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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90555 hits

Career Day 2023: Know your future job market!

By susanne [dot] sundell [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanne Sundell.) - published 14 December 2023 Organizing group for Career Day: Petter Hartman, Lottie Norrsén, Divya Bali, Pernilla Carlsson and Susanne Sundell For the second year in a row, Careers Centre at the Faculty has collaborated with Medicon Village to organize a Career Day for 170 life science students, including PhD students, and ear - 2025-01-29

Development Research Day 2016

Published 24 October 2016 The Afrint research group and Development Geography in Lund warmly welcome you to the Development Research Day 2016: End hunger and achieve food security by 2030. The Development Research Day is an annual event at Lund University bringing together all fields working on development to share and discuss their research with each other, students and the public. Theme: End hun - 2025-01-29

Newly discovered protein variants are key to insulin secretion

By tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - published 15 June 2022 From left: Ewelina Golec, Ben King and Anna Blom, three of the researchers behind new findings on insulin secretion. Photo: Tove Smeds. Insulin secretion into the bloodstream requires a protein called CD59. New research led by Lund University shows that the two protein variants that are responsible for this functi - 2025-01-29

Practical problems following grant success

Published 13 December 2013 Success with grant applications leads to problems of an unexpected although pleasant kind. If your research team is almost doubled in size, where are all your colleagues supposed to work? And how are they to get access to laboratory equipment which is already fully booked? Johan Jakobsson in an unusually empty lab (the rest of his group were at a conference). After major - 2025-01-29

Enzymes from Lund set to take over the world

Published 28 February 2014 Enzymes developed in Lund could be used in university and industry labs worldwide in the future. This is what Professor Eva Nordberg Karlsson hopes; her research group has signed a contract with an Icelandic biotech company that is going to sell their products. Eva Nordberg Karlsson wants to give other researchers reliable access to enzymes. Photo: Ingela Björck The cont - 2025-01-29

Tape could simplify skin cancer diagnosis

Published 13 June 2014 The bad news about malignant melanoma is that the disease is increasing more rapidly than most other types of cancer. The good news is that it is easy to cure, as long as it is detected in time. A research group in Lund has therefore started a project that it is hoped will make it easier to correctly diagnose suspicious moles. Kari Nielsen (at the left). Photo: Roger Lundhol - 2025-01-29

“There are a lot of duties in this role”,

Published 13 June 2014 Being director of the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics is about choosing what to do, and what not to do. At the start, Lena Neij travelled a lot, but now she sees representing the institute abroad as a responsibility shared by all the staff. She still supervises doctoral students, but doesn’t have the time she would like for her own research, no - 2025-01-29

Anne L’Huillier new Frontiers of Knowledge Awardee

Published 30 March 2023 The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences goes in this fifteenth edition to Anne L’Huillier and her companions in the pioneering field of “attophysics”, Paul Corkum and Ferenc Krausz. Photo: Kennet Ruona For her pioneering work in attosecond physics, Anne L’Huillier is one of the three new laureates of the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in basic scien - 2025-01-29

Improving conditions for autonomous ships

Published 10 February 2021 Operator remotely controls a real boat, and is in a virtual world above a virtual boat. The virtual world gets a 360°-image from the real boat. In the image, the operator takes a bearing against a landmark, thereby improving the accuracy of the positi Just like self-driving cars, we can expect autonomous ships to become more common in the coming years. However, two safet - 2025-01-29

PhD defence interview - Yiyi Yang

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 27 May 2021 Yiyi Yang defends her PhD thesis on Thursday 3rd June 2021. During her Ph.D. studies, Yiyi Yang has been investigating the role of microglia in the pathological development of Alzheimer’s disease. On the 3rd of June, it is time to defend her work supervised by Prof. Tomas Deierborg. Now, Yiyi tells us a - 2025-01-29

Unveiling the Gender Gap in Immunity: Camila Consiglio joins the Lund Stem Cell Center

By alexis [dot] bento_luis [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexis Luis) - published 1 February 2023 While it is well known that men and women have different health needs, have you ever considered why? The Systems Immunology research group, led by Camila Consiglio, has. Together, Lund Stem Cell Center’s newest members are working to uncover whether the answer lies in the differences between the female - 2025-01-29

Decoding the Inner Workings of a Blood Stem Cell-Boosting Molecule

By alexis [dot] bento_luis [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexis Luis) - published 24 May 2023 A model of a proteasome, a protein complex which degrades unneeded or damaged proteins. Image from: Getty Images. A recent study conducted by researchers at Lund University's Lund Stem Cell Center, and published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, has unraveled the intricate inner workings of UM171—a mo - 2025-01-29

The War Between Israel and Hamas

By Ulrika [dot] oredsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulrika Oredsson (English translation by Linda Eitrem Holmgren)) - published 17 October 2023 Photo: Mohammed Ibrahim/Unsplash Israel is in shock. The most basic task of a country's defence forces is to guard and protect its borders. Yet the Israeli army was caught completely off guard when thousands of terrorists entered the country to - 2025-01-29

Nuclear weapons tests provide information on dangerous atherosclerosis plaque

Published 8 April 2010 At the time of the atmospheric nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s, the level of carbon-14 in the atmosphere increased dramatically. Now researchers from Lund University have developed a method for measuring the carbon-14 content in atherosclerotic plaques in patients. The measurements reveal how old and dangerous the plaques really are. "On the one hand it’s impo - 2025-01-29