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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90187 hits
Chapter 13 a.hetzler
Mall research proposal for epihealth14maj2014
Research proposal for EpiHealth (max 2 pages) Title of project: Principal investigator: Co-applicants: Short background: Research aim/hypothesis: Sample needed for analysis: Requested questionnaire data (separate Excel sheet): Requested data collected at the test centre (separate Excel sheet): Requested biobanked blood samples (volume needed): Requested biobanked DNA: Time schedule: Short descript - 2025-03-20
Geom08-schedule-2019 2018-12-17 one group w rooms
Isaxon development research day oct 2019
Urbel evelin
Microsoft Word - freight transport and the environment-final.doc Lund University International Master’s Programme in Environmental Science Freight Transport and the Environment. Environmental Impact of Increased Transportation due to Product Price Differences Master’s Thesis Prepared by Evelin Urbel Address: Kuldnoka 15-113, 10619 Tallinn Estonia Telephone: +372 656 44 23 Mobile: +372 56 478 858 E - 2025-03-20
Summary sra epihealth lu part 2014-2019 version 191227
SRA EpiHealth – Lund University part – 2014 to 2019 1 Summary of SRA EpiHealth (LU part) activities during 2014-2019 Peter M Nilsson, Professor (, Director SRA EpiHealth 2010-2019 Introduction The Strategic Research Area Epidemiology for Health SRA EpiHealth ( has been active since 2010 and consists of a research network for excellence linking t - 2025-03-20
Women in science 002
Forests and mankind 2015
PUFENDORF INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES http:/ FORESTS AND MANKIND the relationship must be made sustainable editors: Gunilla Jönson Thomas Johannesson F O R E ST S A N D M A N K IN D the relation ship m ust be m ade sustain able Aside from the oceans, the world’s forests constitute the most vital element in maintaining a climate which sustains life on Earth. The forests supply all li - 2025-03-20
Den medicinska spärren : Smitta och gränsarbete i skuggan av Förintelsen
Sommaren 1945 fördes tusentals överlevande från koncentrationslägret Bergen-Belsen till Sverige i en räddningsaktion genomförd av United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) i samarbete med Svenska Röda Korset och svenska myndigheter. Folke Bernadottes omtalade vita bussar var inte den enda svenska humanitära insatsen vid denna tid. Mottagandet av de medtagna och ofta sjuka ind
Long-Term Impacts of Achievement-Based School Assignment
Add title Page 1 of 32 University Board DECISION Reg. No. STYR 2021/1876 Date 2021-09-24 Admission rules for first and second cycle education, and qualifying and higher education access programmes at Lund University Approved by the University Board on 24 September 2021 and replaces the previous admission rules. The present rules apply to admission to education starting after 31 May 2022. Page 2 of
SWEAH Milestone Conference program 210909
SWEAH Milestone Conference October 19-20, 2021 ONLINE Tuesday, October 19 12:00-13:00 Visit the platform and mingle! 13:00-13:10 Welcome to SWEAH Milestone conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderator: Charlotta Nilsen, Stockholm University & Jönköping University 13:10-13:15 SWEAH Milestone Conference committee 13:15-13:45 Keynote presentation – When ageism meets sexism Liat A - 2025-03-20
Admission rules for first and second cycle education, and qualifying and higher education access programmes at Lund University Page 1 of 30 University Board DECISION Reg. No. STYR 2021/1876 Date 2021-09-24 Admission rules for first and second cycle education, and qualifying and higher education access programmes at Lund University Approved by the University Board on 24 September 2021 and replaces
Abstract Summary 2023
CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS Lund University Research Conference Knowledge for Sustainable Development 7 November 2023 | Stadshallen, Lund Session 1 - 09:50-10:50 - I Transition from a regional perspective - II The how-to of impact - III Conserving biodiversity Session 2 – 11:20-12:20 - I Climate impact - II Tools for impact - III Air and Water - IIII Halla Steinunn Stefansdottir - Þytur Poster presentati - 2025-03-20
SWEAH Milestone Conference program
SWEAH Milestone Conference program SWEAH Milestone Conference October 19-20, 2021 ONLINE Preliminary program Tuesday, October 19 12:00-13:00 Visit the platform and mingle! 13:00-13:10 Welcome to SWEAH Milestone conference! Margareta Pålsson, Chair of the SWEAH board Moderator: Charlotta Nilsen, Stockholm University & Jönköping University 13:10-13:15 SWEAH Milestone Conference committee 13:15-13:45 - 2025-03-20
Annamaria Westregård - 2025-03-21
Charlotta Kjöllerström
Project Coordinator Contact details Email: charlotta [dot] kjollerstrom [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 03 85Organisation LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies) Visiting address: Biskopsgatan 5, Lund Room number: Josephson 109 Service point: 59 Other affiliations Health and safety representative LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies) Employee - 2025-03-21
Anette Salling - 2025-03-21
Åsa Knaggård
PhD | Associate Professor | Senior Lecturer | Researcher CEC | Principal Investigator BECC | Health and Safety Representative | Recognised Teaching Practitioner Contact details Email: asa [dot] knaggard [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 01 64Organisation Department of Political Science Room number: 331 Service point: 35 WebpageÅsa Knaggårds profile in Lund University research portalOth - 2025-03-21