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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90778 hits

Research on inherited type 2 diabetes is awarded

By petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - published 6 November 2023 Rashmi Prasad is awarded the Medeon stipend 2023 for her her research on heritability of type 2 diabetes. The stipend will be presented during the World Diabetes Day Skåne event. Photo: Petra Olsson How do heritability and the fetal environment affect the risk for the child to develop type 2 diabetes? This - 2025-03-07

Meet researcher Luis Mundaca

Published 21 January 2016 IIIEE researcher Luis Mundaca Photo: Sara Bernstrup Nilsson Green economy depends on high national ambitionsSustainable growth, supporting a resource efficient and low-carbon economy, is a high priority for most governments today. But which way is the most effective for the transition towards a green economy? IIIEE researchers Luis Mundaca and Lena Neij are soon wrapping - 2025-03-08

Common drug may have an effect on breast cancer

Published 2 May 2016 Statins are a cholesterol-lowering drug that almost one million Swedes take to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease. But could perhaps statins also be used against breast cancer? Cancer researcher Signe Borgquist at least hopes so. Signe Borgquist and her colleagues found that statins had a tumour-inhibiting effect in a study they conducted of 50 women in Lund. With 9,0 - 2025-03-07

PhD in Mathematics against all odds

Published 13 June 2016 Growing up in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, he knew that one wrong word could get you killed; as a forced recruit, he came close to death many times. But after three Master’s degrees, Dara Maghdid has earned a PhD with his investigation of cultural differences in the teaching of mathematics. Now he wants to thank Lund University. In the future, motivation among students of mathemat - 2025-03-07

Erik Månsson - alumnus from BSc in Business and Economics 2019

By maria [dot] johansson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Johansson) - published 6 May 2024 Graduation was approaching and alumnus Erik Månsson didn't know what he wanted to do. A few months later he received the diploma in his hand, as well as his first job - CEO for a start-up within Food Tech. We had a talk with Erik about his job - as well as the start-up world, student life and sources of in - 2025-03-08

Meet IIIEE researcher Yuliya Voytenko

Published 28 January 2016 IIIEE researcher Yuliya Voytenko Closed loops in the sharing city?Sharing is caring – but is it always sustainable? The sharing economy is altering the way we look at ourselves as consumers and our idea of the market, but it also raises other questions: what role should the city take in this, and how can we ensure that the result is truly sustainable?The sharing economy i - 2025-03-08

Protein researcher receives major grants

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 29 September 2023 Mikael Akke studies how protein molecules move and how other molecules bind to them – important knowledge in the development of the medicines of the future. Photo: Kennet Ruona Protein researcher Mikael Akke has been showered with grants recently: a total in excess of SEK 130 million from the - 2025-03-08

Lund University breaks record for The Conversation in 2024

By ellen [dot] albertsdottir [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Ellen Albertsdóttir) - published 15 January 2025 The year 2024 was a record year for Lund University in terms of the number of articles published in The Conversation. Fifty-five articles by 50 researchers amassed a total of 1.6 million reads. Mikael Roll, a researcher at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, topped the list with an - 2025-03-08

LU successful in quick digital restart

Published 29 September 2020 “What the whole University has done is amazing. How much we can achieve when we gather our strengths and collaborate. Everyone worked towards the same goal – to make it work – and we succeeded!” Photo: Kennet Ruona Getting important information out fast to the right target group has been a challenge for the crisis management group, which has now entered a calmer phase a - 2025-03-08

New national board to take over cases of research misconduct 

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 7 January 2020 Magnus Gudmundsson and Göran Sandberg. Photo:Kennet Ruona On 1 January 2020, a new law will come into force that means that cases concerning research misconduct are to be forwarded to a new national board exclusively dedicated to this. At Lund University, this will involve two or three current cases - 2025-03-08

Farms a valuable heritage for the University

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 29 March 2021 A popular pick-your-own option for all sorts of cabbage began in 2020 at Norra Knästorp. At Christmas time, crowds of Lund residents were seen walking with swaying plumes of kale towards the city. Photo:Emma Sandberg Why does Lund University manage farms in Skåne? It’s a matter of tradition. From - 2025-03-08

In the mind of a legal scholar

By ellen [dot] albertsdottir [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Ellen Albertsdóttir) - published 22 September 2022 Linnea Wegerstad chose to return to academia. Photo: Kennet Ruona “True crime” has exploded in popularity and crime and punishment dominates the headlines. Linnea Wegerstad, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law, opposes the tendency to label people who have committed crimes as monsters. Lin - 2025-03-08

CEC affiliates with Marine Centre in Simrishamn for a collaboration on ocean and water research

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 18 October 2019 Marine Centre in Simrishamn. Photo: Tina Schedvin. Lund University and Simrishamn Municipality have created a joint research environment at the Marine Centre in Simrishamn to address the challenges facing the Baltic Sea. An Academic Council led by Maria C Hansson from the Centre for Environmental - 2025-03-07

The SAIN alumna about NKG: "High search pressure this year"

By lill [dot] eriksson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Lill Eriksson) - published 16 May 2024 Photo: Jakob Dalbjörn/Unsplash Right now, many are looking forward to the big gerontology conference NKG in Stockholm, in June. One who decided to go early on is alumna Charlotta Nilsen, coordinator of the SWEAH Alumni Interdisciplinary Network, SAIN. She is lecturer and program manager for the master's progr - 2025-03-07

Unusually many people over 65, but no home care

By lill [dot] eriksson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Lill Eriksson) - published 26 November 2024 Pernilla together with the research group EpiDoc, which collects data in clinical care around Portugal. Photo: Private District nurse and SWEAH PhD student Pernilla Alencar Siljehag, at Stiftelsen Stockholms läns Äldrecentrum, earlier this year received SWEAH's travel grant of SEK 20,000 to visit Univers - 2025-03-07