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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90535 hits

Pär Moberg

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: par [dot] moberg [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se Mobile: +46 70 243 62 14Organisation Teachers (Malmö Academy of Music) WebpagePär Mobergs profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Lecturer Teachers (Malmö Academy of Music) Employee representative ST - the Union of Civil Servants Profile area member LU Profile Area: Human rightsPär Moberg is a s - 2025-03-17

Data Management Plan

A data management plan (DMP) helps you manage your data, in terms of organisation, storage and preservation. Taking the time to write a good DMP gives you an opportunity to think through many of the issues covered in this guide, and usually saves time and effort later on in the process.Increasingly, funders require a DMP as part of the application for research funding. As of 2017, a DMP is require - 2025-03-17

Dissertations and research publications

  Researchers at Lund University publish a large number of works every year, such as dissertations, books, articles in scholarly journals, reports and conference papers. You will be able to search books and articles in our library catalogue LUBcat or in LUBsearch. LUBcat - the library catalogue LUBsearch - discovery system for printed and electronic resources Grey material Much of the material pro - 2025-03-17

NBIS Bioinformatics Long-term Support call

Bioinformatics Long-term Support call is still open. See information from NBIS below. Projects are selected based on their scientific quality. The deadline for the next round of applications to be reviewed by the national evaluation committee is MONDAY MAY 3, 2021 (24:00) *** We encourage research projects related to the current COVID-19 pandemic to consider applying in this evaluation round! *** - 2025-03-17

Anna Lundberg

Head of department Contact details Email: anna [dot] lundberg [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 87 28 Mobile: +46 70 946 62 30Organisation Department of Sociology of Law Service point: 31 WebpageAnna Lundbergs profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Professor Department of Sociology of Law Profile area member LU Profile Area: Human rightsResearch AreasCollective - 2025-03-17

Evaluation of ongoing third cycle programmes and courses

Here you can read about how the faculty works with the evaluation of third cycle education. Besides the evaluation of the faculty’s degree programmes, the way in which the faculty works with quality assurance and quality enhancement of third cycle education is also systematically evaluated. This is done according to a specific plan.Courses offered within the framework of a programme are evaluated - 2025-03-17

Winners of the Leif C. Groop Award for Outstanding Diabetes Research

The Leif C. Groop Award for Outstanding Diabetes Research is awarded annually by Lund University Diabetes Centre (LUDC) to a young investigator in the field of diabetes research who is active in any of the Nordic countries. The Leif C. Groop award was formerly known as the DPLU/LUDC Nordic Prize for an Outstanding Young Diabetes Investigator. In 2016, the award was renamed as a tribute to Professo - 2025-03-15

Crisis monitoring

University-wide crisis monitoring for outgoing students Management of crisis situations is required regardless of whether the crisis arises in Lund or at a study location abroad. The information on this page is for employees at Lund University who deal with inbound or outbound students in a crisis situation.External Relations conducts daily monitoring of crises and coordinates information sent to - 2025-03-15

Forskningsgruppen Förvaltningsteori

Studera hur samhället styrs och organiseras Utifrån nyckelbegrepp som makt, demokrati, styrning, organisering och etik undersöker gruppens medlemmar olika politiska processer i svensk så väl som internationell offentlig förvaltning. Forskningsgruppen Förvaltningsteori (Public Administration Theory, PAT) organiserar olika former av seminarier och läsecirklar relaterade till pågående forskning vid i - 2025-03-15

2 June 2022

From the Management Thank you everyone in the BBQ team for an excellently organized BBQ. The food, drinks, weather and company were just great! We are looking forward to meeting you all in person again in September, and in Teams for Friday info and fika already tomorrow. The external CIG(B) expert panel is proceeding their work of investigating how operations within CEC, INES and Geology could be - 2025-03-15