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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91054 hits
Kursguide - Course Syllabus School of Economics and Management EKHU10, Innovation, Transformation and Resilience for Sustainable Development, 7.5 credits Innovation, transformation och resiliens för hållbar utveckling, 7,5 högskolepoäng Second Cycle / Avancerad nivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by The Board of the Department of Economic History on 2021-11-09 to be valid from 202
Masterht16-application 2 0
Basic econometrics EEH037F Syllabus
Biobank Sample Collection (MPBC) inftrastructure report 2021
Microsoft Word - Biobank_inftrastructure report 2021.docx Multipark infrastructure report form 2021 MultiPark Biobank Sample Collection (MPBC) Infrastructure manager: Maria Swanberg 1. Short description of the infrastructure. MULTIPARK'S BIOBANK SAMPLE COLLECTION, MPBC Steering group: Maria Swanberg (coordinator), Oskar Hansson, Andreas Puschmann, Håkan Widner and Per Odin. MultiPark's biobank sam
Courses at Master's Level
All advanced courses given by the Department of Physics, Science Faculty, are presented on this page. The courses are sorted into which study period they are given. Some courses are given twice during the academic year. The language of instruction in our courses at Master's level is English. Autumn Semester – Study Period 1 Advanced Nuclear Physics | FYST54 | 7.5 credits Will not be given autumn 2 - 2025-03-06
Utbildningsplan Språkkonsultprogrammet
Luf invest global talent webb 0
About LP3
Lund Protein Production Platform (LP3) is a cross-faculty expert center and user facility of Lund University (LU). As such, we provide services and make equipment available in the areas of recombinant protein production, crystallisation, biophysical characterization, and structure determination. Lund Protein Production Platform (LP3) harbours the LU node of a new national research infrastructure f - 2025-03-05
LP3 Annual Report 2023 - 2025-03-05
Laminin α1 reduces muscular dystrophy in dy2J mice
Complex Genomes in Cancer
The highly complex genome of an osteosarcoma.Our aim is to develop new treatment strategies for patients with highly aggressive malignancies. To this end, we screen clinical tumor material for disease-causing mutations using deep sequencing technology and we manipulate genes of interest in cancer model systems to understand the true consequences of mutations.Most high-grade cancers harbor mutation - 2025-03-05
SAIN - SWEAH Alumni Interdisciplinary Network
Contested Boundaries
Music Teacher Training programme
300 CREDITS | 5 YEARS Our Music Teacher Training programme gives you the opportunity to grow, both as a musician and as an educator. Through music studies at the highest level, you will develop your skills individually as well as together with others. At Malmö Academy of Music, we will give you the tools you need to create the music education of the future. Study at Malmö Academy of MusicThrough p - 2025-03-05