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Camilla lehorst 15 maj 2017
Reference form 2015 april
How to apply master atm
Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Main university building Telephone +46(0)46 222 12 54, +46 (0)46 222 00 00, Email Vice-Chancel lor System ownership and system administration at Lund University Background The University generates and manages large amounts of information. This information must be managed in such a way as to ensure that the U - 2025-03-14
Ulf Maunsbach - 2025-03-14
Sharpen your Statement of Purpose and CV
We have gathered the best tips and tricks for writing a Statement of Purpose and a CV when applying to a Master's programme. Tips for the Statement of PurposeTips for the CVTips for the Statement of PurposeUse the templatesGo to our page with Statement of Purpose templates and download the correct file: Supporting documents for application to Master's programmesUse one template per programme. Each
Ebba Brink
Affiliated researcher Contact details Email: ebba [dot] brink [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation LU Profile Area: Nature-based future solutions WebpageEbba Brinks profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Visiting research fellow LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies)Areas of expertiseClimate change adaptation and disaster risk reductionPopular resista - 2025-03-14
Lund Population Day 2018
Migration Program 10.00 - Welcome and introduction Professor Martin Dribe, Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM)/Department of Economic History/Centre for Economic Demography 10.30-12.00 - Keynote speaker: Professor Timothy Hatton, University of Essex: Refugees and asylum seekers, the crisis in Europe and the future of policy. 12.00-13.00 - Lunch in Ljusgården 13.00-14.30 - Sh - 2025-03-14
The Tornblad Building
The Tornblad Building houses three research groups from the Faculty of Medicine, as well as two infrastructures (LUPOP and NBIS) at Lund University. Tornblad was built in 1934, and was for a long time a research institute with focus on reproduction and embryology. Renovations of the house began in 2016, and in the fall of 2019, two research groups from the department of laboratory medicine and one - 2025-03-14
Med kärret som källa : om begreppen offer och ritual inom arkeologin
This thesis deals with questions concerning theoretical perspectives and archaeological interpretation. It is also a thesis about prehistoric wetland depositions, as they illustrate the discussion. The starting point of the study is the use of the concept of sacrifice (or offering) in Scandinavian archaeology. There are several assumptions, both explicit and implicit, that are considered problemat
Föreställningar om det förflutna. Arkeologi och rekonstruktion
In case of emergency
It is important that you feel safe at work. Here you will find information on what to do in different situations, where to get help and where to report an incident. In case of an emergency or acute danger Call 112In an emergency, call 112. Remember to dial "0" first if you are calling from a desk phone. Sos Alarm AppAn SOS Alarm app is available. Calling from the app makes it easier for the operat - 2025-03-14
Graphic profile and logotype
The graphic profile is an important tool in the University’s communication with the wider world. With clarity and consistency, it tells the world about the University and what our brand represents. All printed and digital material produced on behalf of Lund University is to comply with the rules and instructions in the graphic profile. Images, templates, logotypes, fonts and audio files in the Ima - 2025-03-14
Chloride initiated reinforcement corrosion in marine concrete
Factors affecting the total chloride threshold for initiation of pitting corrosion in reinforced concrete were investigated by means of field and laboratory exposure tests. Factors affecting the chloride penetration into concrete were also investigated by means of field tests. The thesis consists of a summary (86 p.) and 11 papers attached. Measured total chloride thresholds for uncracked concret
Philosophical Modernization. Studies in Nordic History of Philosophy 1860-1910
The dissertation comprises of five studies in the history of philosophy with primarily a sociological and history of ideas orientation. All the studies fall within the same timeframe, 1860-1910. Furthermore, they all focus on philosophy in the Nordic countries, and university philosophy in particular. Three of the texts take up the development of the discipline at the universities in Lund and Cope