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Lund Population Day 2019

Fertility Program 10.15-10.30  Welcome and introduction Martin Dribe - Director of CED - and Lisa Eklund - Department of Sociology/CED 10.30-12.00  Fertility in Rich Countries: Trends, Surprises and Underlying Factors Tomas Sobotka - Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences 12.00-13.00  Lunch (only for pre-registered) 13.00-14.30 Chair: Johan Sandberg - Department of Sociology/ - 2025-03-28

Johannes Edvardsson

Forskare Kontaktinformation E-post: johannes [dot] edvardsson [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 78 61Organisation Geologiska institutionen Besöksadress: Sölvegatan 12, Lund Rumsnummer: 409 Hämtställe: 16 WebbplatsJohannes Edvardssons profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Principal Investigator BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing ClimateMina fors - 2025-03-28

Risks and Benefits with AI in Research - Ethical Perspectives

23 April 2025 13:00 to 16:15 | Conference Half day conference about ethical perspectives of using AI in research organised by AI Lund at Lund University. Risks and Benefits of AI in Research: Ethical Perspectives" provides a forum to examine how artificial intelligence is transforming the research landscape.  It explores AI's potential to unlock new frontiers of knowledge, while addressing risks s - 2025-03-28

Phd and post-doc guide

1 The 2020 SDR PhD and Post-Doc Guide Contents of this Guide 1. Introduction 2. The Faculty of Social Sciences and PhD Courses 3. Who we are and (PhD) student representation 4. Technical Details about your employment 5. Doctoral Ombudsperson 6. Individual Study Plan 7. Practical information for employees at Lund University 8. Business travel and insurance while travelling 9. Trade Unions / Employe - 2025-03-28

Sasa16 litteraturlista

Brevmall Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Besöksadress Allhelgona kyrkogata 14 M, Telefonväxeln 046-222 00 00 Webbadress http// Depar tment o f Gender Stud ies SASA16 Gender Studies: Gender, social change, and modernity, 7,5 higher education credits Amft, Andrea (1998), ”Silent in the church: Sami women in reindeer-herding society 1886-1996”. In The social construction of - 2025-03-28


Microsoft Word - Lund-University-Information-sheet-2018-2019.docx         INFORMATION SHEET 2018/2019 University-wide exchange agreements Contact  Information     Official  website       Website  for  exchange  students­studies     Postal  address   Lund  University,  External  Relations,     P.O.  Box  117,  SE-­221  00  Lund,  Swede - 2025-03-28

2019-10-02 handout - referencing ambio britta smangs and ulrika bjorklund

PowerPoint-presentation Referencing AMBIO BRITTA SMÅNGS & ULRIKA BJÖRKLUND, 2019 AMBIO: References in the main text You are requested to use the author/year format of referencing in the text. If there are three or more authors use the name of the first author followed by ”et al.”. Add a, b, c etc. to distinguish between two or more references with the same author name and year. Always list a strin - 2025-03-28

E-mail som strategiskt kommunikationsverktyg

E-mail som kommunikationsverktyg är en given förutsättning för många av oss idag. På företag, i vardagen och på skolor runt om i Sverige och Europa skickar vi och tar emot e-mail dagligen. Den stora frågan är dock hur vi reagerar på att få information via e-mail och hur vi tolkar andra individers ord. Det skrivna ordet har och kommer alltid vara öppet för tolkning, men forskarna börjar nu peka på

Att förändra heteronormer i socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ undersökning av socialarbetares förhandlingar och meningsskapande kring heteronormer

The aim of this study has been to explore social workers negotiations and meaning making on heterosexual norms, in order to understand possibilities on how to change these norms within the social services. The study consists of material from two different municipalities which both has participated in a project on heterosexual norms. Both municipalities have had a group of seven people discussing i