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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90919 hits

Marknadsargumentet- och hur Arbetsdomstolen kan begränsa den strukturella diskrimineringen på arbetsmarknaden

Sammanfattning Dold i samhällets uppbyggnad finns en undermedveten strukturell lönediskriminering. Internationell och nationell rätt är endast tillämplig på den individuella lönediskrimineringen, vilket innebär att den strukturella diskrimineringen per automatik tolereras. Kandidatuppsatsen utreder och ifrågasätter rättsläget vad gäller individuell lönediskriminering samt uppmärksammar den struktuAbstract Hidden in the construction of society lies subconscious structural wage discrimination. International and national law is only applicable on the individual wage discrimination, which means that the structural discrimination is automatically tolerated. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate and question the current legislation regarding individual wage discrimination and highlig

Captain of Leadership -How to cross international waters. A qualitative study of cross-cultural leadership.

Det teoretiska ramverket för studie var GLOBE-studien, Hofstedes fyra dimensioner och Sveningssons och Alvessons förhållningssätt till ledarskap. Syftet var att undersöka den personliga upplevelsen hos Svenska ledare. Fokus var på hur kulturella faktorer påverkade ledarskapet när ledarna arbetade med ett utländskt team. Sex svenska ledare som hade arbetat med utländska team i USA, Indien, Tyskland

Exchangeerasmusothers APPLICATION FORM FOR STUDENT EXCHANGE Erasmus exchange & others Autumn semester: Apri l 1 Spring semester:November 1APPLICATION DEADLINE Nordplus exchange Autumn semester: Apri l 1 Spring semester: November 1 N.B. Use the Nordplus form PERSONAL PARTICULARS Family name (please use block letters) Date of birth / Personal registration numb - 2025-03-10


EngJazzIndWM Performance programmes Jazz/Improvisation, World Music and Individual studies Performance: Jazz/improvisation program Instrumental Performance Studies 1 Course Details 1. Course code: MUUA08 2. Course title: Instrumental Performance Studies, Jazz Improvisation 3. Cycle: First 4. Higher education credits: 42 5. Syllabus approved by the Education Committee of the Performance and Church - 2025-03-10


Kursguide - Course Syllabus • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by The Master's Programmes Board on 2016-06-07 to be valid from 2016-07-01, autumn semester 2016. General Information Freestanding course. The course is intended as a preparation for third cycle studies in relevant fields at faculties of medicine, science or engineering and for students with a first or second cycle degree - 2025-03-10

Komc17 kp

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Strategic communication on 2017-09-12 to be valid from 2017-09-13, spring semester 2018. General Information The course is offered as a freestanding course. Language of instruction: English Learning outcomes On completion of the course, the student should show Knowledge and understandi - 2025-03-10


Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Strategic communication on 2018-03-13 to be valid from 2018-03-14, autumn semester 2018. General Information The course is a free-standing course. Language of instruction: English Learning outcomes On completion of the course, the student shall be able to   Knowledge and understanding - 2025-03-10