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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90824 hits

Swedish State Property at the King’s Disposal: The Historical Development of the Legal Arrangements Concerning the Swedish Royal Palaces and the Financing of the Swedish Royal Family

Since the Middle Ages, there have been Crown estates in Sweden that were to be used by the King. In 1809-10, an agreement was reached between King and Parliament about the financing of the expenses of the Royal Family and the Royal Household and of the right of the King and the Royal Family to use and govern the Royal Palaces. This agreement is still in force, although it has been amended as regar

Extractive Industries and Sami in Sweden - An Analysis of the Procedural Safeguards in the Swedish Mineral Framework and Sweden's International and Regional Obligations

Samerna är ett av världens ursprungsfolk som lever i landområdet Sápmi som sträcker sig över norra Sverige, så väl som delar av Norge, Finland och Ryssland. En del av samerna i Sverige lever enligt deras traditionella levnadssätt som inkluderar renskötsel, jakt, fiske och andra resurs-baserade aktiviteter. Det är internationellt erkänt att urfolk har en särskild förbindelse till deras förfaders ma