

Din sökning på "*" gav 533383 sökträffar

Automatic Analysis and Reduction of Reaction Mechanisms for Complex Fuel Combustion

This work concentrates on automatic procedures for simplifying chemical models for realistic fuels using skeletal mechanism construction and Quasi Steady-State Approximation (QSSA) applied to detailed reaction mechanisms. To automate the selection of species for removal or approximation, different indices for species ranking have thus been proposed. Reaction flow rates are combined with sensitivit

Småhusägarnas syn på att köpa fjärrvärme. En studie av tillämpade försäljningsstrategier och kunders val vid konvertering från direktverkande el.

Summary This report presents results from the project ”Converting direct resistive electric heating into district heating - customer related aspects” conducted at the division of Efficient Energy Systems, Department of Energy Sciences, Lund University. The main objective of this study was to investigate how specific households within one housing area (Sandsbro in Växjö with 110 one-family houses)

Geographical pattern of female deaths from myocardial infarction in an urban population: fatal outcome out-of-hospital related to socio-economic deprivation

OBJECTIVE: This study of myocardial infarction (MI) amongst urban women has sought to assess whether there are differences in fatal outcome, in-hospital respectively out-of-hospital, between residential areas defined in terms of socio-economic circumstances. DESIGN: Register-based surveillance study 1986-95. SETTING: Seventeen residential areas in the city of Malmo, Sweden. SUBJECTS: Women 20-74 y

Ultrafast formation of a carotenoid radical in LH2 antenna complexes of purple bacteria

The SI-mediated carotenoid to BChl a energy-transfer pathway and carotenoid radical formation have been studied using femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy. A series of LH2 complexes (LH2 = light-harvesting complex 2) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides incorporating carotenoids neurosporene, spheroidene, and spheroidenone were used to explore the effect of conjugation length. The S

Effect of glibenclamide on membrane response to metabolic inhibition in smooth muscle of rat portal vein

Vascular smooth muscle tone is dependent on oxidative metabolism, a phenomenon of potential importance for the metabolic regulation of blood flow to tissues. The response of the rat portal vein to inhibition of cell respiration by cyanide (0.1-1 mM) is a reduction of its spontaneous myogenic activity. The trains of action potentials triggering phasic contractions are reduced in duration, while the

Performance of health-status scales when used selectively or within multi-scale questionnaire

BACKGROUND: Little work has been done to investigate the suggestion that the use of selected scales from a multi-scale health-status questionnaire would compromise reliability and validity. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of three scales selected from the SF-36 generic health questionnaire when administered in isolation or within the entire SF-36 to patients with musculoskelet

Two-particle spin entanglement in magnetic Anderson nanoclusters

We investigate the two-particle spin entanglement in magnetic nanoclusters described by the periodic Anderson model. An entanglement phase diagram is obtained, providing an important perspective on a central property of magnetic nanoclusters, namely, the temperature-dependent competition between local Kondo screening and nonlocal Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida spin ordering. We find that multipart

Introduktion till tema njursjukdomar

Specialiteten njurmedicin omfattar prevention, diagnostik och behandling av parenkymatös njursjukdom. Målsättningen är att förhindra kronisk njursvikt, uremi. Men om terminal njursvikt skulle uppstå erbjuds så kallas aktiv uremivård, dvs dialys och njurtransplantation. I temat diskuteras olika aspekter av den aktiva uremivården i Sverige.

Allele-related variation in minisatellite repeats involved in the transcription of the blood group ABO gene

Since the cloning in 1990 of cDNA corresponding to mRNA transcribed at the blood group ABO locus, polymorphisms at the ABO locus and phenotype-genotype correlation have been analysed by several investigators. An enhancer-active minisatellite motif reported to contain four 43-bp repeats has been analysed by PCR in blood samples from 160 random Swedish blood donors. Different sizes of the DNA fragme

The influence of finite cavities on the sound insulation of double-plate structures

Lightweight walls are often designed as frameworks of studs with plates on each side-a double-plate structure. The studs constitute boundaries for the cavities, thereby both affecting the sound transmission directly by short-circuiting the plates, and indirectly by disturbing the sound field between the plates. The paper presents a deterministic prediction model for airborne sound insulation inclu

Electrochemical redox transformations of T1 and T2 copper sites in native Trametes hirsuta laccase at gold electrode

Mediatorless, electrochemically driven, redox transformations of TI (type 1) and T2 copper sites in Trametes hirsuta laccase were studied by cyclic voltarnmetry and spectroclectrochernical redox titrations using bare gold electrode. DET (direct electron transfer) between I he electrode and the enzyme was observed under anaerobic conditions. From analysis of experimental data it is concluded that t

En nordisk språkhistoria

A presentation of The Nordic languages: An international handbook of the history of North Germanic languages (vol. 1 appeared in 2002, vol. 2 in 2005). Methodical and theoretical pluralism are graned to the contributors. The general organization and periodization of the work is discussed. An outline is given how the work was intended to handle synchrony vs. diachrony, language us vs. language syst

Primary ciliary dyskinesia: a review.

The entity sinusitis, bronchiectasis, and situs inversus is since long named Kartagener syndrome. Nowadays the designation used is primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), which implies cilia with decreased or total absence of motility, which may result in sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and male infertility. A large number of deficiencies detectable on the ultrastructural level give rise

The euro and European competition in a Finnish perspective

In this article we analyze what has been achieved by the introduction of the euro in terms of macroeconomic convergence and leveling of competitive conditions among the EMU member countries. In particular, has the convergence in nominal exchange rates resulted in divergence in real exchange and interest rates? And how has Finland fared relative to the EMU members? The answer is that real exchange