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Bokkapitel (sida 39 av 97)
- Horne, M. & Roll, M. (2012). Swedish as a [+Continuity] language : left-edge prosody and right-edge morphosyntax. I Brandtler, J., Håkansson, D., Huber, S. & Klingvall, E. (Red.) Discourse and grammar : a festschrift in honor of Valéria Molnár (pp. 333-341). Lund University (Media-Tryck).
- Hult, F. (2012). Ecology and multilingual education. I Chapelle, C. (Red.) Encyclopedia of applied linguistics (pp. 1835-1840), 3. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hult, F. & Johnson, D. (2012). Nancy H. Hornberger, biography of. I Chapelle, C. (Red.) Encyclopedia of applied linguistics (pp. 257-262), 5. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Johansson, R., Johansson, V. & Wengelin, ?. (2012). Reading during text production. I Torrance, M., Alamargot, D., Castelló, M., Ganier, F., Kruse, O., Mangen, A., Tolchinsky, L. & van Waes, L. (Red.) Current trends in European Writing Research (pp. 359-361). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Johansson, R., Johansson, V. & Wengelin, ?. (2012). Text production in handwriting versus computer typing. I Torrance, M., Alamargot, D., Castelló, M., Ganier, F., Kruse, O., Mangen, A., Tolchinsky, L. & van Waes, L. (Red.) Current trends in European Writing Research (pp. 375-377). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Jonsson, B. (2012). – ”Finns det lesbiska flickor i flickboken – och vad har de i så fall för sig?”. I Kärrholm, S. & Tenngart, P. (Red.) Barnlitteraturens värden och värderingar (pp. 241-255). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Josefsson, G. (2012). What's first?: on the left periphery in Swedish declaratives. I Brandtler, J., Håkansson, D., Huber, S. & Klingvall, E. (Red.) Discourse & Grammar : A Festschrift in Honor of Valéria Molnár (pp. 359-372). Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Jönsson, M. (2012). "Svenskt nationaldagsfirande under kalla kriget – om sannfärdigheten i en SF-journal från 1953". I Jönsson, M. & Snickars, P. (Red.) ”Skosmörja eller arkivdokument”: Om och den digitala filmhistorien (pp. 210-228), 22. Kungliga biblioteket.
- Klingvall, E. (2012). How to approach complex passives. I Brandtler, J., Håkansson, D., Huber, S. & Klingvall, E. (Red.) Discourse & Grammar. A Festschrift in Honor of Valéria Molnár (pp. 395-410). Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Kupisch, T., Barton, D., Bianchi, G. & Stangen, I. (2012). The HABLA-Corpus (German-French and German-Italian). I Schmidt, T. & Wörner, K. (Red.) Multilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis (pp. 163-179). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Larsson, B. (2012). La sémantique, une science humaniste? Extrapolations à partir de Georges Kleiber. I Louis de, S. (Red.) Grammaire, lexique, référence. Mélanges offertes à Georges Kleiber pour ses quarante ans de carrière (pp. 409-423). Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Malmgren, A. (2012). “’Huta is the air that I breathe” : Belonging, Remembering and Fighting in the Story of Maciej Twaróg. I Bernsand, N. & Törnquist-Plewa, B. (Red.) CFE Conference papers, Painful pasts and useful memories : Remembering and forgetting in Europe (pp. 29-49), 5.
- Mortensen, A. (2012). Framtidsutsikter för Scandinavian Studies. I Jönsson, M. (Red.) Skandinavien i tid och rum : CSS Acta Series, 2. Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen-Lund (CSS).
- Mortensen, A. (2012). Illustrerade klassiker: en inkörsport till tyngre litteratur. I Kärrholm, S. & Tenngart, P. (Red.) Barnlitteraturens värden (pp. 51-71). Makadam förlag.
- Möller, D. (2012). Inledning. Jacob Frese: Avsked från världen. Dikter : Urval, inledning och kommentarer av Daniel Möller, 5-13.
- Narasimhan, B., Kopecka, A., Bowerman, M., Gullberg, M. & Majid, A. (2012). Putting and taking events: A crosslinguistic perspective. I Kopecka, A. & Narasimhan, B. (Red.) Events of putting and taking: A crosslinguistic perspective (pp. 1-18). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Nykvist, K. (2012). The body project. I Larsson, M. & Steiner, A. (Red.) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twilight (pp. 29-45). Nordic Academic Press.
- Paradis, C. (2012). Between epistemic modality and degree : The case of really. I Facchinetti, R., Krug, M. & Palmer, F. R. (Red.) Modality in Contemporary English (pp. 191-222). De Gruyter.
- Paradis, C. (2012). Lexical Semantics. I Chapelle, C. (Red.) The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Platzack, C. (2012). Backward Binding and the C-T Phase : A Case of Syntactic Haplology. I Brugé, L., Cardinaletti, A., Giusti, G. & Poletto, C. (Red.) Functional Heads : The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Volume 7. Oxford University Press.
- Platzack, C. (2012). Cross Germanic variation in the realm of support verbs. I Ackema, P., Alcorn, R., Heycock, C., Jaspers, D., Van Craenenbroeck, J. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (Red.) Comparative Germanic syntax: the state of the art (pp. 279-309). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Platzack, C. (2012). Split topicalization in Swedish and doubling with det 'it.NEUTER'. I Brandtler, J., Håkansson, D., Huber, S. & Klingvall, E. (Red.) Discourse and Grammar : a Festschrift in Honor of Valéria Molnár (pp. 411-431). Lund University.
- Rosenkvist, H. (2012). Forskning i svensk dialektsyntax : förutsättningar och frågeställningar. I Lundell, P. (Red.) Årsbok, Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. Årsbok 2012 (pp. 102-122). Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund.
- Rosenkvist, H. (2012). Null subjects in Yiddish – some preliminary observations. I Brandtler, J., Håkansson, D., Huber, S. & Klingvall, E. (Red.) Discourse and grammar (pp. 433-444). Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Schlyter, S. & Thomas, A. (2012). L1 or L2 acquisition? Finiteness in child second language learners (cL2), compared to adult L2 learners (aL2) and young bilingual children. I Marzena, W., Sandra, B. & Maya, H. (Red.) Comparative Perspectives to Language Acquisition: A tribute to Clive Perdue (pp. 282-302). Multilingual Matters.