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Your search for "svenska för studerande med utländsk" yielded 14109 hits

Swedish Film

I kursen tecknas svensk films historia, från dess begynnelse till nutid. Förutsättningarna för produktion, distribution och visning av olika sorters film (såväl dokumentär och konstnärlig som populär film) diskuteras i relation till bland annat samhällelig, estetisk- och filmindustriell utveckling. Under kursens gång introduceras grundläggande filmvetenskapliga begrepp och filmanalytiska förhållniThe aim of the course is to give the student an overview of Swedish film, and special emphasis is given to the relation between Swedish film and society. The course starts in the silent period, and from 1930 and onwards, the Swedish sound film is studied specifically in relation to particular film directors. From the 1960s special emphasis will be given to the political changes of the time, and at

Matematik: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen

The degree project requires a literature survey and specialised studies. Furthermore, a number of compulsory activities are included, in the form of teaching sessions and seminars that treat e.g. scientific writing in English and Swedish, popular writing, academic conduct and the use of library resources. The student chooses in consultation with supervisors and examiner an independent examination

Numerisk analys: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen

The degree project requires a literature survey and specialised studies. Furthermore, a number of compulsory activities are included, in the form of teaching sessions and seminars that treat e.g. scientific writing in English and Swedish, popular writing, academic conduct and the use of library resources. The student chooses in consultation with supervisors and examiner an independent examination

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LUNDS UNIVERSITY Department of Archaeology and Ancient History _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reading list – ARKM21 Master’s Thesis – Archaeology, 30 credits Approved by the Department Board: 2021-12-07 The literature is available through LUBcat and/or LUBsearch unless otherwise - 2025-02-25

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LUNDS UNIVERSITY Department of Archaeology and Ancient History _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reading list – ARKM22 Master’s Thesis – Historical Archaeology, 30 credits Approved by the Department Board: 2021-12-07 The literature is available through LUBcat and/or LUBsearch unles - 2025-02-25

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LUNDS UNIVERSITY Department of Archaeology and Ancient History _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reading list – ARKM23 Master’s Thesis – Historical Ostelogy, 30 credits Approved by the Department Board: 2021-12-07 The literature is available through LUBcat and/or LUBsearch unless o - 2025-02-25

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LUNDS UNIVERSITY Department of Archaeology and Ancient History _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reading list – ARKM24 Master’s Thesis – Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, 30 credits Approved by the Department Board: 2021-12-07 The literature is available through LUBcat and - 2025-02-25

LU-ATMP: Lunds universitets centrum för avancerade terapier

Sweden's ATMP ecosystem is rapidly expanding, solidifying its place as a key player in Europe. Currently ranking among the top three countries among the EU9 for identified therapeutic ATMP companies, Sweden's strategic investments are further reinforcing its leadership (MSC 2020). This includes ongoing initiatives to establish industrial-scale ATMP manufacturing capabilities, enhancing the countrySweden's ATMP ecosystem is rapidly expanding, solidifying its place as a key player in Europe. Currently ranking among the top three countries among the EU9 for identified therapeutic ATMP companies, Sweden's strategic investments are further reinforcing its leadership (MSC 2020). This includes ongoing initiatives to establish industrial-scale ATMP manufacturing capabilities, enhancing the country

Engelska: Grundkurs

Att studera engelska på universitetet är alltså en bra idé, oavsett om man vill ta en examen med engelska som huvudämne eller om man bara vill komplettera en annan utbildning med en termin engelska. En grundkurs på universitetet är den första kurs du kan läsa på universitetsnivå, men eftersom den förutsätter att du har läst engelska på gymnasiet, förstår du att den är betydligt mer avancerad och kStudying English at university level is therefore a good idea, whether you want to take a BA in English or just want to add a semester of English to your other studies. English level 1 is the first and most basic English course at university level. However, since English B/English 6 from Gymnasieskolan is a requirement, you can understand that the level is considerably higher than that at Gym

Att leva med funktionsnedsättning: Forskning ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv

Cerebral pares (CP) är en diagnos som beskriver en heterogen grupp av individer som alla har någon grad av motorisk funktionsnedsättning. Utöver motorik är andra funktioner ofta också påverkade och komorbiditet (t.ex. epilepsi) samt s.k. ”secondary conditions” (t.ex. smärta) är vanliga. Personer med ryggmärgsbråck (MMC) har också motoriska problem, ofta tillsammans med problem relaterade till neurCerebral palsy (CP) is a medical diagnosis that describes a heterogeneous group of individuals who all have some degree of motor impairment. In addition to motor skills, other functions are often also affected and comorbidity (e.g., epilepsy) and secondary conditions (e.g., pain) are common. Individuals with spina bifida— and often more specifically myelomeningocele (MMC) — also have motor problem

Psykologi: Personlighets- och utvecklingspsykologi

Personlighets- och utvecklingspsykologin är det område inom psykologin som både beskriver och förklarar hur människor förändras och utvecklas på vissa sätt samt hur människor i viss mån förblir konstanta genom livet i sina egenskaper: Kursens fyra delkurser har följande teman: Barn Tonåringar och unga vuxna. Personlighet Vuxna och äldre   Under kursen får du insikt i: Hur människorPersonality and developmental psychology is the field of psychology that both describes and explains how people change and develop in certain ways in life and at the same time how they remain constant in their characteristics to some extent: The four modules of the course have the following themes: Infants and children Teenagers and young adults Personality Adults and the elderly During t


English | Environmental Psychology Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable - 2025-02-25

Ingående av avtal enligt Avtalslagen, CISG del II, UniP och PECL - en komparativ studie

Internationaliseringen av svensk rätt och framförallt svenskt näringsliv ökar ständigt och därmed ökar behovet av internationell rättsenhet även på det avtalsrättsliga området. Trots detta står avtalslagen kvar i princip oförändrad sedan 1915 och Sverige har dessutom valt att inte tillträda den avtalsrättsliga delen av CISG (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Good