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Artiklar (sida 16 av 87)
- Svensson Lundmark, M., Ambrazaitis, G., Frid, J. & Schötz, S. (2021). Word-initial consonant–vowel coordination in a lexical pitch-accent language. Phonetica, 78, 515-569. Karger.
- Tanderup, S. (2021). Reading Spaces : Original Audiobooks and Mobile Listening. SoundEffects : an interdisciplinary journal of sound and sound experience, 10, 42-55. Aarhus University.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2021). In Search of Transnational and Transcultural Memories of the Holocaust : Examples from Sweden and Poland. S: IMON. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation, 8, 65-83.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2021). Populist Memory Discourses in Contemporary East Central and Southeastern Europe : Their Roots and Main Features. Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 61, 53-64.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2021). The legacy of 1989 in Poland : Conflicts and commemoration 30 years after the end of Communism. Baltic Worlds, XIV, 12-25. CBEES.
- Van Epps, B., Carling, G. & Sapir, Y. (2021). Gender assignment in six North Scandinavian languages : Patterns of variation and change. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 33, 264-315. Cambridge University Press.
- Vastenius, A., Zlatev, J. & van de Weijer, J. (2021). Cognitive and semiotic determinants of sign order in gestural and pictorial event representations. Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, 18, 69-92. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika.
- Visser, E. (2021). Of mace and monkeys : Kalamang texts. Texts in the Languages of the Pacific.
- Whitehouse, M., Rahm, H., Wozniak, S., Breunig, S., de Nardi, G., Dionne, F., Fujio, M., Graf, E. M., Matic, I., McKenna, C. J., Steiner, F. & Sviķe, S. (2021). Developing shared languages. The fundamentals of mutual learning and problem solving in transdisciplinary collaboration. AILA Review, 34, 1-18. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Zillén, E. (2021). Death of a Genre? : The Aesopic Fable and the Emergence of Modernity. Reinardus. Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 33, 151-167. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Zlatev, J., Blomberg, J., Devylder, S., Naidu, V. & van de Weijer, J. (2021). Motion event descriptions in Swedish, French, Thai and Telugu : a study in post-Talmian motion event typology. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, 53, 58-90. Routledge.
- Ågren, M., Michot, M. E., Granget, C., Gerolimich, S., Hadermann, P. & Stabarin, I. (2021). “Les copains *Dit au revoir” : On Subject–Verb Agreement in L2 French and Cross-Linguistic Influence. Languages, 6. MDPI AG.
- Bareis, A. (2020). The Implied Fictional Narrator. Journal of Literary Theory, 14, 120-138. De Gruyter.
- Björklund, E. (2020). Waiting for Abortion : Narratives of Passing Time, Decision-Making, and Late Abortions in Swedish TV Theater of the Late 1960s and Early 1970s. Body Politics: Zeitschrift für Körpergeschichte, 8, 108-134.
- Blomberg, F., Roll, M., Frid, J., Lindgren, M. & Horne, M. (2020). The role of affective meaning, semantic associates, and orthographic neighbours in modulating the N400 in single words. The Mental Lexicon, 15, 161-188. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Blomqvist, J. (2020). Diokles från Karystos, Hälsosamt levnadssätt. Aigis. Nordisk tidsskrift for klassiske studier, 20. Köpenhamns Universitet * Saxo-Institutet.
- Bossetta, M. (2020). The professional benefits of podcasting politics. PS - Political Science and Politics, 53, 328-329. Cambridge University Press.
- Bossetta, M. & Williams, L. (2020). A podcasting primer. PS - Political Science and Politics, 53, 329-331. Cambridge University Press.
- Burenhult, N. & Purves, R. (2020). The spatial properties of forager motion categories : Evidence from Jahai. Hunter Gatherer Research, 4, 411-426. Liverpool University Press.
- Cabak Rédei, A. (2020). Germaine de Staël’s Réflexions sur le procès de la reine : An act of compassion?. Semiotica, 2020, 41-52. De Gruyter.
- Cabak Rédei, A., Skoglund, P. & Persson, T. (2020). Seeing different motifs in one picture : Identifying ambiguous figures in South Scandinavian Bronze Age rock art. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 7. Taylor & Francis.
- Caballero, R. & Paradis, C. (2020). Soundscapes in English and Spanish : A corpus investigation of verb constructions. Language and Cognition, 12, 705-728. Cambridge University Press.
- Claesson, C., Helgesson, S. & Mahmutović, A. (2020). Publication, Circulation and the Vernacular : Dimensions of World Literary Unevenness. Interventions: international journal of postcolonial studies, 22, 301-309. Routledge.
- Debreslioska, S. & Gullberg, M. (2020). The semantic content of gestures varies with information status, definiteness and clause structure. Journal of Pragmatics, 168, 36-52. Elsevier.
- Debreslioska, S. & Gullberg, M. (2020). What’s new? : Gestures accompany inferable rather than brand-new referents in discourse. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. Frontiers Media S. A..