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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90842 hits
Collaborative Product Development - - Case Study within the Swedish Automotive Industry
Problem: The relations between first and second tier suppliers within the automotive industry have changed drastically during recent years. Previously involving the supply of simple components, today the relation involves collaborative product development of complex subsystems. The situation is rather new for the actors, hence there are a number of problems that act as restraints for the collabora
Network Advantages in a Market Entry Context – A study of the Swedish fashion business
The Euro – What's in it for me? An Economic Analysis of the Swedish Euro Referendum 2003
Swedish word accents, intonation and L2 English : Aligning tonal, metrical and morphosyntactic structure during L2 processing
(Recension av) Antereo Holmila, Reporting the Holocaust in the British, Swedish and Finnish Press 1945–50
Regional aesthetics : Locating Swedish media
(Recension av) Michelle Facos, Nationalism and the Nordic Imagination. Swedish Art in the 1890s
Swedish Central Bank Policy in the Post-War Period: Some Comments
A National Program on Injury Prevention in Swedish Agriculture
Localized Internationalism : Camping Across Borders in the Early Swedish Boy Scout Movement
Allocation of Research Funds Using Bibliometric Indicators – Asset and Challenge to Swedish Higher Education Sector
Energy inequality as a risk in socio-technical energy transitions : The Swedish case of individual metering and billing of energy for heating
Improved energy efficiency in the housing stock is an important undertaking in the energy transition but is associated with both opportunities and risks. While there are possibilities to reduce energy inequalities in the housing stock, inequalities also risk being aggravated as actions for energy efficiency usually aim at the least energy efficient—and thus sometimes the least privileged—parts of Improved energy efficiency in the housing stock is an important undertaking in the energy transition but is associated with both opportunities and risks. While there are possibilities to reduce energy inequalities in the housing stock, inequalities also risk being aggravated as actions for energy efficiency usually aim at the least energy efficient—and thus sometimes the least privileged—parts of
Does migration improve the quality of life? The case of Swedish immigrants residing in Portugal
Towards a resilient and resource-efficient local food system based on industrial symbiosis in Härnösand : a Swedish case study
Rural Arguments : Four perspectives in Swedish Political Debate
Cross-Cultural Issues of Online Communication: A Comparison Between Swedish and Chinese Websites
What matters for patients’ experiences with primary care? A study of variation in patient reported experience measures with regard to structural and organisational characteristics of primary care centres in a Swedish region
Previous research on variation in patient reported experience measures (PREMs) suggest that it is important to be cautious when using comparative information about patients’ experiences, collected via patient surveys, to assess provider performance. Not all factors associated with variation in PREMs are related to factors that providers themselves can control. This study explores if structural cha
Survival on the Reregulated Swedish Pharmacy Market - The former monopoly Apoteket AB responds to competition
The purpose of the thesis is to study how a state owned monopoly company, with historical responsibilities towards society, is affected by competition and how it uses its resources to maintain a strong position on the competitive market. The case study has been conducted by using qualitative methods. Primary data has been collected through interviews with managers and former managers within Apotek