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Bokkapitel (sida 10 av 97)
- Sonesson, G. (2021). The relevance of the encyclopaedia : From semiosis to sedimentation and back again. I Drăgan, N.-S. (Red.) Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC], Differences, Similarities and Meanings : Semiotic Investigations of Contemporary Communication Phenomena (pp. 97-120), 30. De Gruyter.
- Sundqvist, P., Gyllstad, H., Kàllkvist, M. & Sandlund, E. (2021). Mapping teacher beliefs and practices about multilingualism : The development of the multiBAP questionnaire. Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives, 56-75. Channel View Publications.
- Sundqvist, P., Gyllstad, H., Källkvist, M. & Sandlund, E. (2021). Mapping Teacher Beliefs and Practices about Multilingualism : The Development of the MultiBAP Questionnaire. I Juvonen, P. & Källkvist, M. (Red.) Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives (pp. 56-75). Multilingual Matters.
- Tanderup, S. (2021). Literary Remediations of Contemporary Television Series : From The Familiar to Storytel Originals. I Winckler, R. & Huertas, V. M. (Red.) Television Series as Literature (pp. 109-127). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Tanderup, S. (2021). Läsning i rörelse : Platsens betydelse i Storytels ljudfödda berättelser. I Pennlert, J. & Illshammar, L. (Red.) Från Stringberg till Storytel : Korsskopplingar mellan ljud och litteratur (pp. 269-294). Daidalos.
- Thomas, A., Granfelt, J. & Ågren, M. (2021). Le rôle de l'input. I Leclerq, P., Edmonds, A. & Sneed German, E. (Red.) Introduction à l'acquisition des langues étrangères. De Boeck Supérieur.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2021). Eastern and Central Europe as a Region of Memory : Some Common Traits. I Mörner, N. (Red.) Constructions and Instrumentalization of the Past. A Comparative Study on Memory Management in the Region : State of the Region Report (pp. 15-22). CBEES.
- Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2021). 'Lessons in the Art of Instruction’ : Education in Theory and Practice in Anne Brontë’s Agnes Grey. I Parks, R. (Red.) Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism : Criticism of the Works of Novelists, Philosophers, and Other Creative Writers Who Died between 1800 and 1899, from the First Published Critical Appraisals to Current Evaluations (pp. 84-91), 392. Gale Cengage.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2021). Film-musical moments in Ingmar Bergman's films. I Hedling, E. (Red.) Ingmar Bergman : An Enduring Legacy (pp. 151-166). Lund University Press.
- Wendt, B.-A. (2021). Genast en ny läsart på "Runpucken" : Om runföljden þa=ngar på Lundatrissan (DK SkL 83). I Bjerring-Hansen, J., Skovgaard Boeck, S. & Skafte Jensen, E. (Red.) Universitets-Jubilæets danske Samfunds skriftserie, Nogle betænkninger om dansk sprog og litteratur : Festskrift til Marita Akhøj Nielsen (pp. 259-270), 604. Universitets-Jubilæets Danske Samfund.
- Widoff, A. (2021). System, norm and meaning. I Willems, K. & Munteanu, C. (Red.) Eugenio Coseriu : Past, Present and Future (pp. 245-260). De Gruyter.
- Acquaviva, P., Lenci, A., Paradis, C. & Raffaelli, I. (2020). Models of lexical meaning. I Pirrelli, V., Plag, I. & Dressler, W. U. (Red.) Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, Word knolwedge and word usage : a cross-disciplinary guide to the mental lexicon (pp. 353-404). De Gruyter.
- Agebjörn, A. (2020). Explicit and Implicit Knowledge of Article Semantics in Belarusian Learners of English: Implications for Teaching. I Trotzke, A. & Kupisch, T. (Red.) Formal Linguistics and Language Education : New Empirical Perspectives (pp. 179-201), 43. Springer.
- Akujärvi, J. (2020). Greek occasional poetry from the Swedish Empire : The case of Josef Thun. I Jönson, A., Lindgärde, V., Möller, D. & Vetushko-Kalevich, A. (Red.) Att dikta för livet, döden och evigheten : tillfällesdiktning under tidigmodern tid (pp. 61-86). Makadam förlag.
- Akujärvi, J. (2020). Neo-Latin texts and Humanist Greek paratexts : On two Wittenberg prints dedicated to crown prince Erik of Sweden. I Kajava, M., Korhonen, T. & Vesterinen, J. (Red.) Commentationes humanarum litterarum, Meilicha Dôra : Poems and prose in Greek from Renaissance and Early Modern Europe (pp. 75-104), 138. Societas Scientiarum Fennica.
- Akujärvi, J. (2020). Translation in university dissertations : A study of Swedish (and Finnish) dissertations of the 19th century and earlier. I Fridenthal, M., Marti, H. & Seidel, R. (Red.) Intersections. Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture, Early Modern Disputations and Dissertations in an Interdisciplinary and European Context (pp. 779-813), 71. Brill.
- Andersson, L. G. (2020). Elefanten på Helgonabacken : Litterär gestaltning som pedagogik, konst och vetenskap. I Rahm, H., Dunér, D., Hidal, S. & Jonsson, B. (Red.) Publications of the New Society of Letters at Lund, I Pallas Athenas huvud : Hundra år av humaniora (pp. 147-154), 98. Makadam förlag.
- Andersson, L. G. (2020). Little Dog for Roger : en film av Malcolm Le Grice. I Björklund, E., Gustafsson, T. & Zander, U. (Red.) Historiska fiktioner : En antologi om film, tv och historia (pp. 70-77). Carlsson Bokförlag.
- Andersson, L. G. (2020). Vision i rörelse : Filmform 1950 - 2020: Från lokal filmklubb till nationellt arkiv och distributör. I Larsson, A.-K. & Bertman, A. (Red.) Filmform 1950 - 2020 (pp. 6-11). Filmform.
- Bareis, A. (2020). Kehlmann komparativ : Intertextualität, Poetologie und Narratologie. I Lampart, F., Navratil, M., Balint, I., Moser, N. & Humbert, A.-M. (Red.) Gegenwartsliteratur, Daniel Kehlmann und die Gegenwartsliteratur : Dialogische Poetik, Werkpolitik und Populäres Schreiben (pp. 13-32). De Gruyter.
- Berglund, B. (2020). Fashioning femininity in the 1840s : Charlotte Brontë and Villette. Fashion and Authorship : Literary Production and Cultural Style from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-First Century, 155-179. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bergman, K. (2020). The New Swedish Police Thriller Of the 2010s. Noir in the North : Genre, Politics and Place, 211-219. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..
- Björklund, E. (2020). Swedish sex education films and their audiences : Representations, address and assumptions about influence. I Jülich, S. & Widmalm, S. (Red.) Social Histories of Medicine, Communicating the history of medicine : Perspectives on audiences and impact (pp. 162-183). Manchester University Press.
- Burenhult, N. (2020). Domain-driven documentation : the case of landscape. I Penfield, S. D. (Red.) Language Documentation & Conservation, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Documentation (pp. 9-22), 21. University of Hawai'i Press.
- Burenhult, N. (2020). Foraging and the history of languages in the Malay Peninsula. I Güldemann, T., McConvell, P. & Rhodes, R. A. (Red.) The Language of Hunter-Gatherers (pp. 164-197). Cambridge University Press.