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Artiklar (sida 41 av 86)
- Håkansson, G. (2014). Micro- and macroparameters and age on onset : commentary to Tsimpli Early, late or very late? Timing acquisition and bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 4, 343-346. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Josefsson, G. (2014). Pancake sentences and the semanticization of formal gender in Mainland Scandinavian. Language Sciences, 43, 62-76. Elsevier.
- Josefsson, G. (2014). Scandinavian gender and pancake sentences : A reply to Hans-Olav Enger. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 37, 431-449. Cambridge University Press.
- Julien, M. (2014). Vokativar i norsk. Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift, 32, 130-165. Novus Forlag.
- Kupisch, T. (2014). Adjective placement in simultaneous bilinguals (German-Italian) and the concept of cross-linguistic overcorrection. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 17, 222-233. Cambridge University Press.
- Kupisch, T., Lein, T., Barton, D., Schröder, D. J., Stangen, I. & Stoehr, A. (2014). Acquisition outcomes across domain in adult heritage speakers of French. Journal of French Language Studies, 24, 347-376. Cambridge University Press.
- Larm, L. (2014). Modality packaging in Japanese : the encoding of modal meanings and subjectivity. Studies in Pragmatics, 16, 20-46. Brill.
- Larsson, B. (2014). Harry Martinson och etiken. Doris, 25, 5-12. Harry Martinson-sällskapet.
- Li, S. (2014). Proust and China: Translation, Ideology and Contemporary Intertextual Practice. Comparative Critical Studies, 11, 295-314. Edinburgh University Press.
- Lindbladh, J. (2014). Chernobyl as the Beginning of the End of the Soviet Union. Baltic Worlds, VII, 4-12. CBEES.
- Lindbladh, J. (2014). Tjernobylkatastrofen : apokalyps eller pånyttfödelse?. Nordisk Østforum, 28, 239-257. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
- Lindskog, A. (2014). ‘“It Was Very Quiet There” : The Contaminating Soundscapes of “Heart of Darkness”’. The Conradian, 39, 44-60. Joseph Conrad Society UK.
- Lindskog, A. (2014). Dorothy Richardson and the Grammar of the Mind. Pilgrimages: A Journal of Dorothy Richardson Studies, 6, 6-24.
- Majid, A. & Burenhult, N. (2014). Odors are expressible in language, as long as you speak the right language. Cognition, 130, 266-270. Elsevier.
- Molnár, V. (2014). "Das 'Nachfeld' im Deutschen zwischen Syntax, Informationsstruktur und Textkonstitution: Stand der Forschung und Perspektiven". Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik, 42, 326-337. De Gruyter.
- Mortensen, A. (2014). "Jag söker ett värdelöst guld/ ett guld som gör värdelöst/ guldet, allt guld!" : några ingångar till den litterära värdediskurens labryrint. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 44, 5-15. Föreningen för utgivande av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap.
- Moseley, R. L., Pulvermueller, F., Mohr, B., Lombardo, M. V., Baron-Cohen, S. & Shtyrov, Y. (2014). Brain Routes for Reading in Adults with and without Autism: EMEG Evidence. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 137-153. Springer.
- Mårtensson, F., Roll, M., Lindgren, M., Apt, P. & Horne, M. (2014). Sensory-specific anomic aphasia following left occipital lesions: Data from free oral descriptions of concrete word meanings. Neurocase, 20, 192-207. Taylor & Francis.
- Möller, D. (2014). Sjuttonhundratalshandskrifter i rörelse : Olof von Dalins diktmanuskript och deras publiceringssammanhang. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 3-4, 69-81. Föreningen för utgivande av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap.
- Mörte Alling, A. (2014). La fin du roman et le "sens ultime": Illusions perdues de Balzac. Orbis Litterarum, 69, 470-507. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Ohlsson, A., Forslid, T. & Steiner, A. (2014). Literary Celebrity Reconsidered. Celebrity Studies, 5, 32-44. Routledge.
- Parthemore, J. (2014). Conceptual change and development on multiple time scales: From incremental evolution to origins. Sign Systems Studies, 42, 193-218. Tartu University Press.
- Parthemore, J. (2014). The case for protoconcepts : Why concepts, language, and protolanguage all need protoconcepts. Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, 11, 159-178. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika.
- Parthemore, J. & Whitby, B. (2014). Moral Agency, Moral Responsibility, and Artifacts : What Existing Artifacts Fail to Achieve (and Why), and Why They, Nevertheless, Can (and Do!) Make Moral Claims Upon Us. International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 6. World Scientific Publishing.
- Rahm, H., Andersson, M. & Edberg, A.-K. (2014). The Collective Voice Legitimation Strategies in Focus Group Discussions with Nurses in Municipal Palliative Care for Older People in Sweden. Communication & Medicine. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Healthcare, Ethics and Society, Volume 11(2) (2014), 167-177. Equinox Publishing.