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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90177 hits


Kursguide - Course Syllabus • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by The Nursing, Radiography, and Reproductive, Perinatal and Sexual Health Programmes Board on 2016-12-08 to be valid from 2017-01-16, spring semester 2017. General Information The course is a freestanding course consisting of clinical training. The course complies with the guidelines of the Higher Education Ordinance (SFS - 2025-03-20

Den stora katastrofen med för- och efterskalv : om kasussammanfallet i fornsvenska

I denna uppsats gör jag två saker. För det första ger jag en kortfattad beskrivning över kasussammanfallet i fornsvenska. För det andra diskuterar jag orsakerna till kasussammanfallet. Jag identifierar två viktiga tidsperioder då kasussystemet förändras. Den första inträffar kring 1300 och den andra kring 1450, åtminstone i Mälardalen. Jag kallar den första för Lilla katastrofen och den andra för

Normative Distortions in Labour Law : Exploring the Field of Parental Rights in Working Life

This article identifies, conceptualizes and analyses a normative conflict, embedded in social practises and conceptions on gender in the institutional framework of the market, which underlies labour law regulation as well as legal argumentation regarding working parents. The article evinces and models the basic structure of vital mechanisms operative in weakening parental rights in working life an

Variation in Mainland Scandinavian Object Shift and Prosodic Repair

In this paper we argue for an analysis of Object Shift in Mainland Scandinavian in which the shifted word order is the result of a prosodic repair to enable weak pronoun incorporation. We observe that varieties with optional OS also have a tone accent contrast. We argue that the in-situ word order is licensed in these dialects because tonal accent creates a prosodic domain licensing the incorporat

Instructions lumes academic lor 20

Microsoft Word - Instructions_LUMES_Academic_LoR_20-22 LUMES 2020 – 2022 INSTRUCTIONS for Letter of Recommendation Academic Reference Dear Academic Referee, We greatly appreciate that you are able to provide an academic reference for an applicant to the 2020 – 2022 admission to LUMES, Lund University International Master’s Programme in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science. It will be i - 2025-03-20

Instructions lumes professional lor 20

Microsoft Word - Instructions_LUMES_Professional_LoR_20-22 LUMES 2020 – 2022 INSTRUCTIONS for Letter of Recommendation Professional Reference Dear Professional Referee, We greatly appreciate that you are able to provide a professional reference for an applicant to the 2020 – 2022 admission to LUMES, Lund University International Master’s Programme in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Scienc - 2025-03-20

Lupop seminar ahlstrom sandberg

Microsoft PowerPoint - LUPop 2018-03-14.pptx [Skrivskyddad] Ageing with intellectual disability – a study based on six national registers GERD AHLSTRÖM, PROFESSOR & MAGNUS SANDBERG, PHD The need of the project came from the practice of disability service • Questions about what happens in the ageing with intellectual disability (ID) was expressed by staff working in disability services already for - 2025-03-20

Qmod 2010 final program

Microsoft Word - Kopie von QMOD 2010 Final Program.doc 13th QMOD Conference 31st August – 1st September, 2010 Cottbus, Germany LearnAbility, InnovAbility and SustainAbility Preliminary Program Jointly organized by: Lund University, Linköping University & Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus Welcome Address from the Chairmen It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 13th QMOD conferenc - 2025-03-20

Ten years with case

PowerPoint Presentation 2016-10-27 Susanne Iwarsson, Inst för hälsovetenskaper & Centre for Ageing and Supportive Environments Ten Years with CASE Professor Susanne Iwarsson, Director 2016-10-27 Susanne Iwarsson, Inst för hälsovetenskaper & Centre for Ageing and Supportive Environments CASE Vision Supportive Environments for Ageing creating societal change enhancing healt - 2025-03-20

Intonation som färg- Folkmusikens variabla intonation på trombon

Intonation som färg – Folkmusikens variabla intonation på trombon I denna kandidatuppsats beskrivs ett utforskande av folkmusik med variabel intonation med instrumentet trombon som verktyg. Arbetet, som sker i övningsrummet och följs genom en loggbok, utforskar olika metoder för att lära sig uppförandepraxis både av flera mikrotonala intervall för sig och av faktiska låtar ur den äldre svenska fol

SASA16 Litteraturlista VT22

Brevmall Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Besöksadress Allhelgona kyrkogata 14 M, Telefonväxeln 046-222 00 00 Webbadress http// Genusvetenskapl iga ins t i tu t ionen SASA16 Gender Studies: Gender, Social Change, and Modernity, 7.5 Higher Education Credits Amft, Andrea (1998). Silent in the church: Sami women in reindeer-herding society 1886-1996. In The social constructio - 2025-03-20