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Psykologyrkets baksida? En undersökning av compassion fatigue bland psykologer.
Compassion fatigue kan drabba yrkesverksamma inom vårdgivande yrken som arbetar med traumapatienter. Symtomen på compassion fatigue är både fysiska, emotionella och arbetsrelaterade och innefattar bland annat empatisk utmattning och reducerad förmåga att bära patienters lidande. Dessa egenskaper påverkar psykologer inom vården. Psykologer är en yrkesgrupp vars sjukskrivningsstatistik har ökat undeCompassion fatigue can affect professionals in health care who work with trauma patients. The symptoms of compassion fatigue are physical, emotional and work- related and include, inter alia, empathic fatigue and reduced ability to carry the suffering of the patients. These qualities affect psychologists in health care. Psychologists are a professional group whose sick leave statistics has increas
Läs mer och köp här : en analys av digitaliseringen av modejournalistiken genom exemplet Veckorevyn.
Characteristics of medication errors with parenteral cytotoxic drugs.
Dietary fat intake and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.
There are inconsistent and limited data available to assess the relationship between fat intake and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). We examined the consumption of total fat, fat sources and fat subtypes in relation to risk of EOC and its major histologic subtypes in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition which includes incident invasive (n=1095) and borderline (n
Family History of Myocardial Infarction Increases Risk of Renal Dysfunction in Middle Age.
Background/Aims: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is common in the general population, may lead to end-stage renal disease, and is most frequently found among males. Familial clustering of kidney diseases has been observed. We aimed to study a potential association between the family history of myocardial infarction (MI) and renal dysfunction. Methods: 22,297 males and 10,828 females, aged 33-60 years
S100A8 and S100A9: DAMPs at the crossroads between innate immunity, traditional risk factors, and cardiovascular disease.
Amplification of innate immune responses by endogenous danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) promotes inflammation. The involvement of S100A8 and S100A9, DAMPs belonging to the S100 calgranulin family, in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease is attracting an increasing amount of interest. S100A8 and S100A9 (also termed MRP8 and MRP14) preferentially form the S100A8/A9 heterodimer (MRP
Systemic lupus erythematosus and cardiac risk factors: medical record documentation and patient adherence
This study explores patients' knowledge of cardiac risk factors (CRFs), analyses how information and advice about CRFs are documented in clinical practice, and assesses patient adherence to received instructions to decrease CRFs. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients with >= 4 ACR criteria participated through completing a validated cardiovascular health questionnaire (CHQ). Kappa statistics
Vanin-1 T26I polymorphism, hypertension and cardiovascular events in two large urban-based prospective studies in Swedes.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vanin-1 (gene name VNN1) is an enzyme with pantetheinase activity generating the amino-thiol cysteamine which is implicated in the regulation of red-ox status through its effect on glutathione. We tested the hypothesis that the rs2294757 VNN1 T26I polymorphism could affect blood pressure (BP) levels, hypertension prevalence, and risk of incident cardiovascular events. METHODS
Removal of pharmaceuticals in WWTP effluents by ozone and hydrogen peroxide
An outbreak of furniture related dermatitis ('sofa dermatitis') in Finland and the UK: history and clinical cases
In February 2007, an epidemic of severe dermatitis from Chinese recliner chairs and sofas started to unfold first in Finland and a few months later in the UK. Some patients reacted in patch tests (PTs) strongly to the material of their furniture, either leather or fabric. There have been hundreds of reports of chair or sofa dermatitis from Finland and the UK, with all cases linked to the same furn
Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk
Blood pressure is a heritable trait(1) influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (>= 140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure or >= 90 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure)(2). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events(3). This genome-wide association study o
6-minute walk test before and after a weight reduction program in obese subjects.
Weight loss and physical activity have shown favorable effects on risks associated with obesity. It is therefore of interest to evaluate exercise capacity and related co-morbidities in obese patients. We present data from obese subjects evaluated by the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) before and after a 7.3 (6.1-8.2) month weight reduction program. 251 subjects completed the test at baseline (BMI 40.6 [
Associations between cadmium exposure and circulating levels of sex hormones in postmenopausal women.
Recent epidemiological as well as in vivo and in vitro studies collectively suggest that the metalloestrogen cadmium (Cd) could be a potential risk factor for hormone-related cancers in particularly breast cancer. Assessment of the association between Cd exposure and levels of endogenous sex hormones is of pivotal importance, as increased levels of such have been associated with a higher risk of b
MiR-184 regulates pancreatic β-cell function according to glucose metabolism.
In response to fasting or hyperglycemia, the pancreatic β-cell alters its output of secreted insulin; however the pathways governing this adaptive response are not entirely established. While the precise role of microRNAs (miRNAs) is also unclear, a recurring theme emphasizes their function in cellular stress responses. We recently showed that miR-184, an abundant miRNA in the β-cell, regulates co
Belemniters stabila isotopsammansättning : paleomiljöns och diagenesens betydelse
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Undersökningens baseras på prover från hårdvävnaden hos belemniter som är en utdöd form av bläckfisk. Syftet var att undersöka de NO-skånska kretaceiska belemniternas stabila isotopinnehåll, samt att analysera deras diagenetiska och paleoklimatologiska status. Belemniterna kommer från fyra lokaler: Ullstorp, Ignaberga, Åsen och Balsvik vilka alla ligger i KristiStable isotope compositions (δ18 0 and δ13 C) and cathodoluminescence characteristics were determined in 112 belemnite rostra, including Belemnellocamax grossouvrei, Belemnitella alpha, Belemnellocamax mammillatus, Belemnellocamax balsvikensis, Gonioteuthis quadrata scaniensis, Belemnitella mucronata and Belemnella lanceolata. The main aims were to determine palaeoenvironmental and diagenetic infl
Dental histology of Cretaceous mosasaurs (Reptilia, Squamata) : incremental growth lines in dentine and implications for tooth replacement
Liksom en trädstam uppvisar årsringar som kan användas för att beräkna dess ålder, bildas också tillväxtringar i tänderna hos många djur, även hos dem som regelbundet byter tanduppsättning. Detta fenomen noterades av paleontologen Richard Owen redan i mitten av 1800-talet, men det är först de senaste decennierna som forskningen inom tandersättningscykler hos utdöda djur har tagit fart. Så kallade
Den empatiska socionomen: "Is this to be an empathy test?"
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of the Bachelor of Science Programme in Social Work at Lund University on students’ levels of empathy. We used a self-measurement tool that was distributed to all students (173) from the first semester and all students (135) from the last semester of the Bachelor of Science Programme in Social Work at Lund University, in order to determine whether
En geologisk och geohydrologisk undersökning av Siesjöområdet norr om Sölvesborg
Sölvesborgs kommun ser en viss osäkerhet i sin framtida vattenförsörjning. De har bland annat problem med hög salthalt i grundvattnet. Kommunen är därför intresserad av att finna ett nytt vattentäktsområde som komplement och kanske ersättning till deras befintliga täkter. Ett intressant sådant område ligger vid Siesjön strax norr om tätorten Sölvesborg. Här finns möjligheter att hitta en sedimentä
Motivation i socialt arbete med försörjningsstöd - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter
The aim of the current study was to gain an overview of factors that can effect social secretaries motivation, both positively and negatively, in their work with social assistance. This study has focused on what the employee does rather than what he or she earns as a factor that leads to increased work motivation. To have motivated employees are important in every organization and above all in Hum