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Artiklar (sida 17 av 87)
- Devylder, S. I., Bracks, C., Shimotori, M. & Siahaan, P. (2020). Carving the body at its joints : Does the way we speak about the body shape the way we think about it?. Language and Cognition, 12, 577-613. Cambridge University Press.
- Dunér, D. (2020). The Cultural Semiotics of African Encounters : Eighteenth-Century Images of the Other. Semiotica, 2020, 103-146. De Gruyter.
- Eide, K. M., Julien, M. & Jenstad, T. E. (2020). Den herre språkdama på de derre tekstlabben. Oslo Studies in Language, 11, 87-97.
- Ekberg, L. & Östman, J. O. (2020). Identity construction and dialect acquisition among immigrants in rural areas–the case of Swedish-language Finland. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Taylor & Francis.
- Farshchi, S., Andersson, A., van de Weijer, J. & Paradis, C. (2020). Processing sentences with sentential and prefixal negation : An event-related potential study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 36, 84-98. Taylor & Francis.
- Friis, E. (2020). ‘Jeg ser en lighed mellem mig og kartofler’ : Reproduktivt arbejde i skandinavisk poesi. Passage, 35, 65-76. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
- Friis, E. & Bøgh Thomsen, T. (2020). Glo ikke så romantisk! : Økolitterære former. K & K, 48, 77-100. Forlaget Medusa.
- Frykholm, J. (2020). The Not-So-Golden Age of Swedish Silent Cinema? Historiographies of Isepa (1926–1928). Kosmorama. Det Danske Filminstitut.
- Gargiulo, C. & Tronnier, M. (2020). First language attrition on prosody in a foreign language environment: A speech production study on anaphora resolution. Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech, 2, 219-244. Equinox Publishing.
- Gargiulo, C. & van de Weijer, J. (2020). Anaphora resolution in L1 Italian in a Swedish-speaking environment before and after L1 re-immersion: A study on attrition. Lingua, 233. Elsevier.
- Gosselke Berthelsen, S., Horne, M., Shtyrov, Y. & Roll, M. (2020). Different neural mechanisms for rapid acquisition of words with grammatical tone in learners from tonal and non-tonal backgrounds : ERP evidence. Brain Research, 1729. Elsevier.
- Granfeldt, J. & Ågren, M. (2020). Évolution de l’étude de la langue française à l’école suédoise : les tendances de 2000 à 2018. Synergies Pays Scandinaves, 14, 47-59. GERFLINT, Aarhus, Denmark.
- Grenner, E., Åkerlund, V., Asker-Árnason, L., van de Weijer, J., Johansson, V. & Sahlén, B. (2020). Improving narrative writing skills through observational learning: A study of Swedish 5th-grade students. Educational Review, 72, 691-710. Taylor & Francis.
- Gustafsson, A. W., Hommerberg, C. & Sandgren, A. (2020). Coping by metaphors : The versatile function of metaphors in blogs about living with advanced cancer. Medical Humanities, 46, 267-277. BMJ Publishing Group.
- Göransson, E., Golub, K., Foka, A. & Huvila, I. (2020). Digital Humanities in Sweden and Its Infrastructure : Status Quo and the Sine Qua Non. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 35, 547-556. Oxford University Press.
- Haettner Aurelius, E. (2020). Psalmen som händelse och handling. Årsbok för Svenskt Gudstjänstliv, Årsbok 2020, 49-66. Artos & Norma.
- Harr Svare, S., Möller, D., Mønster, L., Rustad, H. K. & Stenbeck, E. (2020). Leder. Nordisk poesi, 5, 58-58. Universitetsforlaget.
- Harr Svare, S., Mønster, L., Möller, D. & Rustad, H. K. (2020). Leder. Nordisk poesi, 5, 4-5. Universitetsforlaget.
- Heinat, F. & Klingvall, E. (2020). Set focus and anaphoric reference : An ERP study. Brain and Language, 206. Elsevier.
- Hommerberg, C., Gustafsson, A. W. & Sandgren, A. (2020). Battle, Journey, Imprisonment and Burden : Patterns of metaphor use in blogs about living with advanced cancer. BMC Palliative Care, 19. BioMed Central (BMC).
- Jansson, O. (2020). The Resonance of Conflict : Genre and Politics in the Transatlantic Reception of The Quiet American. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 47, 533-551. Academic Printing and Publishing.
- Johansson, N., Anikin, A. & Aseyev, N. (2020). Color Sound Symbolism in Natural Languages. Language and Cognition, 12, 56-83. Cambridge University Press.
- Johansson, N., Anikin, A., Carling, G. & Holmer, A. (2020). The typology of sound symbolism : Defining macro-concepts via their semantic and phonetic features. Linguistic Typology, 24, 253-310. De Gruyter.
- Jonsson, B. (2020). Vilken svensk författare motsvarar Knut Hamsun och Örnulf Tigerstedt? : Reflektioner om nazistiska diktare i Norden. Nordlit, 47, 65-76.
- Josefsson, G. (2020). Feminint och maskulint, animat och inanimat, manligt och kvinnligt. Form och semantik i Urshultsmålets nominalsystem. Arkiv för nordisk filologi, 134, 233-264. ANF.