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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90929 hits

The "New Negro" in the Old World: Culture and Performance in James Weldon Johnson, Jessie Fauset, and Nella Larsen

This thesis investigates the relationship between the “New Negro” moment of the early twentieth-century America and the Old World of Europe, as represented in James Weldon Johnson’s The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man (1912), Jessie Fauset’s There is Confusion (1924), and Nella Larsen’s Quicksand (1928). In the nineteenth century, Europe functioned as a symbol of freedom, education and art in t

Bara i Bon : En intervjustudie med 11-åringar om familj, fostran och dagligt liv

The thesis aims to describe, analyse and interpret the conditions of the upbringing process and the socialization process in a group of eleven-year-olds while the process is still ongoing, and to do this with the help of the eleven-year-olds? narrations about their families and about how the children themselves view their families and their upbringing. The research approach is inspired by phenomen

Incalculable Community

This thesis argues that the Western thinking of political community has assumed the community to require a unity or unifying principle that serves as delineation. It suggests that sameness, reflected in history, space, language, or reason, has been assumed as the condition of possibility of the political community. Consequently, a particular identity is made a prerequisite for membership and vouch

Beyond the Catchwords : Adjustment and Community Response to Participatory Development in Post-Suharto Indonesia

The emphasis on people-centred development is distinctive in today’s development discourse. This is noticeable in catchwords like democratic decentralisation, participation, and empowerment, which are highly esteemed among NGOs, donors, and policymakers in recipient countries. The benefits of participatory approaches are several. When people influence the process of development, policies and pro


Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by The Master's Programmes Board on 2016-04-26 to be valid from 2016-07-01, autumn semester 2016. General Information The course is a compulsory component of the Master (120 credits) of Medical Science programme in Public Health Language of instruction: English Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding On complet - 2025-03-13

Monstret & människan : Paré, Deleuze och teratologiska traditioner i fransk filosofi, från renässanshumanism till posthumanism

This dissertation studies the problem of the inhuman in relation to human nature in philosophy from antiquity to the present, highlighting the interrelationship between science and philosophy in the development of concepts of monstrosity in France from mid-sixteenth century to late twentieth century thought. By means of constraint, it focuses on Ambroise Paré (1509/10–90) and Gilles Deleuze (1925–

Development of a 2D Temperature Measurement Technique for Combustion Diagnostics using 2-Line Atomic Fluorescence

The present thesis is concerned with the development and application of a novel planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) technique for temperature measurements in a variety of combusting flows. Accurate measurement of temperature is an essential task in combustion diagnostics, since temperature is one of the most fundamental quantities for the characterization of combustion processes. The techniqu

Hip disorders and osteoarthritis: focus on health-related quality of life, assesssment and intervention

The overall aims of this work were to investigate the consequences of hip disorders and hip osteoarthritis (OA) on health-related quality of life (HRQL) physical function and self-efficacy. The condition, hip OA, is often associated with significant pain and has a strong impact on physical function and quality of life. The prevalence of hip disorders were 32% and among the individuals reporting h

Defining, Securing and Building a Just Peace : The EU and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Just peace has been much talked about in everyday life, but it is less well researched by academics. The puzzle underlying this dissertation is therefore to probe what constitutes a just peace, both conceptually within the field of peacebuilding and empirically in the context of the EU as a peacebuilder in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The EU has used the term just peace in many of its most

Languages and Tools for Optimization of Large-Scale Systems

Modeling and simulation are established techniques for solving design problems in a wide range of engineering disciplines today. Dedicated computer languages, such as Modelica, and efficient software tools are available. In this thesis, an extension of Modelica, Optimica, targeted at dynamic optimization of Modelica models is proposed. In order to demonstrate the Optimica extension, supporting sof

Swash Processes and Dune Erosion: Emphasis on Vessel-Generated Waves

In navigable waterways, owing to the relatively short fetches for wind wave generation, the free waves generated by moving vessels often produce the dominant wave action with respect to erosion of the shore. In response to the fairly recent introduction of high-speed ferries, combined with a planned expansion within the passenger- and car-carrying ship market, the need to model and predict coastli

Understanding what it means to be a Montessori teacher: Teachers' reflections on their lives and work.

The overall aim of this study has been to come to a better understanding of what it means to be a Montessori teacher, by getting a group of Montessori teachers to reflect on their lives and work. Data exploration has comprised journals, interviews, written reflections and collaborative contextual analysis. Analysis of the teachers' occupational life histories and the findings as a whole have been

Algorithmic Methods in Combinatorial Algebra

This thesis consists of a collection of articles all using and/or developing algorithmic methods for the investigation of different algebraic structures. Part A concerns orthogonal decompositions of simple Lie algebras. The main result of this part is that the symplectic Lie algebra C3 has no orthogonal decomposition of so called monomial type. This was achieved by developing an algorithm for fin

Konturer av ett kvinnligt fält : Om missbrukande kvinnors möten i familjeliv och behandling

The aim of the dissertation is to describe the conditions under which substance abusing women live with regard to their families, the substance abuse and treatment. The interaction between the substance abusing women and the institutional expectations is analysed from gender and class perspective. The dissertation is based on interviews with two groups of substance abusing women: 12 mothers, livin

Bohumil Hrabals litterära collage

The main theme of the thesis is an analysis of three texts by the Czech author Bohumil Hrabal (1914 – 1997), namely ’Mrtvomat’ (’Mrtvomat’, 1949), This City is in the Joint Care of Its Inhabitants (Toto mìsto je ve spoleèné péèi obyvatel, 1967), and ’Legend Played on Strings Stretched Between the Cradle and the Coffin’ (’Legenda zahraná na strunách mezi kolébkou a rakví’, 1968). These texts are co

Absorption Characteristics of Periodically Perforated Suspended Ceilings

The sound absorption characteristics of resonant absorbers, implemented as perforated suspended inner ceilings attached with thin porous layers, are investigated. Several existing theories model the principal absorption mechanisms, but the interaction with the outer sound field influences the absorption in ways that can be modelled with new approaches. The effect of arranging the absorbing surfac

Occupational Perspectives on Health in People with Schizophrenia

The thesis has provided with systematic information about how people with schizophrenia live their everyday life, and the results have shown significant relationships between occupational perspectives and health. The thesis departed in two in-depth studies that concerned time use and occupational engagement in relation to what people with schizophrenia do in their everyday life, with whom they are

Mark and Mission : Mk 7:1-23 in its Narrative and Historical Contexts

Few passages in the New Testament Gospels can compete with Mk 7:1-23 when it comes to the history of influence in biblical scholarship. Generations of scholars have turned to this pericope in order to find the message of the historical Jesus, the theology of early Christianity or even the essence of Christianity. In this thesis it is argued that the mainstream interpretation of the cardinal saying