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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90176 hits
Fri från narkotika. Om kvinnor och män som har varit narkotikamissbrukare
Aim of the study, background, theory and method The two aims of this study are to describe and analyse: i) how drug abusers have transformed their lives from the time when they did not use drugs, to becoming drug abusers, and finally leaving drugs behind them; and ii) what it means to be socially integrated with one's experience of having been a drug abuser. The women and men who participated in
Pestens gåta : farsoter i det tidiga 1700-talets Skåne
Kp ksmc52 rev190320
Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2017-09-15 and was last revised on 2019-03-20. The revised syllabus applies from 2019-08-01, autumn semester 2019. General Information The course is a compulsory component of all specialisations of the Bachelor of Science programme in Servi - 2025-03-20
Nationella forskarkurser - landscape and production syllabus 2018 v3
Daniel Svarre Born 1976 Denmark, Vejle. Lives and works in Copenhagen Education 1999- 2001 - Student at the Fuhen Academy of fine Arts, Denmark. 2001- 2006 Malmö Art Academy, Master of Visual Arts in Fine Arts (MFA). Selected Solo exhibitions 2016 – Fathers Watch, Specta, Copenhagen/Denmark 2014 – SOLO, Kunsthal Nord, Aalborg/Denmark 2012 – Works from within the Circle, Specta, Copenhagen/Denmark - 2025-03-20
2008cv evamarie lindahl
EvaMarie L indahl +46(0)732-190860 CV SOLO/DUO EXHIBITIONS 2015 How Do You See? –we are reflected in gazes of glass, Malmöhus Castle, SE 2015 How Do You See? -slit, scratch, stuff, stitch, Konstfrämjandet Skåne, SE 2015 About: The Blank Pages, together with Ditte Ejlerskov, Kvinnohistoriskt museum, SE 2014 Unbroken Archive, Lounge presentation at Stene Projects, Stockh - 2025-03-20
Corvellec nsrcampus june 8 2017
Handledningsaritmetik Redefining Waste Management Hervé Corvellec Department of Service Studies Lund University NSR & Guests Helsingborg Campus, June 8 Challenge # 1: From 'Less Landfilling’ to ‘Wasting Less’* * Corvellec & Hultman (2012) European Waste Hierarchy* * Hultman & Corvellec (2012) Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EG) Circular economy But lock-ins* *Corvellec, Zapata Campos, & Zapata, - 2025-03-20
Third decade of epr open session 10 october 2016
Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Committee for Biomedical, Medical and Public Health Education on 2016-02-10 and was last revised on 2017-04-04 by The Master's Programmes Board. The revised syllabus applies from 2017-04-05, spring semester 2017. General Information The course is a compulsory component of the Master (120 credits) of Medical Scienc - 2025-03-20
JGSA01 European Business Law - Understanding the Fundamentals Lund University Faculty of Law JGSA01, European Business Law - Understanding the Fundamentals, 5 credits Europeisk affärsrätt - Förstå grunderna, 5 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Faculty of Law Board of education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on 2023-03-17 to be valid fr - 2025-03-20
JGSA03 European Business Law - Competing in Europe Lund University Faculty of Law JGSA03, European Business Law - Competing in Europe, 5 credits Europeisk affärsrätt - Konkurrera i Europa, 5 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Faculty of Law Board of education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on 2023-03-17 to be valid from 2023-03-17, spri - 2025-03-20
Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by The Master's Programmes Board on 2016-12-15 and was last revised on 2016-12-15. The revised syllabus applies from 2017-01-01, spring semester 2017. General Information The course is a compulsory component of the Master (120 credits) of Medical Science programme in Public Health. Language of instruction: English Lear - 2025-03-20
I väntan på asyl. Retorik och praktik i svensk flyktingpolitik.
Vetenskaplig osäkerhet i policyprocessen : En studie av svensk klimatpolitik
The welfare mobility dilemma : Transnational strategies and national structuring at crossroads
The dissertation considers welfare with regard to international mobility and immobility. It addresses a tension between two different conceptualisations of the organisation of everyday life with regard to nation-states: one that views everyday life as relatively mobile across nation-state borders and boundaries, and another that treats everyday life as relatively confined within such limits. The o
Lu cec 2018 4-3 english
PowerPoint-presentation Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC The Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, is a combined physical and virtual centre at Lund University. CEC conducts research, education and communication on environmental sciences and climate research. 1 VISITING ADDRESS The Ecology building Sölvegatan 37 in Lund CEC is in an expansive phase and the number of - 2025-03-20
Plan of operations cec 2015
Brevmall Centre for Env i ronmenta l and Cl imate Research Plan of Operations for the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research (CEC) 2015 Approved by the CEC Board on 18 November 2014 1 Reg. no STYR 2014/1083 2 CONTENTS Mission……………………………………………………………………...3 Vision…………………………………………………………………….…3 Strategy……………………………………………………………………..3 2015 Operations…………………………………………………………….5 RESEARCH…………………………………… - 2025-03-20
Plan of operations cec 2016 eng
Brevmall Centre for Envi ronmenta l and Cl imate Research Plan of Operations for the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research (CEC) 2016 Approved by the CEC Board on 23 November 2015 1 Reg. no STYR 2015/1235 2 CONTENTS Mission……………………………………………………………………...3 Vision…………………………………………………………………….…3 Strategy……………………………………………………………………...3 2016 Operations…………………………………………………………….5 RESEARCH…………………………………… - 2025-03-20
Cedergren local success global failure
Microsoft Word - Cedergren et al - Local success Global failure - Revised version.docx 1 INTRODUCTION Many of society’s vital functions and services (such as power supply, telecommunications, and transpor- tation) have become increasingly interconnected (Amin, 2001). While this gives rise to increased ef- ficiency, tighter connections also invites increased vulnerability and the risks of cascading - 2025-03-20