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Your search for "svenska för studerande med utländsk" yielded 14186 hits
Anafylaxi. Rekommendationer för omhändertagande och behandling. : Utarbetat på uppdrag av Svenska Föreningen För Allergologi (SFFA) 2009.
Kurslitteratur för Svenska, språk och litteratur (SSL A11), delkurs 3, Svenska språkets uppbyggnad m
Kurslitteratur för Svenska, språk och litteratur (SSL A11), delkurs 3, Svenska språkets uppbyggnad m
Kurslitteratur för Svenska, språk och litteratur (SSL A11), delkurs 3, Svenska språkets uppbyggnad m
Kurslitteratur för Svenska, språk och litteratur (SSL A11), delkurs 3, Svenska språkets uppbyggnad m
Kurslitteratur för Svenska, språk och litteratur (SSL A11), delkurs 3, Svenska språkets uppbyggnad m
Utländsk påverkan i forskning – Behov och förutsättningar för riskhantering inom den svenska akademiska sektorn
Utbildning och kunskaper i svenska – framgångsfaktorer för invandrade
Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av multikulturellt arbete på bvc
Nätverk framåt! Att försöka integrera företagare med utländsk bakgrund i den lokala företagargemenskapen
Likhet inför lag? Om invandrares brottslighet och diskriminering inom rättsväsendet av personer med utländsk bakgrund
De två största studierna i Sverige kring invandrares brottslighet har genomförts av Brottsförebyggande rådet (BRÅ). Den första publicerades 1996, ''Invandrare och invandrares barns brottslighet'', och omfattade tidsperioden 1985-1989. Drygt tio år senare utkom rapporten ''Brottslighet bland personer födda i Sverige och i utlandet'' som omfattade femårsperioden 1997-
“Kamp och seger på den svenska arbetsmarknaden” - En narrativ analys om de hinder och möjligheter som individer med utländsk bakgrund möter i sin strävan att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden.
In Sweden, a prevalent topic of discussion revolves around the challenges faced by immigrants when attempting to integrate into the Swedish labor market. The aim of this study was therefore to examine obstacles and opportunities that individuals with a foreign background face and how their actual identity is affected by the establishment and making a career. Employing a qualitative approach with a
Identifiering av svenska ordaccenter producerade av inlärare med två olika L1 med skilda tonala mönster
Svenska som främmande språk: Nybörjarkurs 3
The course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level B1:1. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, tThe course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level B1:1. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, t
Svenska som främmande språk: Nybörjarkurs 4
The course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level B1:2. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, tThe course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level B1:2. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, t
Svenska som främmande språk: Nybörjarkurs 2
The course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level A2. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, texThe course is structured in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The teaching aims to provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve language proficiency in Swedish equivalent to level A2. The course consists of teaching and practical exercises dealing with Swedish vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structure. Furthermore, tex
Svenska som främmande språk: Nybörjarkurs 1
The course Swedish as a Foreign Language: Beginner's course 1 (7.5 credits) is designed for those who are interested in acquiring and developing Swedish language skills and are interested in taking a language course with a rapid progression. By the end of the course you will be able to: Ask and respond to simple, routine and predictable questions Write short sentences with simple phrases about The course Swedish as a Foreign Language: Beginner's course 1 (7.5 credits) is designed for those who are interested in acquiring and developing Swedish language skills and are interested in taking a language course with a rapid progression. By the end of the course you will be able to: Ask and respond to simple, routine and predictable questions Write short sentences with simple phrases about