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Bachelor's programme
Meet Hannah! our student ambassador for the Master’s programme in Human Ecology- Culture, Power and Sustainability (Cps)
Our research projects, publications, and seminars Research at the department is broad in scope, but rests on longstanding traditions within economic, social and cultural geography, with development geography developing into an area of specialization in recent years. Likewise, human ecology is a relatively young subject, and our expertise in Geographical Information System (GIS) and remote sensing - 2025-03-19
Så går det för Sveriges olika fågelarter För ett stort antal fågelarter går det att beräkna en populationstrend som visar om en art ökat eller minskat i antal. Tidsseriens längd varierar mellan arterna och våra olika program, men för flera arter har vi data från 1970-talet och framåt. De kortaste serierna har data från 2015 och framåt.Trenderna beräknas med en statistisk metod som kallas TRIM.Våra - 2025-03-19
Entry requirements and Selection Criteria
Admission to the Master’s Programme in Strategic Communication requires a Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS) in Social Sciences, Humanities, or Economics and Management including 90 credits in Strategic Communication, Media and Communication Studies, Journalism, Organization Studies, Marketing or the equivalent. Master programme in Strategic Communication Registration Entry requirements In addition to t
SGSPP- Bachelor's in Urban and Regional Planning
MERGE Startpage - 2025-03-19
Please feel free to contact us Our email address, phone number, and visiting and postal addresses are on this web page. You can chat with us, find answers to frequently asked questions and a map. Please chat, email, and call us if you have any questions. We're here to help, and we look forward to connecting with you.Check opening hours Chat with us Please feel free to contact us Call +46 46 222 91 - 2025-03-19
European documentation centre - EDC
The European Documentation Centre – EDC – is located at the library of the Faculty of Law and is entrusted with promoting study and research on the European Union. Here you can get help with information searches and access to printed and electronic documents and publications from the EU.The library’s guides for EU law include links to news, legislation, legislative history, case law, literature, d - 2025-03-19
Long-term safekeeping of data
Lund University is a public authority and is required under the Archives Act to archive all documents produced during research performed at the university. This includes research data, ethical review documentation, research documentation, and publications. Lund University’s Record Management and Archives section supports researchers and faculties with archiving.Shortcuts to the contentDelivering r - 2025-03-19
Education - 2025-03-19
Research projects
What do you want to write thesis about? Find inspiration here! Bachelor level Diagnosing Mental Health with Words Analysed with Artificial Intelligence (PDF) Gender Differences in Relationship Power (PDF) How attentional processes during encoding of a traumatic event may affect the way a trauma is remembered and re-encoded, and how this is associated with intrusions in PTSD (PDF) Measuring Parenta
About the Centre for Retail Research
An interdisciplinary centre of excellence in retail research. Active between 2014–2024 the centre was a platform for researchers from a range of disciplines, including ethnology, engineering and logistics, marketing and management. The centre had around 60 affiliated researchers, including international guest researchers, and numerous affiliated projects. Seminars and workshops were arranged regul
Awards for best doctoral theses
Collaborative processes as a recipe for sustainable river basin development?
This project is about how cooperation between concerned actors, such as municipalities, hydro power companies, fisheries conservation associations, farmers and interested public, can work to achieve sustainable water resource management. Stream in forest. Photograph. About the project During the last decade, the ideas of collaborative planning have been widely implemented in European water adminis
Retinopathy After Diabetes Onset Diabetes retinopathy (DR) refers to any of the vascular changes in the retina. These are observed clinically as microaneurysms, dot and blot hemorrhages, edema, hard and soft exudates, neovascularization and newly formed fibrovascular tissue. The major sight-threatening manifestations of DR, macular edema and proliferative diabetes retinopathy, PDR, are the end res - 2025-03-19
Dissertations affiliated to the Centre for Economic Demography
As the Centre for Economic Demography includes doctoral students from various departments, as well as different faculties, the listing below serves as a quick orientation of doctoral dissertations published by all doctoral students affiliated with the CED. Dissertations from 2007 and onwards Authored by doctoral students affiliated with the Centre for Economic Demography and listed below with link
What Endang says about the programme
Endang Ashfiya What did you do before you started studying the Master’s programme in Strategic Communication? Prior to my Master’s programme in Strategic Communication, I worked as a government relations executive in a business consulting company in Jakarta, Indonesia. I was mainly responsible for the stakeholder’s management, develop a corporate communication strategy for government engagement, a - 2025-03-19