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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89417 hits

The Nordic Report 01 - 2018

Published 26 March 2019 A summary of sixty innovative examples with the aim of spreading knowledge about sustainable production and consumption in accordance with the UN Global Goal 12 of Agenda 2030. The Nordic Report 01 was recently published, displaying sixty innovative examples with the aim of spreading knowledge about sustainable production and consumption in accordance with the UN Global Goa - 2025-01-20

Social norms, pro-environmental behaviour and sustainable energy use

Published 19 September 2022 How can we assess the impacts of social norms on low-carbon mobility options? We contribute to this field by experimenting with and assessing the impacts of social norms on low-carbon mobility options. Policymakers and scientists are paying increasing attention to how social norms can promote pro-environmental behaviour and sustainable energy use. We contribute to this - 2025-01-19

Social norms, pro-environmental behaviour and sustainable energy use

Published 26 September 2022 How can we assess the impacts of social norms on low-carbon mobility options? One recent study experimenting and assessing the impacts on social norms on low-carbon mobility options indicates that for social norms to be effective, other policy instruments are critically needed too. Policymakers and scientists are paying increasing attention to how social norms can promo - 2025-01-19

Bioenergy plantations could fight climate change—but threaten food crops, U.N. panel warns.

Published 14 August 2019 Instead of betting big on bioenergy, governments need to focus on the hard medicine of cutting fossil fuel use. There is no shortcut to climate change mitigation, says Lennart Olsson, professor at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies and lead author of the IPCC special report on Climate Change and Land, in a news article in Science regarding the "negative emis - 2025-01-20

Karin Aggestam and Time Dunne on the Failure of Diplomacy and Protection in Syria

Published 17 October 2024 Karin Aggestam and Tim Dunne have co-authored the chapter “The failure of diplomacy and protection in Syria”, in Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases (3d edition), eds S. Smith, A. Hadfield, and T. Dunne, Oxford: Oxford University Press. AbstractThis chapter argues that the international community’s response to the Syrian civil war was a failure of resolute diplomacy. - 2025-01-20

Alumni: Bjarni Tor Petursson

Published 14 August 2018 Galleri Format, Malmö Opening Saturday 11.8, at 2-5 pm The exhibition is open 11.8 – 16.9, 2018 Bjarni Tor Petursson’s (IS) artistry takes us into a world that is both strange and familiar. Suggestive films and photographs show coulisses, man-made nature and artificial environments. With lingering sequences where the silence seems to echo, Petursson explores outer and inne - 2025-01-19

Ylva van Meeningen in Researcher Grand Prix

Published 27 September 2016 Ylva van Meeningen will enter the stage in a tough competition to show her skills. Forskar Grand Prix is a competition in presenting science in the most catching way, in few minutes. The audience in Lund will be hundreds of students at Polhemsskolan in Lund, on October 7th.There will also be an expert jury of three people.Ylva will present her research on BVOC: the comm - 2025-01-20

ISMS has been decided by vice-chancellor

By ingegerd [dot] wirehed [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (Ingegerd Wirehed) - published 27 March 2022 Now the Information Security Management System at Lund University document "Ledningssystem för informationssäkerhet vid Lunds universitet" has been determined by the vice-chancellor Erik Renström. The management system has thereby formally taken effect, but will be implemented stepwise. This is the - 2025-01-20

Philanthropy Day is celebrated on 15 November

By oscar [dot] heimburg [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Oscar Heimburg) - published 31 October 2022 On 15 November, the University marks Philanthropy Day! As part of the occasion, the University wishes to extend a warm thank you to all who actively show interest and support our operations. Philanthropy Day is a day when people across the globe highlight the importance of philanthropy for our society. - 2025-01-20

Primula shutdown after IT attack against subcontractor TietoEvry

By webbansvarig [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (HR-sektionens webbansvarig) - published 31 January 2024 Just over a week ago, TietoEvry, a subcontractor of the National Government Service Centre, was subjected to an extensive IT attack. At Lund University, this has impacted Primula, which has been inaccessible since the morning of 20 January. The shutdown did not affect payment of the January salary. T - 2025-01-20