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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90174 hits
In the evening, I don’t walk in the park”: Perceived design qualities, safety and neighbourhood walkability
Introduction. Walking as a means of transportation is central in sustainable urban design. Little focus has, however, been placed on the influence of micro-level environmental features, such as vegetation and street lighting, on perceived safety and walking.Method. This study applied a non-explicit approach to explore the impact of greenery and outdoor lighting on neighborhood walkability. Partici
PTPD : Predicting therapeutic peptides by deep learning and word2vec
Background In the search for therapeutic peptides for disease treatments, many efforts have been made to identify various functional peptides from large numbers of peptide sequence databases. In this paper, we propose an effective computational model that uses deep learning and word2vec to predict therapeutic peptides (PTPD).∗: Results Representation vectors of all k-mers were obtained through wor
Adipose cell size changes are associated with a drastic actin remodeling
Adipose tissue plays a major role in regulating whole-body insulin sensitivity and energy metabolism. To accommodate surplus energy, the tissue rapidly expands by increasing adipose cell size (hypertrophy) and cell number (hyperplasia). Previous studies have shown that enlarged, hypertrophic adipocytes are less responsive to insulin, and that adipocyte size could serve as a predictor for the devel
Defrosting and Frost Protection Measurements of Heat Recovery in Cold Climate
The installation of technical solutions for heat recovery from the ventilation air is a very important step, both with respect to improving the indoor climate and as an energy-saving measure. Ventilation without heat recovery use a substantial part of an entire building's heating use, especially if the building is a low energy building. To realize a large implementation of heat recovery property o
Effects of whole-tree harvesting on soil, soil water and tree growth – A dynamic modelling exercise in four long-term experiments
Whole tree harvesting (WTH) following final felling of productive forests is increasingly promoted as a method to extract biomass for energy purposes. Despite its importance, there is a limited number of experimental studies investigating the impacts of WTH on forest ecosystem sustainability. Modelling studies have previously been carried out to complement and explain empirical observations from f
Prospective virome analyses in young children at increased genetic risk for type 1 diabetes
Viruses are implicated in autoimmune destruction of pancreatic islet β cells, which results in insulin deficiency and type 1 diabetes (T1D)1-4. Certain enteroviruses can infect β cells in vitro5, have been detected in the pancreatic islets of patients with T1D6 and have shown an association with T1D in meta-analyses4. However, establishing consistency in findings across studies has proven difficul
Contribution of obesity associated genetic variants to anthropometric somatotype components
The somatotype is a useful method in the analysis of body morphology but no study has identified genetic variants associated with its components. The aim of this study is o replicate the association of 21 SNPs with obesity and to explore their association with the somatotype components, in a sample from the Basque Country (Spain). A case-control study was performed in 472 adults from 18 to 79 year
Problem gambling, associations with comorbid health conditions, substance use, and behavioural addictions : Opportunities for pathways to treatment
Background Problem gambling is a public health issue and its comorbidity with other health conditions may provide an opportunity for screening in healthcare settings; however, a high level of uncertainty and a lack of research in the field remains. The objective of this study is to investigate potential associations between problem gambling and numerous other health conditions, including substance
Skruvdalern i Uppsala universitets myntkabinett : ett mynt fyllt med konst
Evaluating the contribution of forest ecosystem services to societal welfare through linking dynamic ecosystem modelling with economic valuation
Trade-offs exist among the multiple ecosystem services (ES) generated by forests. Generally, wood production conflicts with the provisioning of public-good ES such as the storage of carbon, nutrient retention and conservation of biodiversity. Recognizing that forests generate both private- and public-good ES implies that forestry should be optimized to maximize the contribution of forests to socie
Mapping the terrain of disability and sexuality: from policy to practice
This paper is based on a lecture held in Nagoya, Japan as part of a seminar on issues relating to disabled women, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). I present preliminary results from the research project Sexual Citizenship and Disability: Implications for Theory, Practice and Policy, which focuses on sexual rights for people with mobility impairments. The data compris
Metabolite-related dietary patterns and the development of islet autoimmunity
The role of diet in type 1 diabetes development is poorly understood. Metabolites, which reflect dietary response, may help elucidate this role. We explored metabolomics and lipidomics differences between 352 cases of islet autoimmunity (IA) and controls in the TEDDY (The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young) study. We created dietary patterns reflecting pre-IA metabolite difference
Roadmap for valuing soil ecosystem services to inform multi-level decision-making in agriculture
Agricultural soils contribute to human welfare through their generation of manifold ecosystem services such as food security, water quality and climate regulation, but these are degraded by common farming practices. We have developed a roadmap for evaluating the contribution of both private- and public-good ecosystem services generated by agricultural soils to societal welfare. The approach consid
A development process for extending buildings vertically – based on a case study of four extended buildings
Purpose: The purpose of the study, upon which this paper is based, was to contribute an improved understanding of the vertical extension of buildings, by presenting a development process for its implementation in which the key aspects to consider when planning such extensions are highlighted. Design/methodology/approach: The approach is based on linking the diffusion of innovation together with ca
Gaining hope and self-confidence - An interview study of women's experience of treatment by art therapy for severe fear of childbirth
Parental separation/divorce in childhood and tobacco smoking in adulthood : A population-based study
Long distance ski racing is associated with lower long-term incidence of depression in a population based, large-scale study
Physical activity has been proposed to be beneficial for prevention of depression, although the importance of exercise intensity, sex-specific mechanisms, and duration of the effects need to be clarified. Using an observational study design, following 395,369 individuals up to 21 years we studied whether participation in an ultralong-distance cross-country ski race was associated with lower risk o
Interaction Between Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Strategies and Genetic Determinants of Coronary Artery Disease on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is more frequent among individuals with dysglycemia. Preventive interventions for diabetes can improve cardiometabolic risk factors (CRFs), but it is unclear whether the benefits on CRFs are similar for individuals at different genetic risk for CAD. We built a 201-variant polygenic risk score (PRS) for CAD and tested for interaction with diabetes prevention strategies
Temporal hierarchies with autocorrelation for load forecasting
We propose four different estimators that take into account the autocorrelation structure when reconciling forecasts in a temporal hierarchy. Combining forecasts from multiple temporal aggregation levels exploits information differences and mitigates model uncertainty, while reconciliation ensures a unified prediction that supports aligned decisions at different horizons. In previous studies, weig