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Donations - 2025-03-15
Previous Frontiers in Neuroscience Talks
Thomas Perlmann, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Marina Romero-Ramos, Aarhus University, DenmarkBart De Strooper, KU Leuven, Belgium, and University College London, EnglandGünther Deuschl, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, GermanyDavid Devos, Medical Pharmacology CHU, University of Lille, INSERM U1172Li-Huei Tsai, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USAMarc Diamond, University of Texa - 2025-03-15
Accessibility statement for
Early changes in the hypothalamic region in prodromal Huntington disease revealed by MRI analysis
Fact Sheet
Nomination periodsAutumn 2025: 15–31 MarchSpring 2026: 15–30 SeptemberPartner universities will receive an email with instructions on how to nominate students via Lund University’s online nomination system SoleMove. After the nomination period, a student login ID and password will be generated so that each nominated student can apply during the application period.Link to the nomination and applica - 2025-03-15
Project activities from 2019
2 June 2022
From the Management Thank you everyone in the BBQ team for an excellently organized BBQ. The food, drinks, weather and company were just great! We are looking forward to meeting you all in person again in September, and in Teams for Friday info and fika already tomorrow. The external CIG(B) expert panel is proceeding their work of investigating how operations within CEC, INES and Geology could be - 2025-03-15
Study – Education in Entrepreneurship
The Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship at Lund University offers cutting-edge education aimed at fostering entrepreneurial and innovative capabilities. Our faculty teach in a wide range of Bachelor, Master and PhD-level programs and courses, and we hold the main responsibility for delivering the Master's programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Our carefully designed curriculum blend
LUPOP - Lund University Population Research Platform
About LUPOP LUPOP (Lund University Population Research Platform) is an infrastructure at Lund University with the aim of facilitating sharing of population data for scientific research.Population data is information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a specific person. It may comprise age, sex, and address, but also sensitive data such as ethnicity and medical details. Handling of such d - 2025-03-16
Henrik Chetan Aspengren
Dr. Henrik Chetan Aspengren has a background in international studies and historical sociology, and holds since 2010 a PhD from the Department of Politics and International Studies, SOAS, University of London. His doctoral thesis concerned the formation and implementation of social policy in India at the turn of the twentieth century. Aspengren has continued to work at the intersection between mod - 2025-03-16
Rules regarding conflicts of interest
South Asia across the Nordic Region Conference (2019)
SANR is an annual conference about all things South Asian. It offers a platform for Nordic scholars of South Asia to present their research and meet other researchers. It is particularly intended to be a supportive meeting point for emerging scholars. After initial meetings in Copenhagen in 2017 and Oslo in 2018, Uppsala will be the host in 2019 with the event taking place June 11-12 at the Swedis - 2025-03-16
Search for specific materials and data
Here you will find where you can go to find a specific reference, where to find financial data or annual reports etc. FAQ Guides in searching and finding economic data and literature Books and course literature LUBcat - the Library CatalogueSearch for books in our library catalogue LUBcat, which is the common catalogue for all libraries at Lund University. Here you can see at which library the boo
Masterht16-application 19
Microsoft PowerPoint - All presentations IDcare.pptx IDcare: Cohort profiles MAGNUS SANDBERG, JIMMIE KRISTENSSON, EMILIE STROH, DAVID EDVARDSSON, KRISTINA EDVARDSSON, ANNA AXMON IDcare – a longitudinal register study of pre-pandemic and pandemic diagnostic profiles among people with intellectual disabilities: A cohort profile The presentation will be available at By T - 2025-03-17
Web cec rapport nr 5
There are several research challenges in understanding and analysing resilience and vulnerability of interdependent critical infrastructures. This presentation will focus on the analysis of low frequency / high impact events of critical infrastructures, i.e. it will address the realms of Black Swans and Perfect Storms, including cascading effects and societal consequences of infrastructure failure - 2025-03-17
Muhn63 komposition eng
Microsoft Word - MUHN63_Komposition_eng-1.doc Course syllabus 1 Course details 1 Code: MUHN63 2 Composition for international students 3 Cycle: Second 4 Credits: 60 5 Approved by the committee for the Performance and Church Music programmes 2 December 2015. The syllabus is valid from 2 September 2014. 2 General information 1 Main field: Music 2 Subject: Instrument studies 3 Freestanding higher edu - 2025-03-17