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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91055 hits

CALLUM Linear Transmitter - Architecture and Circuit Analysis

This doctoral dissertation presents a study of linear radio transmitters based on the combined analog locked loop universal modulator (CALLUM) approach. Linear architectures such as CALLUM are very attractive for power-efficient operations, since they have no fundamental limitations prohibiting a 100% efficiency for all envelope levels, without sacrificing the potential of a linear transmission. T

To act as a Union : Explaining the development of the EU's collective foreign policy

It is difficult for states to cooperate on issues related to international peace and security. Yet, ever since 1970, the EU member states have succeeded to gradually intensify their foreign policy cooperation and increasingly act in unison towards the rest of the world. This PhD thesis seeks an explanation to this trend. It does so by initially painting a picture of when, in time, the volume and c

On Parameter Estimation and Control of Time-Varying Stochastic Systems

This thesis is about parameter estimation and control of time-varying stochastic systems. It can be divided into two parts. The first part deals with an estimation algorithm commonly used when estimating parameters in time-varying stochastic systems, the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm with forgetting factor. The exact statistical properties for the RLS-estimator with forgetting factor ar

No title

The German poet Jacob Balde (1604-1668) chose a biblical human sacrifice as subject for his tragedy "Jephtias" intended to be performed at a Jesuit school. Jephthah, the judge, had to sacrifice his own daughter due to a vow given before the war against the Ammonites. Balde uses this topic to exemplify Jesuit virtues such as obedience, ability to handle one's emotions and readiness to sacrifice one

Vuxnas tänkande om och förhållningssätt till munhälsa

The need, for health educational reasons, of obtaining a more adequate understanding of how people think and act in connection with questions of dental health and professional dental care has been emphasized. The present study examines the attitudes and conceptions of adult individuals regarding their own dental health, as well as measures they take to further it. The aim is to elucidate factors t

Carbon balances and biofuel production under land use change

The increasing demand for solid biofuels, such as primary forest fuels, has highlighted the importance to consider that they, in contrast to fossil fuels are produced in dynamic ecosystems. Environmental effects of changes in ecosystem management policies, positive and negative, are not obvious. To that end, calculations of carbon budgets in single forest stands show that the carbon balance dramat

Empatisk förståelse. Från inlevelse till osjälviskhet

This treatise examines the nature of empathic understanding, i.e. understanding of what it is like for someone to be in a particular mental state. Its aim is twofold: (1) to explain how empathic understanding is possible, and (2) to explain how empathic understanding can cause unselfishness. The treatise defends a theory that meets both these desiderata. According to this theory (“the simulation i

Energy migration and charge formation in conjugated polymers

The main part of the thesis is concerned with charge photogeneration in conjugated polymers. MeLPPP and POMeOPT films were investigated by transient absorption spectroscopy using different excitation photon energies and light intensities with and without an external electric field. We conclude that electric field-assisted charge pair photogeneration occurs from vibrationally relaxed singlet excito

Not Just Any Water : Hinduism, Ecology and the Ganges Water Controversy

Whether the Ganges river in Varanasi (India) is pristinely pure or heavily polluted depends on by whom it qualities are defined, the Brahmin religious specialists in the city or the science oriented environmentalists. While the controversy continues, some Hindu religious leaders are searching for ways to adjust their respective traditions to the environmental paradigms, an initiative that reflects

Märkesorientering - Utveckling av varumärken som strategiska resurser och skydd mot varumärkesdegeneration

The aim of this study was to examine how an organisation’s approach to brands can, in the building up of a brand competence, prevent trademark degeneration and develop and protect brands as strategic resources. A line of argument is put forward for adopting a new corporate approach (mind-set) to brands. The starting-point is the concept of trademark degeneration (genericness), which is both the ke

Korruption, utländsk påverkan och frihetstidens styrelseskick : En politisk historia

Allt sedan det amerikanska presidentvalet 2016 har det runt om i världen pågått en intensiv diskussion om utländska påverkansoperationer och hur och med vilken framgång främmande makter i det fördolda har sökt påverka demokratiska val, politisk opinion och politiska beslut i olika länder, däribland Sverige. Forskare, debattörer och politiker har särskilt framhållit att den nya informationsteknolog

Lärarstudenters berättelser om läsning. Från tidig barndom till mötet med lärarutbildning

The aim of the thesis is to contribute to knowledge about experience and perceptions of reading that students at a school of education have, from early reading experiences in childhood, to the encounter with reading in context of their teacher training. The following overarching questions were asked: What aspects of narratives appear to be significant in the students’ reading trajectories? Which a

Regen villages james ehrlich 17 maj 2017

REGEN_VILLAGES_AGTECH_DECK The “Tesla of Ecovillages” AG/TECH INTEGRATED REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT PATENT PENDING TECHNOLOGY IN QUANTIFIED NEIGHBORHOOD OS AND BIOGENERATION SYSTEMS ReGen Villages is a high-tech real estate development company • Addressing the urgent need for housing inventory that is energy positive & regenerative • Managing high-yield organic food production at the doorstep in abun - 2025-03-06

Annual report 2014

ANNUAL REPORT 2014 2 IIIEE– Advancing Strategies for Sustainable Solutions Lena Neij. Photo: Gunnar Menander. Content IIIEE – Advancing Strategies for Sustainable Solutions ............ 1 Highlights 2014 ............................ 2 Education ..................................... 4 Research ....................................... 6 International Collaboration 2014 .................... 10 The Alu - 2025-03-06

2007cv tamar guimaraes

Tamar Guimarães Solo Exhibitions 2016 Programa Fisuras, Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain 
 2015 The Florists from Beyond the Grave, SKMU Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand, Norway 
 2014 Canoas, Pink Summer, Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy 
 2012 The Last Days of Watteau, Galeria Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo, Brasil L’au-Delà (Des Noms et Des Choses), Jeu de Paume Satellite at Maison d‘art Bernard Ant - 2025-03-06


Microsoft Word - Evaluation Lund 190208 JH BK_JK_JK.docx 1 Evaluation Doctoral program in economic history University of Lund February 2019 Lund University has one of the largest, if not the largest programmes in Economic History in the world. It has grown very rapidly in recent years and now produces a large number of PhD students in diverse areas of economic history, several of whom have disting - 2025-03-06