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Publication in progress in brain research 2

Chapter 5 - Viral vector-mediated overexpression of α-synuclein as a progressive model of Parkinson’s disease A. Bjorklund and M. A. Cenci (Eds.) Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 184 ISSN: 0079-6123 Copyright ! 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. CHAPTER 5 Viral vector-mediated overexpression of a-synuclein as a progressive model of Parkinson’s disease Ayse Ulusoy†, Mickael Decressac‡, Deniz K - 2025-03-10

En avslöjande skola? - En utredning om Europakonventionens skydd för religiöst betingad klädsel i skolan

I januari 2009 fick en student vid ett vuxengymnasium i Tensta besked om att hon inte tilläts bära niqab i skolan. Niqaben, som är en heltäckande slöja där endast ögonen är synliga, medförde enligt skolan pedagogiska svårigheter såväl som säkerhetsrisker. Händelsen anmäldes till Diskrimineringsombudsmannen och studenten tilläts gå kvar på skolan i väntan på myndighetens beslut. Frågan om dylika heIn January of 2009 a student at an upper secondary school for adults in Tensta was informed that she was not allowed to wear a niqab to school. According to the school board, the niqab, which is a full veil that leaves only the eyes fully visible, implied both security risks as well as pedagogical difficulties. The incident was reported to the Equality Ombudsman, and awaiting the Ombudsman’s decis

Mandatory Mediation in the Best Interest of the Child

''One of the gravest responsibilities that can be placed upon the court, and one of the most heart searching, is to determine the proper custodian of a child'' Suzanne Reynolds, Catherine T. Harris, Ralph A. Peeples&semic Back to the future: an empirical study of child custody outcomes&semic North Carolina Law Review, September, part II of the article. At least 30 000 paren

Discordant Neural Xenografting: Analysis and Modulation of Immune Responses

Transplantation of embryonic human neural tissue can restore function in patients with Parkinson’s disease, but there is a severe shortage of donor tissue which limits the applicability of the technique. Embryonic neural tissue from other species, xenogeneic tissue, would provide a readily accessible donor tissue with the potential to help patients if the immunological reactions in the host could

Begreppet rättssäkerhet och betydelsen av begreppet i den offentliga debatten om anonyma vittnen

Frågan om anonyma vittnen har länge varit föremål för debatt i den juridiska världen. Är det en rättssäker åtgärd att införa ett system med anonyma vittnen? Hur skulle ett sådant system, om det infördes, överensstämma med de rättssäkerhetsgarantier som tillstår den tilltalade i rättsprocessen? Tidigare forskning kring anonyma vittnen har fokuserat på rättssäkerheten och försökt nå en slutsats krin

Circulating Human Basophils and Dendritic Cell Subsets. Aspects of antigen recognition and presentation in type I allergic immune responses

Allergic diseases currently affect a third of the population in the industrialized parts of the world. Despite this, the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the induction and activation of allergic diseases are not fully clarified. Dendritic cells (DCs) link the innate and adaptive immunity and play vital roles in protective immunity against pathogens, as well as in inducing tolerance t

Measurements of Oscillator Strengths in Fe, Zr, Mo and Ce

Atomic data are needed in many different areas of science and technology. Examples of users are the astronomical community and the lighting industry. In this work, the purpose of the projects has been to produce reliable atomic data needed to solve specific astrophysical problems. Oscillator strengths, which are needed when analysing stellar absorption spectra as well as spectra of emission line o