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Bokkapitel (sida 32 av 97)
- Parthemore, J. (2014). From a sensorimotor to a sensorimotor-plus-plus account of embodied conceptual cognition. I Bishop, J. M. & Martin, A. O. (Red.) Contemporary Sensorimotor Theory: Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics (pp. 137-158), 15. Springer.
- Persson, M. (2014). Non-Main Clause Linking and Verb Form Switch in Syrian Arabic. Is there a circumstantial clause?. I Isaksson, B. & Persson, M. (Red.) Strategies of Clause Linking in Semitic Languages : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Clause Linking in Semitic Languages, Kivik, Sweden, 5-7 August 2012 (pp. 27-50), 93. Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Persson, M. (2014). Verb form switch as a marker of discourse hierarchy in Semitic: a case study on Syrian Arabic. I Davidovich, T., Lahdo, A. & Lindquist, T. (Red.) From Tur Abdin to Hadramawt. Semitic studies. Festschrift in Honour of Bo Isaksson on the occasion of his retirement (pp. 117-128). Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Pudney, E. (2014). Chorus and Stance in Early Modern English Drama. I Glynn, D. & Sjölin, M. (Red.) Subjectivity and Epistemicity : Corpus, Discourse, and Literary Approaches to Stance (pp. 41-61), 117. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Roehrs, D. & Julien, M. (2014). Adjectives in German and Norwegian. I Sleeman, P., van de Velde, F. & Perridon, H. (Red.) Adjectives in Germanic and Romance (pp. 245-261), 212. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Sarrimo, C. (2014). Individen i offentligheten. I Björnsson, A., Blom, T. & Christensson, J. (Red.) Fältpost : En vänbok till Peter Luthersson (pp. 217-224). Hjalmarson & Högberg.
- Sarrimo, C. (2014). The mediatized Zlatan: The immigrant’s path from provincial otherness to national identity and to a Western literary space. I Helgason, J., Steiner, A. & Kärrholm, S. (Red.) Hype : bestsellers and literary culture (pp. 127-146). Nordic Academic Press.
- Sarrimo, C. & Edgren, M. (2014). Tidskrift för genusvetenskap. I Nordenstam, A. (Red.) Nya röster : kvinnotidskrifter under 150 år. Gidlunds förlag.
- Seyfeddinipur, M. & Gullberg, M. (2014). From gesture in conversation to visible action as utterance. I Seyfeddinipur, M. & Gullberg, M. (Red.) From gesture in conversation to visible action as utterance (pp. 1-11). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Sjölin, M. (2014). Attitude and irony in the narrative voices of Jane Austen's juvenilia. I Glynn, D. & Sjölin, M. (Red.) Subjectivity and Epistemicity : Corpus, Discourse and Literary Approaches to Stance (pp. 63-90), 117. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Son, V. T. (2014). Supporting internationalisation of higher education : the way to develop – a case study of Vietnam. I Kehm, B. M. & Teichler, U. (Red.) Higher Education Studies in a Global Enviroment, Vol. II (pp. 141-155), 2. (Werkstattberichte 75) Kassel: International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel (INCHER-Kassel)..
- Sonesson, G. (2014). Some issues in the semiotics of gesture : The perspective of comparative semiotics. Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK), Body - language - communication : An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Communication, 38, 1989-1999. De Gruyter.
- Sonesson, G. (2014). The cognitive semiotics of the picture sign. I Machin, D. (Red.) Visual Communication (pp. 23-50). De Gruyter.
- Steiner, A. (2014). Läsning, litteratur och böcker i en digital värld. I Carlsson, U. & Facht, U. (Red.) MedieSverige 2014 (pp. 55-63). Nordicom.
- Steiner, A. (2014). Serendipity, promotion and literature. The contemporary book trade and international megasellers. I Steiner, A., Kärrholm, S. & Helgason, J. (Red.) Hype. Bestsellers and Literary Culture (pp. 41-65). Nordic Academic Press.
- Steiner, A. (2014). Unga kvinnors läsning 2014. I Hermansson, K., Lenemark, C. & Pettersson, C. (Red.) Liv, lust & litteratur. Festskrift till Lisbeth Larsson (pp. 205-215). Makadam förlag.
- Steiner, A., Kärrholm, S. & Helgason, J. (2014). Introduction. I Steiner, A., Kärrholm, S. & Helgason, J. (Red.) Hype. Bestsellers and Literary Culture (pp. 7-40). Nordic Academic Press.
- Svantesson, J.-O. & Holmer, A. (2014). Kammu. I Jenny, M. & Sidwell, P. (Red.) The handbook of Austroasiatic languages (pp. 955-1002). Brill.
- Svensson, J. (2014). Exploring the borderlands : On the division of labour between Latin and the vernacular(s) in the church in Scania under Danish and Swedish rule in the seventeenth century. I Deneire, T. (Red.) Dynamics of Neo-Latin and the vernacular : language and poetics, translation and transfe (pp. 86-107), 13. Brill.
- Svensson, J. (2014). Fallet med den försupne femtonåringen : Carl Peter Engströms dissertation : Specimen Academicum Dysphagiae Casum Sistens. I Andersson, E., Kihlman, E. & Plaza, M. (Red.) Latinet i tiden : en festskrift till Hans Aili (pp. 365-390), 60. Stockholm : Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis.
- Svensson, L.-H. (2014). Vem var Sapfo?. I Hermansson, K., Lenemark, C. & Pettersson, C. (Red.) Liv, lust och litteratur : Festskrift till Lisbeth Larsson (pp. 66-254).
- Turner, E. (2014). The sheik returns : imitations and parodies of the desert romance. I Helgason, J., Kärrholm, S. & Steiner, A. (Red.) Hype : bestsellers and literary cultures (pp. 185-202). Nordic Academic Press.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2014). Uniwersytet Latajacy i jego miejsce w polskiej pamieci zbiorowej. I Niedzwiecki, D. (Red.) Kultura, tozsamosc i integracja europejska (pp. 103-192). Nomos.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2014). Svenska Hollywoodfruar och kulturella karikatyrer. I Erik, H. & Ann-Kristin, W. (Red.) Den nya svenska filmen: kultur, kriminalitet, kakofoni. Bokförlaget Atlantis.
- Wengelin, ?., Johansson, R. & Johansson, V. (2014). Expressive writing in Swedish 15-year-olds with reading and writing difficulties. I Arfé, B., Dockrell, J. & Berninger, V. (Red.) Writing development in children with hearing loss, dyslexia, or oral language problems : implications for assessment and instruction (pp. 242-269). Oxford University Press.