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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90999 hits

Productive Robots and the SMErobot Project

The need for keeping manufacturing and workplacesin Europe calls for new ideas and concepts for productiverobots with focus on their usefulness for Small andMedium sized Enterprises (SMEs). The activitiesfrom the Robotics Research at LTH, [3], [4], [2], andin particular those related to the SMErobot project[1] comprise efforts in this direction. The SMErobotproject is a recently started four-year-

Traffic analysis in the TRAMMS project

Internet usage is evolving, from the traditional WWW usage (i.e. downloading web pages), to triple-play usage where households may have all their communication services (telephony, data, TV) through their broadband access connection. The challenge is to design IP access networks so that they can deliver services with strict QoS demands such as IPTV at the same time as having capacity for (from the

Active Logic and Practice

The problem of finding a suitable formal approach to describe on-going reasoning process has been open since the very beginning of AI. In this paper we argue that active logic might be a formalism useful in this context. Active logic is first introduced, then we analyze resource limitations that constrain the space of possible practical realisations of such reasoners. Finally some steps towards cr

Shift-map Image Registration

Shift-map image processing is a new framework based on energy minimization over a large space of labels. The optimization utilizes $\alpha$-expansion moves and iterative refinement over a Gaussian pyramid. In this paper we extend the range of applications to image registration. To do this, new data and smoothness terms have to be constructed. We note a great improvement when we measure pixel simi

Electrical isolation of coils in Soft Magnetic Composite applications

Soft Magnetic Composites (SMC) based on iron powder have a strong potential for improving both the performance and the manufacturing of various electromagnetic components and devices, such as inductors, induction heaters and electrical machines. A new casting or moulding method we have developed makes use of a modified composite, termed SM2C, or soft magnetic mouldable composite. Use of it makes i

The topography of Hermione : A preliminary outline

The preliminary results of a survey of ancient Hermione (epichoric Hermion) are presented in this paper. The survey was conducted during three short campaigns over the period 2015–2017, and focused on the urban layout and development of the ancient city. Because the ancient city area more or less coincides with modern Ermioni, the investigation was mainly restricted to the documentation and analys

Production Cost Case Generation by a Recursive Monte-Carlo Method in Electrical Machine Production

Electrical machine production is a multi-disciplinary area, comprising traditional mechanical processes such as sheet metal cutting, chemical processes for insulation and electrical for the working principles. In manufacturing, high throughput automation of coilwinding and sheet-cutting is combined with complex assembly, such as slotting the coils, often performed manually, but with increasing int