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Artiklar (sida 39 av 87)
- Sonesson, G. (2015). The elusory kingdoms of the mind : Glosses on José Luis Caivano's paper. Cognitive Semiotics, 8, 141-153. De Gruyter.
- Sonesson, G. (2015). The mirror in-between picture and mind : A phenomenologically inspired approach to cognitive semiotics. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 11, 159-180. De Gruyter.
- Sonesson, G. & Lenninger, S. (2015). The psychological development of semiotic competence : from the window to the movie by way of the mirror. Cognitive Psychology, 36, 191-201. Elsevier.
- Steiner, A. (2015). Selling books and digital files : A comparative study of the sales of books and e-books in Sweden. Northern Lights, 13, 3-19. Intellect Ltd..
- Stjernholm, E. (2015). Gösta Werners Midvinterblot och fyrtiotalets experimentfilmskultur. Magasinet Walden: tidskrift för filmkritik. Walden.
- Svensson, J. (2015). Iconicity in verse : Overview, examples, and challenges. American Journal of Semiotics, 31, 377-396. Philosophy Documentation Center.
- Tenngart, P. (2015). The Bamboos of Blekinge: The Writing of Cultures in Swedish Proletarian Fiction. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 5, 495-504. David Publishing Company.
- Thormählen, M. (2015). T. S. Eliot, Emotion and the Reader. English Studies, 96, 444-457. Taylor & Francis.
- Thormählen, M. (2015). The Brontë Novels as Historical Fiction. Brontë Studies, 40, 276-282. The Brontë Society.
- Torrance, M., Johansson, R., Johansson, V. & Wengelin, ?. (2015). Reading during the composition of multi-sentence texts : an eye-movement study. Psychological Research, 1-15. Springer.
- Turner, E. (2015). E. M. Hull's Camping in the Sahara : desert romance meets desert reality. Studies in Travel Writing, 19. Routledge.
- Tylén, K., Christensen, P., Roepstorff, A., Lund, T., Østergaard, S. & Donald, M. (2015). Brains striving for coherence: Long-term cumulative plot formation in the default mode network. NeuroImage, 121, 106-114. Elsevier.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2015). Does the Baltic See Region have its own Identity?. Herito, 20, 104-113.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2015). Europa Wschodnia, Europea Zachodnia, Nowa Europa, czy po prostu Europa. Przeglad Wschodni, 14, 27-46.
- Visser, E. (2015). Tensed evidentials : a typological study. Linguistic Typology, 19, 279-325. De Gruyter.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2015). Tysk film efter muren. En tudelad historia. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 2015/3, 343-362. Fahlbeckska stiftelsen.
- Wallengren, A.-K. & Donnelly, K. J. (2015). Introductory Notes by the Guest Editors. Music and the Moving Image, 8, 3-4. University of Illinois Press.
- Wallengren, A.-K. & Strukelj, A. (2015). Film Music and Visual Attention : A Pilot Experiment using Eye-Tracking. Music and the Moving Image, 8, 69-80. University of Illinois Press.
- Whiting, C., Shtyrov, Y. & Marslen-Wilson, W. (2015). Real-time Functional Architecture of Visual Word Recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 246-265. MIT Press.
- Ylinen, S., Nora, A., Leminen, A., Hakala, T., Huotilainen, M., Shtyrov, Y., Makela, J. P. & Service, E. (2015). Two Distinct Auditory-Motor Circuits for Monitoring Speech Production as Revealed by Content-Specific Suppression of Auditory Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 25, 1576-1586. Oxford University Press.
- Zlatev, J. & Blomberg, J. (2015). Language may indeed influence thought. Frontiers in Psychology, 6. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Zola Christensen, R. & Mortensen, A. (2015). Kunsten at skyde med kanoner – Nogle overvejelser omkring den litterære kanoniseringsproces. Nordica, 32, 12-21. Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
- Akujärvi, J. (2014). Suethice : Dissertationer, disputationer och dissertationsöversättningar under 1800-talet. Aigis. Nordisk tidsskrift for klassiske studier, 1-43. Köpenhamns Universitet * Saxo-Institutet.
- Alferink, I. & Gullberg, M. (2014). French-Dutch bilinguals do not maintain obligatory semantic distinctions: Evidence from placement verbs. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 17, 22-37. Cambridge University Press.
- Andrén, M. (2014). Multimodal constructions in children : is the headshake part of language?. Gesture, 14, 141-170. John Benjamins Publishing Company.