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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91027 hits

GRAND CHALLENGE: the Carbon Cycle Response to Anthropogenic and Biophysical Drivers

– Scratching the Surface In the Spotlight: Fundamental Research for Keeping Carbon in the GroundBECC’s role in fostering successful young researchersSoils store more carbon than the atmosphere and living biomass together, making carbon compounds entering or leaving the soil carbon storage system of considerable importance for greenhouse effect mitigation. As a result, soil microbial ecology and ch - 2025-03-09

Admission to Performance programmes in Music

I want to know more about admission to:Bachelor's Performance ProgrammesMaster's  Performance ProgrammesDiploma programmesChurch Music programmesPerformance or Composition Studies, one-year independent courses How to apply Malmö Academy of Music accepts a great number of international Bachelor's and Master's students every year. International Bachelor's and Master’s applicants must follow the same - 2025-03-09

Teaching: Doctoral Students

On this page you find information concerning teaching and doctoral students: General informationPlanning your teachingSupervisionPedagogical coursesGeneral informationGeneral information on the Internal Faculty of Social Sciences pages:Steering documents and regulations for teaching on Bachelor and Master levelsInformation on reading lists, compensation and course reportsGeneral information on tea - 2025-03-09

Newly admitted students

Information FOR STUDENTS WHO HAVE RECEIVED AN ADMISSION OFFER for the LUMES programme Congratulations on being admitted to LUMES and welcome to Lund University and the LUMES programme! On this page we have gathered important information that will be useful for you when you are preparing for your studies. Admitted students also receive information per email, please check your inbox regularly. Accep - 2025-03-09

Bachelor Programme in Acting

KGSKS | Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts | 180 Credits Photo: Emmalisa Pauly. At Malmö Theatre Academy, we provide thorough training using practical acting tools. Our aim is to educate actors with extensive knowledge and great freedom both in their physical and cognitive expressions, who can meet all the diverse challenges presented by theatre today. The teaching is organised as a coherent whole fr - 2025-03-09

Export control

Export control aims to prevent strategically sensitive products from ending up in the wrong hands, and sending to recipients outside of the country (export or transfer) may require permits. On this page, you can read more about which products are classified as sensitive and read about the University’s procedures and regulatory framework for export control. Export control and potential permit requi - 2025-03-10

Ecological compensation

Assessing Socio-economic and Ecological impacts of Ecological Compensation Ecological compensation is used to mitigate the impacts of development on biodiversity and ecosystem services and means that exploitation and land-use changes that cause adverse effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services are compensated by providing new values in another area. Compensation measures usually consist of re - 2025-03-10

Research with impact

We seek to address global challenges through relevant research-based education in which we, together with the private and public sectors, explore how to make the world a better place. We are a research-driven business school with a long history of research projects on socio-economic, financial and environmental sustainability, as well as ethics and corporate social responsibility. As part of one o - 2025-03-10

Arrcomp jazz style cs

Course Syllabus ARRANGING AND COMPOSITION 1 COURSE DETAILS 1. Course code: MUUA05 2. Course title: Arranging and Composition: Arranging and Composition Jazz Style 3. Cycle: First 4. Higher education credits: 102 5. Syllabus approved by the Education Committee of the Performance and Church Music Depart- ment 11 December 2006. This syllabus is valid from 1 July 2007. 2 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. FIELD: - 2025-03-10


EngGeneralCourses Performance, Composition and Church Music Programmes & Interpretation Diploma Programme Chamber Music 1 Course Details 1 Course code: MUUA36 2. Course title: Chamber Music, Symphony Orchestra Instrument, Piano, Vocal Studies, Guitar, Recorder 3. Cycle: First 4. Higher education credits: 12 5. Syllabus approved by the Education Committee of the Performance and Church Music Departm - 2025-03-10

2001cv magnus thierfelder

ABOUT Magnus Thierfelder keeps it simple, yet he does not simplify. He collects detailed observations that sometimes translate into an art work, and sometimes not - it is a liquid boundary between the two, an attitude that embraces the organic process of transformation. He takes a particular interest in the symbolics of a lamppost or a brick that are not human, but can act as one, as they reanimat - 2025-03-10

Mall-personuppgiftsbitradesavtal eng 20180508 0

1/6 2/2 5/6 Processor Agreement This processor agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into on the last date of signature below, between: [The processor] organisation registration number [… ] (“Processor”) and Lund University, [relevant faculty/department], organisation registration number 202100-3211 (“ Controller ”) hereafter referred to separately as “the Party” and together as “the Parties”. Ba - 2025-03-10