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LU News 9

This is the last LU News for 2021. Vice-chancellor Erik Renström summarises the year that has passed and also sends his greetings to all staff and students for the Christmas break. The next issue will be published on 19 January 2022. Until then, have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!This is an internal newsletter intended for all staff at Lund University. The newsletter, published in English - 2025-03-16

Johanna Fink

Doctoral student Contact details Email: johanna [dot] fink [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 08 40Organisation Department of Economic History Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15B, Lund Room number: Alfa 1:2086 Service point: 10 WebpageJohanna Finks profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Doctoral student Growth, technological change, and inequality Publications Displa - 2025-03-17

Helena Alexanderson

Professor Contact details Email: helena [dot] alexanderson [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 44 83Organisation Department of Geology Visiting address: Sölvegatan 12, Lund Room number: 435 Service point: 16 WebpageHelena Alexandersons profile in Lund University research portalPersonal website: a Quaternary geologist my main interest is to l - 2025-03-17

CFC-lagstiftning. En studie av CFC-beskattning i belysning av den internationella beskattningsrättens utsträckning, den internationella skatterätten, neutral beskattning samt beskattning efter skatteförmåga.

This thesis on international tax law deals with the topic Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) legislation, in relation to the international right to tax, international tax law, neutral taxation and taxation according to the taxpayer´s ability to pay. The Organisation for European Cooperation and Development (OECD)has recommended to all member-states that they incorporate CFC legislation into thei

Climate Change after the International : Rethinking Security, Territory and Authority

What does a politics after the international mean? Many strands of contemporary scholarship converge on the image of the international as obsolete, but strongly diverge on the contours of the kinds of politics that are superseding it. The modern state has been pivotal to the meaning of security, territory and authority?concepts central to the idea of the international?but they do not necessarily h

Vortices and Persistent Currents in Rotating Bose Gases - a Diagonalization Approach

In this thesis, I explore the behavior of rotating ultra-cold Bose gases, by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian. This method has the advantage of being exact in the limit of weak interactions, and thus is a useful complement to the more commonly used Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation, which relies on a mean-field approximation. It is generally known that an ultra-cold Bose gas shows some remarkable proper

En europeisk kosmopolit. En idéhistorisk studie av Immanuel Kants Om den eviga freden och dess verkningshistoria

This dissertation, a contribution to the history of ideas, is a study of Immanuel Kant’s 1795 monograph Zum ewigen Frieden (Perpetual Peace) and its effective history. The intention is to show how this particular work has been formed, read, discussed and interpreted for about 200 years. Considering the attention the work received on its bicentennial anniversary in comparison with the attention it

Docforia: A Multilayer Document Model

In this paper, we describe Docforia, a multilayer document model and application programming interface (API) to store formatting, lexical, syntactic, and semantic annotations on Wikipedia and other kinds of text and visualize them. While Wikipedia has become a major NLP resource, its scale and heterogeneity makes it relatively difficult to do experimentations on the whole corpus. These experimentat

Acupuncture in Obstetrics and Anaesthesia

The aims of the present thesis (I-V) were to evaluate the analgesic and adverse effects of manual acupuncture for low-back and pelvic pain during pregnancy (I) and for labour pain (II-III), and also to study the effects of low-frequency electro acupuncture (EA) on clinical physiological responses to skin incision in anaesthetized patients (IV-V). Acupuncture in obstetric patients (I-III) Manual

Växandets gestaltning i Peter Pohls romansvit om Micke

Peter Pohl was born in Germany in 1940 but grew up in Stockholm, a setting reflected in many of his books. Pohl, a researcher at the Royal Technical University in Stockholm, made his fiction debut with the multi-prize-winning novel "Janne, min vän" (1985), and is internationally acclaimed for, among other things, the way in which his teenage novels highlight existential questions. The purpose of t

Acidaemia at Birth: Risk factors, diagnosis and prognosis, with special reference to maternal fever in labour

Acidaemia at birth is a result of an impaired intrauterine gas exchange. Between 1988 and 1996, acid-base balance in cord artery blood pH was assessed in 23 016 of 27 064 newborns (85%). Obstetric risk factors for acidaemia (cord artery pH < 7.05) were identified in a case-control study. Independent risk factors were breech delivery, administration of oxytocin or pethidine, cord entanglement and m

Development and Application of Laser Diagnostics for Studies of Phenomena Related to IC Engine Combustion

Various laser diagnostic techniques have been developed and demonstrated for engine, or engine-related measurements. The experimental work is presented in Chapter 3 and in Papers I-VII. In Chapter 3, imaging of soot in a running compression-ignition (CI) is described. Four different approaches were applied with the aim of investigating the applicability of these approaches in a running engine. I

Amisch alli Daag : fromhet i funktion? : Efterföljelsen gestaltad i amishfolkets kyrkoliv

The thesis focuses on the way the Amish view their life and actions as Christians. With its basis in first-hand observations from the settlements of Dover (DE) and Lancaster (PA) the inquiry describes, analyzes and interprets the ecclesiastical life of the Old Order Amish from an ecclesiological viewpoint. Utilizing a specific model of analysis the dissertation examines the institutions (church/f