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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91053 hits

Become a leader for SI sessions

As an SI leader, you help a group of students from a specific course to work through relevant course material. You hold an SI session each week. You can read more about the role of SI leader and how to apply here. As an SI leader, you guide students through a specific course, during regular sessions. Selected courses have SI sessionsSI leaders and SI sessions are tied to specific challenging cours - 2025-03-06

What Lana says about the Master's in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation

Lana from GermanyWhy did you decide to come to Lund?"The main reason was the programme itself. There is nothing comparable out there that looks at the combination of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. I like that it has that mix of social sciences and practical disaster risk reduction – it’s not focused purely on the social science aspect. I did my Bachelor’s in international - 2025-03-05

Contact us

The University's contact informationThe University switchboard is normally open from 08:00 to 16:30 on weekdays. However, there are some exceptions.Telephone+46 (0)46 222 00 00 (switchboard)Postal addressLund UniversityBox 117, SE-221 00Lund, SwedenVisit Lund University – how to get hereStudying at Lund UniversityInternational Master's or Bachelor's degree studiesIf you have any questions about in - 2025-03-05

Student rights and responsibilities

This information explains what students are entitled to – and in some cases what their responsibilities are. This might be anything from students’ work environment, student influence and equal opportunities, to the rules that apply in cases of cheating and plagiarism. Your rights and safetyAs a student at Lund University, you should feel that the work and study environment is safe and secure. The - 2025-03-05

Harassment and sexual harassment

Lund University does not accept harassment or sexual harassment. Here students will find information about what they can do if they are subjected to, or witness behaviour they perceive to be, harassment or sexual harassment. What is harassment and sexual harassment?Harassment and sexual harassment are two forms of discrimination.Harassment is conduct that violates a person’s dignity and that is as - 2025-03-06

Collaboration in Asia

Lund University collaborates and cooperates with top universities all over the world through international networks, programmes and platforms. Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) is Lund University's approach to enhance our international impact in research, education, innovation and cooperation. In this work, democracy, human rights, academic freedom, and accountability are core values.Through GDE, we - 2025-03-06

What Alex says about the Master's in Bioinformatics

Alex from the UK How did you find out about Lund University?"I have a Bachelor’s degree in Evolutionary Biology from the University of Edinburgh and I was an exchange student in Lund in 2016/17, where I studied biological courses rather than bioinformatics." What are the best things about the Masters programme in Bioinformatics?"The students and staff on the programme are very friendly and willing - 2025-03-05

The Student Health Centre's contact form for student organisations and other organisations

This online form is intended for student organisations, external engagement partners and other organisations wishing to contact the Student Health Centre. Fill in the fields below and we will contact you as soon as possible.Individual students who wish to contact the Student Health Centre are referred to our online appointment booking.Make an appointment at the Student Health Centre via the online - 2025-03-06

What Trang says about the Master's in Industrial Design

Trang from VietnamHow did you find out about this programme?"After more than 10 fulfilling years teaching Arts at a University in Vietnam, I found myself yearning to explore the world of industrial design. Despite having a stable job, a loving family, and a comfortable life, there was an inner calling I couldn't ignore. When I confided in a Professor at my former Institute of Design School about m - 2025-03-06

What Andréas says about the Master's in Service Management, Supply Chain Management

Andréas from SwedenWhat is the best thing about your programme?"I would say that our programme's strength lies in the fact that it's so broad, which gives you loads of opportunities when you graduate. You can really find your own niche within supply chain management during the programme, which makes it easier for you to find a field that you know you'll like when you start looking for jobs." Why d - 2025-03-05

What Makambi says about the Master's in Wireless Communications

Makambi from TanzaniaWhat year did you graduate?"I graduated in June 2019."What is your current job and where is it located?"I am currently a doctoral student at the Department of Electrical and Information Technology at Lund University. My research area is on iterative receivers, focusing on channels with intersymbol interference and group testing."How did you find your job and how long did it ta - 2025-03-06

List of Rights

Student rights can relate to student influence, the student work environment, exam implementation, degree projects and much more. You can find information about your rights and responsibilities in relation to the University in the List of Rights. The List of Rights for students at the Bachelor's and Master's levels at Lund University is intended to help clarify what students are entitled to and, i - 2025-03-06

Alcohol, other drugs and gambling

Dangerous consumption of alcohol or other drugs can quickly lead to major problems mentally, physically and socially. At the Student Health Centre, our main priority is to work to promote students’ health. Therefore, we think that it is especially important to be able to pick up on dangerous drinking, drug use, gaming and gambling problems at an early stage. Shortcuts to page content:Alcohol and d - 2025-03-06

What Rike says about the Master's in Biology, Aquatic Ecology

Rike from GermanyHow did you find out about Lund University?“I took a Bachelor’s in biochemistry in my home country Germany and I switched to ecology for my Master’s. I started my Master’s degree in Germany, but I didn’t like it that much, so I looked for something else. I was always really interested in ecology and environmental issues outside of the University, so I was looking for something rel - 2025-03-05

What Vidula says about the Master's in Biology, Conservation Biology

Vidula from India How did you find out about Lund University and this Master’s programme?“I did my Bachelor’s degree in zoology and biotechnology. Since it was a three-year Bachelor’s programme, I went on to do a two-year Master’s programme in biodiversity back in my home country. The Master’s in biodiversity that I did in India was very interesting and I felt like I had to increase and deepen my - 2025-03-05

What Faruk says about the Master's in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Faruk from SwedenWhat year did you graduate?"I graduated in May 2022."What is your current job and where is it located?"I am currently working as a Project Supply Manager at Tetra Pak, part of the North European Market. I am based in Lund, however, working with project procurement in UK/Ireland while leading several local categories in the Lund factory. Tetra Pak is a world-leading food processing - 2025-03-06

What Beatriz says about the Master's in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation

Beatriz  from SpainShortcuts to page content:About the programme and the teaching styleThoughts on being an international student at LundStudent lifeTips for prospective students and plans for the futureAbout the programme and the teaching styleHow did you find out about Lund University/this programme and why did you choose it? "Back in 2021, I found myself ready to take on the next challenge. I h - 2025-03-06