Bid for ICTAM 2016 Scandinavia, Lund, Sweden. Bidders, National Committees for Applied Mechanics in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland, Day 1. : International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM 2012 Beijing, P.R. China. Orationem Meam.
Bid for ICTAM 2016 Scandinavia, Lund, Sweden. Bidders, National Committees for Applied Mechanics in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland, Day 2. : International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM 2012 Beijing, P.R. China. Orationem Meam.
Right to Information and Freedom of Expression – Sweden. Background Papers, Bilateral Human Rights Dialogue between Cambodia and Sweden, Stockholm, 21–23 October 2019
Spontant brott vid expanderande fasomvandling : Talk at the Swedish Mechanics Days at LiU, Lund, Sweden, 2013. Orationem Meam.
On the Autonomy of the Crack Tip Region : Talk given at SMD, Swedish Mechanics Days, LiTh, Linköping, Sweden. Orationem Meam.
Gendered Aspects of the Process of Leaving Home in Post-War Sweden. A Micro-level Analaysis of the Swedish Family Life Survey
” revive in the Swedish Church a more Catholic spirit, a more frequent celebration of the Holy Eucharist, a more reverent performance of the solemnities of Divine Worship…” : Seven Letters from the Rev.F.W.Puller, SSJE, to a Swedish Clergyman, 1915−17
Civic engagement among minority immigrant youth groups in Sweden : Civic engagement among migrant youths in Sweden: Do parental norms or immigration generation matter?
A Swede is a Swede is a Swede? Sweden and the Swedish-American: National Identity and Cinematic Representation
Dualising the Swedish model : Insiders and outsiders and labour market policy reform in Sweden: An overview
Patch testing with the Swedish baseline series supplemented with a textile dye mix and gold in Vilnius, Lithuania and Malmö, Sweden
The Swedish labor market and irregular migrant workers. Reflections on interest representation on a segmented labor market and in the future of neo-corporativist labor relations in Sweden
Translated into Swedish. Prefaces, introductions, commentaries and postfaces to Swedish translations of antique literature
Political Ads in the Swedish 2006 and 2010 Parliamentary Elections : Focus on the Sweden Democrats and the Role of Audiovisual Media