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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91023 hits

The force of the argument

In reply to Wiklund (2009), this paper addresses once again embedded V2 clauses in Scandinavian: the behaviour of certain discourse oriented elements in these clauses, the possibility of topicalising embedded V2 clauses, and the optionality of embedded V2. The conclusion is that the analysis according to which embedded V2 clauses have illocutionary force can still be maintained.

CHRONIC MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN. Population studies of pain-experience with special focus on the Total Body Pain and aspects of adaptation in a cognitive-behavior psychological frame of reference

Musculoskeletal pain-related vocational dysfunction is a major public health problem. The solution is beyond the scope of biomedicine, but the problem could well be analyzed in the complementary, cognitive-behavior psychological frame of reference. In order to better prevent the development of pain-related dysfunction: The sociodemographic milieu of dysfunctional chronic pain patients was examined

Migrantarbetare inom jordbruket – arbetsmiljö och arbetsvillkor

I såväl media som inom myndigheter och organisationer har det under de senaste åren i allt högre grad uppmärksammats att migrerande arbetskraft inom jordbruket/den gröna näringen eventuellt används på ett sätt som kan strida mot arbetsrättsliga och sociala regleringar.Avsikten med föreliggande studie är framförallt att sammanställa den forskning som finns avseende olika arbetslivs- och arbetsmiljö