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Övrigt (sida 1 av 8)
- (2024). Cicero, Ad Familiares I.10. Ciceroprojektet.
- (2024). Cicero, Ad Familiares I.7. Ciceroprojektet.
- Andersson, L. G. (2024). Peter Weiss : The Black Wells. Filmform.
- Ao, N. (2024). Meanings of Identity of the Post-2000s Inland Tibet Class : An Interview with Jinyan Zeng. The Nordic Asia Podcast.
- Barrow, B. (2024). Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights and Caryl Phillips’s The Lost Child. Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2024). Medicinsk humaniora på läkarutbildningen – hur kan det se ut?. Tankesmedjan Humtank.
- Duffy, C. (2024). Bartram's Garden. European Romanticisms in Association.
- Friedlander, E. (2024). Beyond the Veil : Paranormal Pursuits in the Former Soviet Union and the Cultural Echoes of Perestroika. I Metreveli, T. (Red.) Religion in Praxis.
- Grønlund, A. (2024). Runaway Scandinavia? : Studying the Departures and Arrivals of Screen Production. NordMedia Network.
- Gullberg, K., Johansson, V. & Johansson, R. (2024). Deception, Speaking and Writing. Encyclopedia.
- Johnson, M. (2024). From the Handwritten Diary of a Woman from the 17th Century.
- Lorenz, D. & Tizon-Couto, D. (2024). Replication Data for : Learning to predict - second language perception of reduced multi-word sequences.
- Splendido, F. & Gullberg, M. (2024). Lund University Humanities Lab Annual Report 2023. Lund University.
- Svensson Lundmark, M. (2024). Segmental Articulatory Phonetics. Speech Prosody Studies Group.
- Wikström, M. (2024). Oxymoron : en stilfigurs resa från poesin till Putin. Sveriges Radio P1.
- Wikström, M. (2024). Oxymoron : en stilfigurs resa från poesin till Putin. Sveriges Radio P1.
- (2023). Humgraeca 1.0. I Akujärvi, J., Korhonen, T. & Päll, J. (Red.)
- Andersson, L. G. (2023). "Vilken form av dikt finns inte?" : Eftertanke till en workshop. Nordiske digtere og kritikere.
- Class, M. (2023). Material Translation and Exclusion : Barad’s Entanglement and Post-pandemic Medical Humanities. The Polyphony: Institute for Medical Humanities Durham University.
- Fredmark, A., Beynet Fröjd, G., Tibblin, J., Mattei, L. & Davidson, M. (2023). Choix Goncourt de la Suède - oeuvre 4 : Une Somme humaine. Institut francais de Suède.
- Gullberg, M., Johansson, V. & Splendido, F. (2023). Lund University Humanities Lab Annual Report 2021-2022. Lund University.
- Loman, R. (2023). Det amerikanska dramat och den dysfunktionella familjen. Malmö Stadsteater.
- Manninen, S., Turner, E. & Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2023). Writing in English at University : Revised and updated version. Coursera.
- Møller-Olsen, A. (2023). Sensing China review. MCLC Resource Center Publication.
- Theander, B. (2023). Den tidiga flickboken i Sverige (ca 1870 - ca 1930). Litteraturbanken.