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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91017 hits

Swedish State Property at the King’s Disposal: The Historical Development of the Legal Arrangements Concerning the Swedish Royal Palaces and the Financing of the Swedish Royal Family

Since the Middle Ages, there have been Crown estates in Sweden that were to be used by the King. In 1809-10, an agreement was reached between King and Parliament about the financing of the expenses of the Royal Family and the Royal Household and of the right of the King and the Royal Family to use and govern the Royal Palaces. This agreement is still in force, although it has been amended as regar

Swedish terminology

Lund University Lund University - Lunds universitetVice-Chancellor - RektorDeputy Vice-Chancellor - ProrektorPro Vice-Chancellor - Vicerektor University Management - UniversitetsledningenUniversity Board - UniversitetsstyrelsenThe Vice-Chancellor´s Office - RektorsämbetetThe Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Medicine- Medicinska fakultetenDean - DekanPro-Dean - ProdekanVice-Dean - VicedekanFaculty Ma - 2025-03-11

Responses to Labour Exploitation in Sweden

- Representations of Victims and Access to Justice The aim of the project is to understand how victims are represented when practitioners identify, categorize and respond to the exploitation of migrant workers and, by extension, the significance these representations have for the actual access to justice for victims of labor exploitation. The aim of the project is to understand how victims are rep - 2025-03-11

Upload abstract for the Swedish Climate Symposium 2024

To submit your abstract, fill in the form below and attach your abstract as a PDF-file. Instructions for submittingPlease use our template to submit your abstract, indicating your preference for your presentation type (oral or poster). You should select the session that best suits your abstract. Abstracts that do not meet the requirements of the template, will not be taken into consideration.Downl - 2025-03-11