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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91207 hits
Introduction LUCRIS is Lund University’s research information system. Among other things, researchers can register publications, projects and activities such as conference participation, external academic engagements, and outreach (“tredje uppgiften”). LUCRIS stands for Lund University Current Research Information System. The public web portal is called Research portal. It displays the system’s in - 2025-03-14
DevelopmentGeographies 2022 PhD course
Microsoft Word - NDC-DevelopmentGeographies(FV)-V3.docx 1 Development Geographies: Current Debates Course Description: We live in unprecedented times, when ‘normality’, including around development processes, is perforated by the CoVID-19 pandemic. It has also become a moment for reflection on the harms (to people’s livelihoods, for instance) and recompense (the environment) of this pause, with th - 2025-03-14
L o R Academic
Letter of Recommendation: Academic Reference PAGE 1 OF 2 Letter of Recommendation: Academic Reference Dear Academic Referee, We greatly appreciate that you are able to provide an academic reference for an applicant to the admission to Lund University International Master’s in Climate Change and Society (LUCAS) and/or Lund University International Master’s in Environmental Studies and Sustainabilit - 2025-03-14
L o R Professional
Letter of Recommendation: Professional Reference PAGE 1 OF 2 Letter of Recommendation: Professional Reference Dear Professional Referee, We greatly appreciate that you are able to provide a professional reference for an applicant to the admission to Lund University International Master’s in Climate Change and Society (LUCAS) and/or Lund University International Master’s in Environmental Studies an - 2025-03-14
LPED 2020 4
Rules of Procedure for Review of Foreign Scholarships for Research Studies
Reg. no STYR 2023/175 Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Sölvegatan 16, LUND Telephone +46 46-222 00 00 (switchboard) The In ternat ional Commit tee of the Research Stud ies Board Rules of Procedure for Review of Foreign Scholarships for Research Studies Approved by the Research Studies Board on 13 December 2022 Valid from 1 January 2023 Background Lund
SGPOL - Bachelor's in Politics and Economics
Work package 4 of SUMMIT
Work package 4 of SUMMIT - "Novel animal models of diabetes" Novel means to prevent diabetic complications are needed. An important mean in this undertaking would be to develop tools which would make development of novel drugs for prevention of complications more feasible. The SUMMIT consortium brings together European key leaders in the field of diabetes research; scientists with a deep insight i - 2025-03-14
Comparative Politics Research Group
The Comparative Politics Research Group covers all major research areas in the field, including institutions, democracy and political development, parties and voting behavior, political economy, political psychology, public opinion, and public policy. We specialize in the politics of OECD countries, but many of us also do research on Eastern Europe, Latin America, and other regions. In recent year - 2025-03-13
Support medical research The breadth and depth in our research is unique in northern Europe. Your contribution will help us getting even better!Donate to medical research Collaboration: Public healthcare Lund University and public healthcare strive together to develop new methods. Collaboration: Industry Contact us if your company wants to develop products and services. Popular science events (in - 2025-03-13
What Christian says about the programme
Christian Hohlfeld What did you do before you started studying the Master's programme in Strategic Communication? I completed a joint social science degree in Communications and Media Studies, Political Science, and Sociology at the Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf, Germany. Next to my studies, I was always excited about gaining hands-on experience in the fields related to strategic communi - 2025-03-13
Research Seminars
Research Seminars (Thursdays 13.15-14.30) The CMES Research Seminar is the main collective seminar at the Centre. LU researchers and invited national and international leading scholars present ongoing research and analyses of a broad range of exciting topics of relevance for the Middle East.Download the CMES Research Seminar Program for the spring semester 2025 here. Calendar Link to RSS 20 March - 2025-03-13
Template for course costs
Contact Håkan Johansson Professor & Principal Investigator (PI) School of Social Work Lund UniversityMobile: +46 (0)70 849 48 67 Phone: +46 (0)46 222 09 88 Email: hakan [dot] johansson [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (hakan[dot]johansson[at]soch[dot]lu[dot]se) The research programme looks at four European countries, which allows for comparing features and composition of civil society elites, and ident - 2025-03-13
Environmental Radiology
Environmental Radiology Environmental Radiology is a field of science which studies the presence of ionizing radiation from various sources in the environment and how the radiation doses to humans and biota can be detected or described by means of measurement techniques and calculation methods. Development and improvement of methods and measurement techniques for the determination of ionizing radi - 2025-03-13
The programme might be subject to change and will be continuously updated. Tuesday 22nd of October 12.00 - 13.00: Registration 13.00 - 13.15: Opening of the conference by conference host Thomas Tengelin Nyström13.15-14.30: Keynote speaker Ulrich Herb - Balancing Aspirations and Outcomes: A Critical Look at Open Access Policies and Their Evolution - presentation14.30 - 15.00: Coffee break15.00-16.0 - 2025-03-13
Activities - 2025-03-13
Noise exposure and health
RESEARCH COVERAGE Sound environment centre have three focus areas were reports about current involvement from members of the board have been presented. Noise exposure and health is one of these areas were PhD Kristoffer Mattisson, member of the board, have had the responsibility to report. Kristoffer work at Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) part time as researcher (at Lund University) - 2025-03-13