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Lund University International Podcast

Discover our new series: Regional series! Find out what it’s really like to live and study at Lund University as an international student! On our International Podcast, you’ll hear from current students, alumni, teachers, and many more special guests, covering topics from application and arrival to student life and the city of Lund itself. About the PodcastLaunched in March 2023, the Lund Universi - 2025-01-31

What Anna says about the Master's in European Business Law

 Anna Zemskova from Russia, now doing a PhD at the Department of Law at Lund University How did you find out about Lund University?“I started researching different programmes during the final year of my Bachelor’s degree. There were not very many options to choose from and I really wanted to do a two-year degree programme, so Lund was a perfect choice for me.”  What was the appeal of this particul - 2025-01-31

What Shabrina says about the Master's In International Strategic Management

Shabrina from IndonesiaWhat is the programme like?“In this programme, we learn about the theoretical foundation of strategic management, as well as being challenged with real business cases and simulations. Most of the cases and assignments are solved in groups. This has been beneficial for developing communication and teamworking skills. I also enjoy listening to and participating in the active a - 2025-01-31

Portfolio instructions – Master's in Architecture

Applicants for the Master's Programme in Architecture are required to submit a digital portfolio, showing your best design works in architecture. The digital portfolio must be submitted as a single PDF file of maximum 10 MB. In the file you must also include an application summary with a statement of purpose and your CV. Read the instructions below carefully and submit the file directly to Lund Un - 2025-01-31

What Lucas says about the Master's in Embedded Electronics Engineering

Lucas Ferreia from Brazil, alumnus of the programme, now PhD candidate at the Electrical and Information Technology (EIT) department at Lund University How did you find your current position?"I found it on the LTH career webpage, and saw an advertisement at the department." What's your favourite thing about your job?"My research is in the field of processor design for autonomous drones, and the id - 2025-01-31


Massive Open Online Courses Lund University offers MOOCs – online courses open to anyone with an interest, regardless of previous experience. Please note that you cannot include a MOOC as a part of a degree or receive university credits for it. You can find Lund University's MOOCs on the Coursera platform ( They have flexible start dates, so you can start at any time.Find all of Lund - 2025-01-31

Career prospects for Logistics and Supply Chain Management students

Graduates in the field of logistics and supply chain management are increasingly sought after by a broad range of employers around the world, including industrial manufacturing firms, retailers, management consultancy firms, software vendors and humanitarian organisations. A recent alumni survey showed that alumni of this Master's felt they had learned valuable applied skills and found employment - 2025-01-31

What Xiulan says about the Master's in Water Resources Engineering

Xiulan from China – AlumnaWhat year did you graduate?"I graduated in 2009."What is your current job and where is it located?"I am currently working as a senior hydrologist at London Stock Exchange. Our team is based in Oslo."What was the focus of your thesis?"It was about hydropower in California, I did the thesis with my current company."How did you find your job and how long did it take?"During - 2025-01-31

Portfolio instructions – Master's in Digital Architecture and Emergent Futures

Applicants for the Master's Programme in Digital Architecture and Emergent Futures are required to submit a digital portfolio, showing your best design works in architecture. The digital portfolio must be submitted as a single PDF file of maximum 10 MB. In the file you must also include an application summary with a statement of purpose and your CV. Read the instructions below carefully and submit - 2025-01-31

Diabetes research

We conduct experimental and clinical diabetes research. Our aim is to develop new treatments and drugs that can prevent or cure diabetes, which is a fast-growing chronic disease. It is estimated that around 500 million people worldwide have diabetes. This number is expected to rise to more than 780 million by 2045.Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and accounts for the largest inc - 2025-02-01

Fine and performing arts

Degree programmes taught in English Lund University offers a range of English-taught programmes and specialisations in the fine arts, music and theatre. These excellent arts programmes are offered by three different academies within the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts. Find out more about our programmes and studying fine and performing arts at Lund University below. Use the links to go to the - 2025-02-01

The Academic Society (AF)

The cultural hub of student life in Lund The AF building – the home of the Academic Society. The Academic Society ('Akademiska Föreningen' or AF) is a non-profit student organisation run by and for students, with the purpose of gathering and broadening the cultural aspects of student life at Lund University. AF provides the premises and the support functions that allow connected organisations, irr - 2025-02-01

What Barbora says about the Master's in Media and Communication

Barbora from SlovakiaAbout the programme and the teaching styleHow did you find out about this programme? "When I was choosing this programme, I already knew Lund because of my previous programme – Master’s of International Marketing and Brand Management. The reason why I came back was that I really liked it here, so it was a very straightforward choice for me. I had very high expectations of the - 2025-02-01

List of Rights

Student rights can relate to student influence, the student work environment, exam implementation, degree projects and much more. You can find information about your rights and responsibilities in relation to the University in the List of Rights. The List of Rights for students at the Bachelor's and Master's levels at Lund University is intended to help clarify what students are entitled to and, i - 2025-02-01

Practical information for ceremony participants

InvitationThe invitation is sent out to all those who have publicly defended their thesis or will be defending it since the last degree conferment ceremony. The invitation is sent by post in early March to the addresses registered with the faculties.DateThe doctoral degree conferment ceremony traditionally takes place on the last Friday in May, with a compulsory rehearsal on the preceding afternoo - 2025-01-31

Student rights and responsibilities

This information explains what students are entitled to – and in some cases what their responsibilities are. This might be anything from students’ work environment, student influence and equal opportunities, to the rules that apply in cases of cheating and plagiarism. Your rights and safetyAs a student at Lund University, you should feel that the work and study environment is safe and secure. The - 2025-01-31