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Artiklar (sida 53 av 86)
- Andrén, M., Sanne, J. & Linell, P. (2010). Striking the balance between formality and informality in safety-critical communication: Train traffic control calls. Journal of Pragmatics, 42, 220-241. Elsevier.
- Asker-Árnason, L., Wengelin, ?., Sahlén, B. & Ibertsson, T. (2010). Picture-elicited written narratives, process and product, in 18 children with cochlear implants. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 31, 195-212. SAGE Publications.
- Avery, H. (2010). Enabling local action : issues of inclusion and empowerment. Alphamatrix, UMSS, Cochabamba, 1, 121-131.
- Behrns, I., Ahlsén, E. & Wengelin, ?. (2010). Aphasia and Text Writing. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 45, 230-243. Taylor & Francis.
- Bergman, K. (2010). Paradoxes of Understanding the Other: Mankell Explores the "African Darkness". Scandinavian Studies, 82, 337-354. Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study.
- Björling, F. (2010). Quiet Voices: The Significance of Subdued Dialogue and Voice-Over in the Films of Aleksandr Sokurov. Scando-Slavica, 56, 99-118. Taylor & Francis.
- Blomqvist, J. (2010). Attiska: från lokaldialekt till världsspråk. Aigis, 10. Köpenhamns Universitet * Saxo-Institutet.
- Blomqvist, J. (2010). Begreppet sofist inom andra sofistiken. Aigis, 2010. Köpenhamns Universitet * Saxo-Institutet.
- Brown, A. & Gullberg, M. (2010). Changes in encoding of path of motion after acquisition of a second language. Cognitive Linguistics, 21, 263-286. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Claesson, C. (2010). La conexión Onetti-Saer: la arbitrariedad del narrador en Los adioses y Glosa. Crítica Cultural (Edição especial: Dossiê Juan José Saer), 5, 189-203.
- Delsing, L.-O. (2010). Exclamatives in Scandinavian. Studia Linguistica, 64, 16-36. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Diab, H. (2010). The Image of Woman in the Works of Sahar Khalifah, Samira Azzam and Hala al-Nashef. Palestinian Woman Literature, Series of Publications No. 3, 53-64. Arabic Department - Bethlehem University, Palestine.
- Egerland, V. (2010). I pronomi lo' e 'ro nel toscano dei primi secoli. Italia Dialettale, 71, 111-145.
- Enkvist, I. (2010). Dos maneras de ser universitaria: Pauline Gibbons y Hannah Arednt ante la Filosofía de la Educación. Revista Psicopedagógica, 11, 25-35. Centro de investigaciones Cuyo, CONICET (Argentina).
- Enkvist, I. (2010). Nuevos ricos, nuevos libres, nuevos europeos. Análisis de un artículo de Juan Goytisolo. Especulo, 2010 mars-juni.
- Forné, A. (2010). The materiality of memory in Mauricio Rosencof's Las cartas que no Ilegaron (Uruguay, 1930-2000). Historia Crítica, 44-59. Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de los Andes.
- Forslid, T. & Ohlsson, A. (2010). The Author on Stage. Björn Ranelid as Performance Artist. Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research, 2. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Glynn, D., Arppe, A., Gilquin, G. & Hilpert, M. (2010). Cognitive Corpus Linguistics : Five points of debate on current theory and methodology. Corpora, 5, 1-27. Edinburgh University Press.
- Gullberg, M. (2010). Methodological reflections on gesture analysis in SLA and bilingualism research. Second Language Research, 26, 75-102. SAGE Publications.
- Gullberg, M. & Narasimhan, B. (2010). What gestures reveal about the development of semantic distinctions in Dutch children's placement verbs. Cognitive Linguistics, 21, 239-262. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Gullberg, M., Roberts, L., Dimroth, C., Veroude, K. & Indefrey, P. (2010). Adult language learning after minimal exposure to an unknown natural language. Language Learning, 60, 5-24. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hagell, P., Hedin, P.-J., Meads, D. M., Nyberg, L. & McKenna, S. P. (2010). Effects of Method of Translation of Patient-Reported Health Outcome Questionnaires: A Randomized Study of the Translation of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Quality of Life (RAQoL) Instrument for Sweden. Value in Health, 13, 424-430. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hatti, N., Heimann, J. & Hoadley, M. (2010). The Corruption Bazaar; A Conceptual Discussion. Sociological Bulletin, 59, 216-234. Indian Sociological Association..
- Hedling, E. & Jönsson, M. (2010). Introduction:Film and History in the Twenty-First Century. Scandia, 76, 11-12. Stiftelsen Scandia.
- Hedling, O. (2010). A Film-friendly Town? Assessing a Decade at a Small Swedish Production Centre. Film International, Volume 8 Number 6, 70-78. Intellect Ltd..