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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90067 hits
Fyrverkeritårtors vältningsbenägenhet – en studie i fyrverkerisäkerhet och testmetodik
The Black-Litterman Model Applied on OMXS30
SFI- Invandrares nyckel in i samhället? En kvalitativ undersökning om SFI villkorade deltagares syn på förväntningar, motivation och prestationskrav inom SFI utbildningen
Denna C-uppsats syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur SFI föreskrivna deltagare som är villkorade försörjningsstöd, upplever sin studiemotivation samt vilka förväntningar de har på utbildningen. Det har även varit av intresse att lyfta fram lärares, socialsekreterares, rektors, regeringens samt en SFI experts åsikter kring dessa teman. Urvalet har avgränsats till arabisk talande SFI föreskrivna This C-level thesis aims at increasing the understanding of how SFI prescribed participants, Who are on conditional income support, experience their study motivation and what they expect from the education. It has also been of interest to give attention to the opinions of teachers, social secretaries, principals, the Government and an SFI expert on these topics. The selection has been limited to A
Etik och politik – socialarbetarens tolkningsutrymme: En kvalitativ studie om tolkningsutrymme i sexköpslagens proposition Kvinnofrid (1997/98:55) och socialarbetarens etiska kod.
Implementation of Scheimpflug Lidar for Entomological Monitoring of Bark Beetles
Monstret & människan : Paré, Deleuze och teratologiska traditioner i fransk filosofi, från renässanshumanism till posthumanism
This dissertation studies the problem of the inhuman in relation to human nature in philosophy from antiquity to the present, highlighting the interrelationship between science and philosophy in the development of concepts of monstrosity in France from mid-sixteenth century to late twentieth century thought. By means of constraint, it focuses on Ambroise Paré (1509/10–90) and Gilles Deleuze (1925–
Development of a 2D Temperature Measurement Technique for Combustion Diagnostics using 2-Line Atomic Fluorescence
The present thesis is concerned with the development and application of a novel planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) technique for temperature measurements in a variety of combusting flows. Accurate measurement of temperature is an essential task in combustion diagnostics, since temperature is one of the most fundamental quantities for the characterization of combustion processes. The techniqu
Hip disorders and osteoarthritis: focus on health-related quality of life, assesssment and intervention
The overall aims of this work were to investigate the consequences of hip disorders and hip osteoarthritis (OA) on health-related quality of life (HRQL) physical function and self-efficacy. The condition, hip OA, is often associated with significant pain and has a strong impact on physical function and quality of life. The prevalence of hip disorders were 32% and among the individuals reporting h
Att bygga broar över kulturgränser : Om svenskars kommunikation med icke-svenskar vid arbete utanför Sverige
Globalization creates a need for increased communication competence among Swedes working on the global arena. This study is based on reports of communication processes used by Swedes when interacting professionally with non-Swedes. The reports are derived from interviews. The study focuses on three areas. The communication strategies developed by the respondents for intercultural communication. Th
En paleomagnetisk detaljstudie av Sarekgångsvärmen
Favorithällen är belägen inom Sarektjåkkåskollan - en av enheterna i Seveskollkomplexet i de Norra Svenska Kaledoniderna. Den utgörs av metasedimentbergarter som intruderats av vendiska diabasgångar varav 11 stycken har kunnat rangeras åldersmässigt med hjälp av kylkontakter. Tidigare undersökningar av lokalen visar att stora delar av den extensionsmiljö som rådde vid tiden för intrusionerna har b
Film@Forum: The Children Act
5 March 2024 16:40 to 20:00 | Other Welcome to our very first Film@Forum, hosted by Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities at Lund University. We’ll watch the film The Children Act on Forum Medicum’s big new screen in the foyer, followed by a conversation about the film with researchers from Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities and invited speakers. When? 5 March. The film starts exa - 2025-03-16
2014cv kaare sebastian golles
Cv burman for homepage 002
Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by The Master's Programmes Board on 2016-04-26 to be valid from 2016-07-01, autumn semester 2016. General Information The course is a compulsory component of the Master (120 credits) of Medical Science programme in Public Health Language of instruction: English Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding On complet - 2025-03-16
Research funding and project management
Invoice management
An invoice is a bill that must be paid by the University. You are responsible for paying your invoices through the online tool Lupin/Proceedo. On this page, you will find information on how to proceed. Compulsory e-invoicing in the public sectorAll purchases in the public sector are required by law to be invoiced electronically. This requirement is part of efforts to make public administration mor - 2025-03-16
Understanding what it means to be a Montessori teacher: Teachers' reflections on their lives and work.
The overall aim of this study has been to come to a better understanding of what it means to be a Montessori teacher, by getting a group of Montessori teachers to reflect on their lives and work. Data exploration has comprised journals, interviews, written reflections and collaborative contextual analysis. Analysis of the teachers' occupational life histories and the findings as a whole have been
Algorithmic Methods in Combinatorial Algebra
This thesis consists of a collection of articles all using and/or developing algorithmic methods for the investigation of different algebraic structures. Part A concerns orthogonal decompositions of simple Lie algebras. The main result of this part is that the symplectic Lie algebra C3 has no orthogonal decomposition of so called monomial type. This was achieved by developing an algorithm for fin
Konturer av ett kvinnligt fält : Om missbrukande kvinnors möten i familjeliv och behandling
The aim of the dissertation is to describe the conditions under which substance abusing women live with regard to their families, the substance abuse and treatment. The interaction between the substance abusing women and the institutional expectations is analysed from gender and class perspective. The dissertation is based on interviews with two groups of substance abusing women: 12 mothers, livin