differ from the rest of the Swedish population. For this purpose we surveyed 134 high school students and compared the results with data from the 2019 edition of the Digital News Report, published by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. We found that young Swedes’ news consumption for the m

One, Two, Three, Four legged Stools - an exploration in craftmanship

The purpose of this project is to explore craftsman- ship, trying to find out how the use of it can become an integrated part of my design process. The initial part of the project is dedicated to research on the top- ic of what craftsmanship is. The research is conducted through literature review, study visits and market research. The project has an exploratory phase whereby I make experiment

Vilket pris har klimatet? – En undersökning av skattemässig behandling av utgifter hänförliga till klimatkompensation

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur ett aktiebolags utgifter hänförliga till klimatkompensation behandlas vid inkomstbeskattning. För att uppnå detta syfte tillämpas en traditionell rättsdogmatisk metod. Lagtexten innehåller inte någon särskild reglering avseende avdragsrätt för klimatkompensationsutgifter, vilket resulterar i att bedömningen baseras på de allmänna reglerna om avdragsrätThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how limited liability companies’ expenses related to carbon offset are treated in the event of income taxation. To accomplish this purpose a legal dogmatic method has been applied. The law contains no specific regulation concerning the deductibility of costs attributable to carbon offset and, as a result, the assessment is made based on the general rules

Automation of robust Pareto front-based radiotherapy treatment planning for prostate cancer patients

Antalet rapporterade cancerfall i Sverige har mer än dubblerats sedan 1970-talet. Cancerfonden rapporterade att 61100 personer blev diagnostiserade med cancer under 2015 och att prostatacancer är den mest förekommande typen av cancer. Ett vanligt sätt att behandla prostatacancer är extern strålbehandling, där en strålkälla (vanligtvis en linjäraccelerator) som befinner sig utanför kroppen används Purpose/objective The main objective was to create a software that automates the process of creating treatment plans used for Pareto front-based dose planning for prostate cancer patients. A second objective/purpose was to add a robustness test to this program to evaluate the effect of prostate movements on the treatment plans. Material/method An IronPython program was designed to control and col

Nöden har ingen lag - var går nödrättens gränser?

24 kap. 4 § brottsbalken stadgar att handlingar eller underlåtenheter som normalt utgör brott är tillåtna om de begåtts i nöd och inte är oförsvarliga. Nöd är en objektiv ansvarsfrihetsgrund som är tillämplig när fara hotar liv, hälsa, egendom eller allmänna intressen. I uppsatsen utreds denna s.k. nödrätt ur ett rättsdogmatiskt och rättsutvecklande perspektiv. Syftena är att belysa nödrätten, somChapter 24 section 4 of the Swedish Penalty Code (brottsbalken) states that criminal actions or omissions which are committed out of necessity, do not constitute a crime as long as they are not indefensible. Necessity is an objective general ground for exemption from criminal responsibility, and is applicable when a danger threatens life, health, property or public legal interests. This paper look

Peacekeeping: a choice between stability and peace? A study on the effects of peacekeeping on peacemaking in the India-Pakistan Conflict

This study has the ambition to illuminate the relationship between peacekeeping and peacemaking. J.Michael Greig and Paul F. Diehl found in their study “Peacekeeping-Peacemaking dilemma” an interesting connection between the presence of a peacekeeping force and the failure of peacemaking process. This study will explore the connection between peacekeeping and a peace process through a qualitative

Peace promoting or spurring tension further? How The Indian Express frames Prime Minister Modi´s speeches in regard to identity groups in India

Political leaders affect the ordinary citizen´s perception of the world, making them important to study in relation to the upsurge of tension and conflict. In this specific thesis the focus is on how The Indian Express frames the discourses of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India concerning the relationship between Hindus, minorities and Non-Hindus. The analysis is done through an interrelate

Kneeling Heroes, Standing Heroes: the role of identity discourses in the national anthem controversy

The controversy over the national anthem protests became the latest battleground in an ongoing ´Culture war´ to define American identity. Domestic debates are where the content of common identity is negotiated, in this case the arguments made in the debate also taps into established discourses on identity. Building on a constructivist approach this thesis investigates the discursive production and

Ansvarets otydlighet : en diskursiv studie om Riksarkivets arbete med FGS:er

The digitalization of the Swedish public sector has led to new responsibilities for the Swedish National Archives, Riksarkivet. This study investigates the Swedish National archives’ responsibility regarding the common specifications also known as CS. CS are, in short, standardization requirements for transcription metadata in the context of e-archives. The purpose of this thesis is to make visibl