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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91031 hits

WCMM Research Day 2023

2023 | "AI in Regenerative Medicine"Organizing Committee | Inês Maria Nascimento Caiado, Denis Kovalenko and Camila Vazquez EchegarayHighlights from the programKeynote Speaker | Jacob Vogel, DDLS FellowTitle: Achieving biological insight and clinical utility from human neurodegenerative disease data through statistical learningWCMM Trainee Short TalksIlia Kurochkin (Pereira group): “A transcriptio - 2025-03-09

COSM34: Development Theories and Issues in East and South-East Asia

In this course we offer an interdisciplinary study of key theories of socioeconomic development in present-day East and South-East Asia. Since the middle of the twentieth century, Asian countries have been at the forefront of developmental revolutions and the site of developmental ‘miracles’, making the region a perfect lens for analysing and understanding the emergence of our current global devel - 2025-03-09

Research areas at the department of Economics

Research at the Department of Economics is organised in a number of specialized research areas, some of which have parallels in recommended paths of specialisation within education at the bachelor's and master's levels. Our research is focused on theoretical and empirical analysis of economic decisions and phenomena. The theoretical analyses aim to identify and describe economic problems, in order - 2025-03-09

Course evaluations, course and programme reports, and quality plans

Course evaluations and Course Reports are key elements in the continuous improvement of the faculty's courses. In the course evaluations, students share their views and experiences of individual courses, and teachers and students make suggestions on how the education can be developed. The course evaluations are based on a jointly developed template of questions for students to answer, and are cond - 2025-03-10


Data Management Plan A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that describes the life cycle of research data from collection through the analyses and reporting to the archiving of data. Writing a DMP at the start of the project can be helpful in the planning and execution of the research. A DMP can save time and resources in the long run, enhance data security and minimize the risk of data loss, - 2025-03-10

Research with impact

We seek to address global challenges through relevant research-based education in which we, together with the private and public sectors, explore how to make the world a better place. We are a research-driven business school with a long history of research projects on socio-economic, financial and environmental sustainability, as well as ethics and corporate social responsibility. As part of one o - 2025-03-10


EngGeneralCourses Performance, Composition and Church Music Programmes & Interpretation Diploma Programme Chamber Music 1 Course Details 1 Course code: MUUA36 2. Course title: Chamber Music, Symphony Orchestra Instrument, Piano, Vocal Studies, Guitar, Recorder 3. Cycle: First 4. Higher education credits: 12 5. Syllabus approved by the Education Committee of the Performance and Church Music Departm - 2025-03-10

Geom07 english

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Study programmes board, Faculty of Science on 2013- 01-17 to be valid from 2013-01-18, spring semester 2013. General Information The course is an elective course for second-cycle studies for a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) in geology. The course is given in English. Learning outcomes The aim of the - 2025-03-10