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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91159 hits

4. Transfer of credits

Outgoing exchange students As an outgoing exchange student, you are still a student at Lund University. Your studies should be possible to transfer to your degree from Lund University. General rules and guidelines for the transfer of creditsWe expect you to apply for full time studies while abroad.Courses may not overlap courses you have already taken or courses you are going to study. You cannot - 2025-03-21

Evidence-based radiography for person-centered care in cancer diagnostics

My research embraces a broad range of research projects on evidence-based radiography for person-centered care in cancer diagnostics. It focuses on the individual's perspective in health care and covers areas as follows: 1) person-centeredness and patient-reported outcomes in cancer screening and cancer care in radiography, 2) psychometric properties of measurements of patient-reported outcomes in - 2025-03-21

Memory Clinic Platform

The Memory clinic platform is a MultiPark infrastructure which facilitates research projects run by clinical researchers performing studies on dementia disorders. This platform consists of trained research nurses, medical doctors and administrators, who perform in-depth assessments of neurological, cognitive and psychiatric functions of study participants. Further, the research staff can also coll - 2025-03-21

Funding opportunities

With increasing societal urgency to address sustainability challenges, funding agencies continue to announce new calls for proposals that address sustainable development. However, as researchers, it can be difficult to stay on top of all the latest funding calls. Thus, we have collected the most relevant funding opportunities and resources to support your next application. The Sustainability Forum - 2025-03-21

Seniora Forskare

MultiPark är ett strategiskt forskningsområde som sträcker sig över ett brett spektrum av forskningsdiscipliner, främst vid Lunds universitet men också vid Göteborgs universitet. Sedan nätverket initierades av tio huvudansökande har MultiPark vuxit och gett upphov till nya forskningsgrupper och samarbeten. Många forskargrupper har bidragit till att gynna vårt yttersta mål att föra patienter mot en - 2025-03-21

Forskning på gång

Lunchseminarier på Sociologiska institutionen. Tisdagar kl 12–13 Institutionens lunchseminarieserie är en informell arena för våra egna forskare att presentera och diskutera forskningsidéer och resultat. Varje forskare pratar i ungefär en halvtimme och sedan blir det diskussion. Ta gärna med din lunch! Detta är vår lunchseminarieserie där institutionens egna forskare presenterar sin pågående fors - 2025-03-21

Have you experienced or become aware of victimisation, harassment or sexual harassment?

Lund University does not accept victimisation or harassment. How to act If you are exposed to abusive behaviour or if you witness something that you perceive as abusive behaviour, here is advice on what you can do (Lund University Staff Pages). For managers  On the university's HR Pages, you can read more about your support in the work to prevent and handle cases of victimisation and harassment. T - 2025-03-21

Systematic preventive work against discrimination (SFAD)

Lund University and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences have zero tolerance for discrimination. According to the Discrimination Act, the Faculty of Medicine, as an employer and education provider, is obliged to continuously work to prevent discrimination. It is the employer's responsibility to:Examine whether there are risks of discrimination or obstacles to equal rights and opportunities. - 2025-03-21

What Luiza says about the programme

Name: Luiza Nunes de Lima Age: 36 years Nationality: Brazilian Why did you choose Lund University and the Master's Programme in Strategic Communication? Lund University is a well-known university being among the 100 best universities in the world. Thus, studying at Lund University is a privilege and a prestigious achievement to add to one’s CV. Besides that, being a student at Lund University give - 2025-03-21

Accessibility for Open Books at Lund University

Open books at Lund University,, is run by the University Library of Lund University. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website, and this document describes how Open books at Lund University complies with the accessibility regulations, any known accessibility issues, and how you can report problems so that we can fix them. How accessible is Open book - 2025-03-21

JAKOB RIIS: Riis, Pan Sonic / INTONAL 2025

24 april 2025 20:00 | Konsert Duration | EnduranceA concert in two parts.An exploration of two interconnected themes: Duration and Endurance. The first part examines duration as a musical and conceptual phenomenon – where time stretches, tempos slow, and sound evolves through extended states. The second part shifts the focus to the human and physical aspects of persistence, exploring stress, pain, - 2025-03-21

Breakfast Seminar on New Forms of Cooperation for Safe Retail

26 April 2024 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk New forms of cooperation for retail safety. Retail has been overlooked as a source of security in vulnerable areas. This is one of the conclusions research project by Cecilia Cassinger and Ola Thufvesson (Centre for Retail Research). Cecilia Cassinger will present more findings from the research project on retail in vulnerable areas at a breakfast semina - 2025-03-21

Kathryn Gary

Researcher Contact details Email: kathryn [dot] gary [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 74 81Organisation Department of Economic History Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15 B, Lund Room number: Alfa 1:2081 Service point: 10 WebpageKathryn Garys profile in Lund University research portalPersonal website: affiliations Researcher Historical labour markets Research - 2025-03-22