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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90529 hits

Opportunities to scale up nature-based solutions in the Nordics

By sara [dot] hakansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Håkansson) - published 27 February 2023 Restored wetlands, rainbeds and urban green spaces are all examples of nature-based solutions that can help mitigate climate change and protect biodiversity. Photo: Helena Hanson Nature-based solutions offer excellent opportunities to address environmental and social challenges. They can help mitigate - 2025-01-29

Anne L'Huillier received Lund's first Nobel Prize

By minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Minna Wallén-Widung) - published 26 October 2023 A few hours after the announcement: Anne L'Huillier surrounded by media, colleagues and students. Photo: Andreas Hillergren/TT The excitement has been palpable in recent weeks following the award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Anne L’Huillier, a researcher at Lund. This is the firs - 2025-01-30

Internationalisation – important, comprehensive and complex

By minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Minna Wallén-Widung) - published 13 December 2024 The tense global situation is a challenge for the university's internationalisation work, says International Coordinator Pär Svensson. Photo: Minna Wallén-Widung Internationalisation has become more important – and more complex – in recent years. In a world where democracy and acade - 2025-01-30

Star-studded tomes from the Astronomy Library move to new home

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 30 May 2024 At the University Library’s book bindery and preservation studio Alexandra Tengelin Nyström och ­Carina Nilsson take care of the exclusive book collection. Photo: Johan Joelsson Around 100 select astronomy books dating from 1545 to 1799 have been relocated from the Astronomy Library to the University Li - 2025-01-30

MFA Student Interview Series, part VIII: Irene Margrethe Kaltenborn and Karolina Bergman Engman

By filippa [dot] jonsson [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (Filippa Jonsson) - published 17 September 2024 Irene Margrethe Kaltenborn In KHM1 gallery IreneMargrethe Kaltenborn´s MFA exhibition Choreographies towards loss set the stage for the audience to enter artworks which echoed loss and a void, full of wonderment and poetics. The gallery was dimly lit and kept minimal, leaving room for the viewer to - 2025-01-29

Learning more about the endocrine system could lead to fewer cases of type 2 diabetes and obesity

By petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - published 25 January 2023 Nurse Anna Hellman measures the blood pressure of a participant in a treatment study where researchers are investigating how the hormone vasopressin is affected by how much water we drink. Photo: Kennet Ruona How much water do we need to drink to stay healthy? How do different diets affect our metabolism? S - 2025-01-29

Interview with the Research Day Organization Committee

Published 4 May 2023 After a long break due to the pandemic the WCMM Research Day has been organized in its full form on-site again. It brought WCMM researchers, communicators, economist, the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members, the director Gunilla Westergren-Thorsson, and co-directors Jonas Larsson and Lars Dahlin, the two newly recruited DDLS fellows and everyone else invited together to em - 2025-01-29

Achieving more sustainable value chains are crucial for preventing deforestation and biodiversity loss

Published 22 April 2022 LUCSUS researchers Barbara Schröter and Torsten Krause are studying how we can achieve more sustainable value chains for e.g. gold and cattle in Colombia. The Caquetá River in Putumayo, Colombia. Photo: Barbara Schröter The increasing demand of minerals, oil, and agricultural goods have severe negative social and environmental impacts. The extraction of resources leads to l - 2025-01-29

LUCSUS engagement during COP27

By Cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 8 November 2022 Read about our research, engagement and researchers at COP27, the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, hosted by Egypt in Sharm El Sheikh. It is held between 6-18 November. Reports launched at COP27 The land Gap report  Countries’ climate pledges are dangerously over reliant on ineq - 2025-01-29

Meet LUMES Alumni Sophia Speckhahn and Annabel Schickner (batch 19)

Published 18 April 2019 LUMES alumni Sophia Speckhahn and Annabel Schickner from batch 19 visited LUMES to share their stories about life after LUMES, from graduation to getting their first jobs. Today they are both working with sustainability within different sectors in Germany. Find out what they think are the most important skills they gained from the LUMEs programme and what career advice they - 2025-01-29

High-powered living DNA cannon

Published 2 June 2020 nano_tsunami.com_-_nano_medicine_in_depth.pdf File nano_tsunami.com_-_nano_medicine_in_depth.pdf High-powered living DNA cannonWe all know that a viral infection can be developed extremely quickly, but in factit's even more dramatic than that - the process is literally explosive.The pressure inside a virus is 40 atmospheres, and it is just waiting for anopportunity to blow up - 2025-01-29

Linda Neubauer receives the CFE's honorary mention 2023

By axel [dot] fegeant [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Axel Fégeant) - published 18 January 2024 Photo: Linda Neubauer The Centre for European Studies has awarded Linda Neubauer the 2023 honourable mention for her master’s thesis “European Integration and Switzerland: A Synthetic Control Analysis of Switzerland’s Trade Potential if Switzerland Had Joined the European Union”. The Centre for European Stu - 2025-01-29

Work in the Field by students MA Performing Arts as Critical Practice

By paulina [dot] nordling [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Nordling) - published 23 February 2024 The participants in the MA Performing Arts as Critical Practice have started their independent Work in the Field projects this Spring. The eight participants have partnered up with performing arts venues and will conduct artistic investigations, involving different communities and organizations in - 2025-01-29

New trends in the fashion industry – from fast and cheap to sustainable?

Published 19 April 2018 Consumers are demanding cheaper clothing while more are becoming aware and reassessing their consumption: second hand rather than “fast fashion”. The sustainability challenges of clothing companies often have to do with long supply chains – and the consumers’ demands. But together, consumers, businesses and politicians can change the fashion industry, according to Johan Jan - 2025-01-29

Top research gathers high-level climate data

Published 25 September 2018 Data gathering for European climate research goes on around the clock at the University’s Hyltemossa research station. The tallest of its two masts reaches as high as 150 metres straight up into the sky. Every other week, the station’s staff must climb to the top of the mast to clean two sensors. Recently, intensive work has been conducted on the lower mast to install e - 2025-01-29

The role of relatives needs to be highlighted in cancer care

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 13 December 2018 Marlene Malmström. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter Although patient influence in healthcare has gradually started to increase, the role of the patient's next of kin is still very limited. Despite the fact that the disease affects the whole family, public healthcare often does not utilise the patient's relatives - 2025-01-29

Vice-Chancellor: “It’s important for managers to be able to make uncomfortable decisions”

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 5 June 2019 Vice-chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz Vice-Chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz is convinced that leadership at the University is a momentous question. “If we are perceived as being incapable of making uncomfortable decisions, there is a risk that we will see the same changes here as in other places such - 2025-01-29

RQ20: Research still evaluated despite pandemic obstacles

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maris Lindh) - published 9 November 2020 Daniel Göransson, one of the digital heroes, ensures the technology functions between the external assessors, Pro vice-chancellor Stacey Ristinmaa Sörensen (far bottom left of the screen) and Vice-Chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz (top right) Photo: M Lindh So say Mats Benner and Freddy Ståhlberg afte - 2025-01-29

Who are you at work?

Published 8 October 2019 Calle Rosengren does research on boundaries between working and private life. Photo:Jenny Loftrup Who are you – a separator or an integrator? Mobiles and laptops have created a working life where it is possible to work anytime and anywhere. In a major study, work environment researchers have identified how seven different personality types set boundaries – or not – between - 2025-01-29

UrMax has come home

By Johan [dot] Joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 16 December 2019 Photo:Kennet Ruona It weighs 1 265 kilograms, is nearly 70 years old and gave rise to MAX IV. After collecting dust in a museum warehouse, the University's first electron accelerator is now on show at the Faculty of Engineering. Behind the exhibition 'UrMAX – Light from Lund' are a group of enthusi - 2025-01-29