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Forskarutbildningarna vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö kännetecknas av tvärvetenskaplighet och samarbete över disciplingränserna. Vi erbjuder utbildningar inom följande ämnen – musikpedagogik och konstnärlig forskning i musik, båda är nära knutna till Konstnärliga fakultetens och Lunds universitets starka forskningsmiljöer. Doktorsexamen är den högsta akademiska examen man kan få. Den svenska doktorsexa - 2025-03-13

Migration och mobilitet

Forskargrupp vid Socialhögskolan Forskningsområdets övergripande syfte är att utveckla en ämnesspecifik migrationsforskning genom att studera hur det sociala arbetet konceptualiseras i migrationsrelaterade frågeställningar, vilka interventioner det ger upphov till både inom ramen för de etablerade välfärdsinstitutionerna och bortom dessa institutionaliserade former. Att utveckla en ämnesspecifik m - 2025-03-13

Forskningsgruppen Politik och utveckling

Studerar politiska aspekter av utveckling som är relevanta för låg- och mellaninkomstländer Institutionens forskning om politik och utveckling täcker ett brett område som innefattar demokratisering, politiska regimer, politisk ekonomi, politiskt deltagande, civilsamhälle, mänskliga rättigheter, nationalism, etnicitet och genus. Gruppen är speciellt intresserade av kopplingen mellan globala och lok - 2025-03-13

24 March 2022

Management information The process to move parts of CECs staff to Geocentrum II is ongoing. The employee organisations have been formally informed, and the process of identifying who will have their office where has started. Those who are directly affected will be involved, as well as the health and safety representatives and student unions. The rest of you will be informed along the way. If you h - 2025-03-13

2014: Avslutade avhandlingsprojekt

Humanekologiska avdelningenAndreas Malm      "Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam-Power in the British Cotton Industry, c. 1825-1848, and the Roots of Global Warming" Presentation: PhD-thesis defence: 15th February 2014. The more we know about the catastrophic implications of climate change, the more fossil fuels are burnt in the world. How did we get caught up in this mess? This thesis returns to a - 2025-03-13

Climate Disasters and Gendered Violence in Asia: A Study on the Vulnerability and (In)Security of Women and Girls in the Aftermath of Recent Catastrophes in Pakistan, the Philippines, and Vietnam

Helle Rydström, Research Leader (PI): 2015-2021 Climate Disasters and Gendered Violence in Asia: A Study on the Vulnerability and (In)Security of Women and Girls in the Aftermath of Recent Catastrophes in Pakistan, the Philippines, and Vietnam IntroductionOn November 8, 2013, super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) took landfall on the Philippines. It was one of the strongest storms ever recorded and clima - 2025-03-13

Data Management Plan

A data management plan (DMP) helps you manage your data, in terms of organisation, storage and preservation. Taking the time to write a good DMP gives you an opportunity to think through many of the issues covered in this guide, and usually saves time and effort later on in the process.Increasingly, funders require a DMP as part of the application for research funding. As of 2017, a DMP is require - 2025-03-13

Evaluation of ongoing third cycle programmes and courses

Here you can read about how the faculty works with the evaluation of third cycle education. Besides the evaluation of the faculty’s degree programmes, the way in which the faculty works with quality assurance and quality enhancement of third cycle education is also systematically evaluated. This is done according to a specific plan.Courses offered within the framework of a programme are evaluated - 2025-03-13

SASNET Reports

Read and download published SASNET reports.   Fuzzy Borders and Postcolonial Forgotten Zones: The Case of Indo-Bangladeshi Enclaves Amrita Ghosh (2021) Education as an empowerment tool for women in Afghanistan Maliha Shir Mohammad (2021) The Development of the Theological and Political Aspects of Jihadi-Salafism Orwa Ajjoub (2021) Islamic Reformism and malayāḷi ummah in Nineteenth-Century Colonial - 2025-03-13

Student: Julia

Julia from Germany is studying in Lund Julia Iwan from Germany studies Physical Geopgrapy and Ecosystem Science at Lund University. Here is her story about why she choose to study with us.   Julia Iwan, being a bachelor student in spring 2019   So Julia, tell us why you chose this programme? Because I have always been interested in environment and climate change and the environmental impact humans - 2025-03-13

Kränkningar och trakasserier

Här hittar du som chef eller verksamhetsansvarig för utbildning information och stöd i arbetet för att förebygga och hantera fall av kränkande särbehandling, trakasserier och sexuella trakasserier. Innehåll på sidan:BakgrundÖvrigt innehåll på sidorna om kränkningar och trakasserierBakgrundI Lunds universitets lika villkorsplan står det att verksamheten ska värna demokrati, legalitet, objektivitet, - 2025-03-13

NBIS Bioinformatics Long-term Support call

Bioinformatics Long-term Support call is still open. See information from NBIS below. Projects are selected based on their scientific quality. The deadline for the next round of applications to be reviewed by the national evaluation committee is MONDAY MAY 3, 2021 (24:00) *** We encourage research projects related to the current COVID-19 pandemic to consider applying in this evaluation round! *** - 2025-03-13

Education in Media and Communication Studies

The Department of Communication offers its English courses predominantly at the postgraduate level. When you study Media and Communication Studies, you learn about how news is created, the importance of the internet for democracy and the role of television. We examine how attitudes are shaped, culture is produced and how the media influence people's consumption and lifestyle. You will be trained i - 2025-03-13

KWC - Events

Upcoming events Link to RSS 1 May 2025 00:00 | Conference CALL FOR PAPERS – Knut Wicksell Conference on Crypto and Fintech 28 August 2025 00:00 to 29 August 2025 00:00 | Conference Knut Wicksell Conference on Crypto and Fintech More events Past events  Knut Wicksell Conference on Crypto and Fintech, 30 Aug 2024 Find you way to Lund There are several different ways to travel to Lund. Lund is situat - 2025-03-14

Data management plans – requirements, templates and support

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that defines how data will be handled throughout the life cycle of a project, from acquisition to archiving. It helps you to comply with funding requirements, to meet ethical and other legal requirements, and to document and provide evidence of your research in relation to published results. Create your DMP by using DMP OnlineDMP Online is Lund University - 2025-03-14

About the IIIEE

The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) The IIIEE is a unique centre and node for interdisciplinary research and education within Lund University. We are located in the Öresund region, which is one of the most dynamic regions in Europe, with the ambition to become one of the most creative and sustainable city-regions in the world. Lund University and the Öresund - 2025-03-14